System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 50 - Mother Hellspawn.

From deep the barren land a vile presence reeks; with red murderous aura growing more morbid and intense as moments passed until the horde of ravaging mindless hellspawns; the beasts who would stop at nothing to bear their fangs at a living soul were now seemingly tamed with chattering jaws and low growling snarls they now stood motionless in the narrow path only after we heard an eerie sound of a wail, 'They stopped?' I thought but then;

This putrid encumbering air chilled my spine as familiarity then swept me a much cursed and recent memory; my grotesque state of the body of when The Captain stunned me in the night at the lot; when my legs refused the call of its master.

'Not this shit again!' I cursed, standing on top the pauldron of the Faceless Knight; as though he could see through my mental with his faceless helm staring dead ahead on the barren land he proclaimed, "Fear not Young Wizard! Ye with power must not succumb to the frightful call of the damned!"

Bringing me to wander, 'Fear?.... Is this fear?' a question which poked a stab at me in the mind, about a feeling I never craved to allow or thought that I- myself could feel.

As though he could read my mind, "He! Who has no fear, has no soul!" he then voiced, words which resounded in my ears and like the night at the lot when Fiora came to my rescue, from Pendragon's words I found solace, "I heard that line a couple of times in movies you dumb cunt!" said I with a smile, a Magus's way of thanking.

"I am the MOVIES!" he said, loud and clear.

"You don't know what movies are do ya?"

"I do not dwell in the wonted pleasures of mundane folks!"

"I do not dwell as well!" I chimed in along with his wordy drama.

** "Now! This is regarding the author and everyone who ever said my temperamental shifts were a curse. Look how I changed the mood here, from grim to jovial, aren't I just the best?" **

Our little talks then was removed by a deafening shriek, wailing from down the barren land.

"It is nigh!" said Pendragon, his colossal War-Hammer then morphed into a twin of long slender swords which he jerked in his palms, the way he swings the twins by just the palm I knew he was preparing for a quick fleeted battle.

"Do you know how ugly whatever that will be?" I pondered.

"Nay! Only seers could foretell these demons!"

"Nay indeed! Do you ever see them behave like this then?"

"Nay! I have not! This vile spawn to come harbors poison of the blackest depths of the abyss!"

"Mmm-hmm! Nay indeed!" I nodded my head to the verbose claims of the knight, it really looped in a soul to hear him speak, like a dialogue from a mind of early ages fantasies.

"Well can we fight it?" I said, sitting on his pauldron, a perfect spot for my beautiful bum.

"Fight it? NAY! I will devour it. Bring forth the serpent of the seven seas, let lightning be its breathe, come any who dwells on the depths of the damned. I SHALL BE HERE WHEN THE END IS FORGED!" high and most living as ever on drama, he would be hard to miss in a crowd, boastful edicts done with the most regal of verbosity.

"Okay! A simple yes would've been enough but whate-~" my witty remark was then abruptly and rudely ceased by the ground, trembling as pebbles rolled downhill from the path.

And slowly near the ends of the chattering horde of tier fours and under we saw, an abomination; colossal and horrid, crawling and creeping slowly with large slender limbs of grisly protrusions, dragging its mountain like spine which was hunched as the darkish-red rocks protruded all over it like sickly bones; a gruesome morbidity with no legs.

"That's the ugliest I've ever seen!" I exclaimed and as it looked on up and at us, my eyes were in horrors to see a rather obscene familiarity, "Is that?"

"Yes! The mother of morbid deaths, the harlot of Lucifer!" proclaimed Pendragon as his swords likely morphed into rings to which I cannot tell.

Our eyes were stung by the abhorrently striking structure it has with a human's skull and yet it further invoked disgust with its mouth; its jaws ran eerily wide and wider still as it harbors no neck but a hollow mouth where I assumed it lead straight to its stomach.

With yet another cursed wind it shrieked as we bore to a sight of where nightmares only spawned.

From its hollow eyes, its hollow nose, from its opened jaws; came and fell, and lunged and prowled, many an army of Hellspawns; the likes of which we slew for hours on end.

"They came from that?" I exclaimed with curvy mouth that showed disgusts, "Aeyai scan the thing!"

<Already ready!>

<Name: Mother Hellspawn>

<Tier 10>

<Note: From the eyes, nose and mouth it spawns hellspawns of tier 4 and below. Process of spawning is unknown but they likely hailed from the stomach>

"Holy fuck!"

"Young Wizard!" Pendragon called.

I braced my ear to prepare for the drama that was to come; However, "We retreat!" he blurted quickly, turning his back and I who sat at his cauldron faced the Mother Hellspawn along with him and there standing in the ready was the majestic steed.

On top the horse I was thrown, "Noble steed! The animals! Have they been led away?" he asks to which the horse simply neighed as I guessed that it was a yes.

The Hellspawns were indeed mindless as they simply stood like rock statues of the ugly mind, watching us by with their lowly snarls, mindless they were indeed, even the Mother down below who I assumed halted her blood lusting spawns before did not gave any wail to order an attack at us as she only slowly crept; yet with every push she makes to crawl further the earth trembles.

Such power, such ugliness in a colossal scale, I was proud to not have fought that abomination.

"What's tha- *Ahem!* Pray do tell! Was I promised a lie? Hath thy Knight sinned in sight of the ugly?" I tried my best tease in his language.

"This be a tactical retreat! This Knight will strike back, the lives of these lands are not in danger in the now.... Young Wizard! The strong knows when to fight!"

The blank yet breathtaking front of his helm allowed me no sight to tell of his facial expressions but I knew he somehow lied, not that I minded and as I agreed despite my urges to bicker at him, 'Fighting that thing and the unending uglies would be too much for just us.'

We climbed the narrow path as we sprint passed the vast plains of the mountain, given the speed of this steed it still irked a Magus as to why the Hellspawns had not followed us still, "Why aren't they following us, some of them were extremely fast!"

"This be in our favor, the spawns crumbles to dust and back to the flames of Lucifer's unholy domain if any dared and stray far from the harlot."

"Oh! Then where shall thee—No, we! go now?"

"Off this plain we ride! There be a safe heaven from the cruel grasps of the unforgiving lands!"

Just as I saw before, when he rode the steed in the falling steep of the mountain, rebels we were from gravity's laws as we rode down the dropping – killing steep to a place where Pendragon called a safe heaven.

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