System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 5 - Out And About. Part - II

'My eyes are taller back than, now they tower over me..' a poet -Phillipi claimed himself, reciting his poetry to a familiar sight which now seemed so new to his little blue eyes.

Phillipi walked the streets, his street that he was well versed in, where he know the little Chalk-board of Tessa's Cafe would read 'Regular's Wednesday.' today in a white chalk. -Yes! Phillipi very well knew that, for he had been a wiry giant amongst the marching footsteps in these streets, 'I know you yet we are now too far.' his mind, kept on the play.

He never noticed until now, not when he was in his room, not when he had first walked out the door. All the changes, his eyes beheld as he went in the cafe, a place he had let his muscle's memory took him every new mornings.

There he saw Tina; the waitress with her usual cap and grey apron minding the counter, her mouth thrashing a helpless little red gum, it was her favourite, blowing it big and the metamorphosis of the red gum turining pink then white was a sight Phillipi would always cringe at, his eyes would always flutter to the pop that those big gummy bubbles would have made but never did, 'She had talent in those.' he would used to think until now as it whipped a small peck of a *PoP* right as the little Phillipi stood across to order, 'A change!' he thought.

Roaming his eyes, there! on a table far across near the end sat Lee, still and always busy and clicking horses march on his laptop with a heavy creamy of whatever he would always sip slow, and then comes his very own favourite black coffee and Yes! Phillipi knew that it was still as dark as he had always loved. The taste of the coffee was the same, tapping his tongue as he would.

'As bitter as the day is to come.' he went on in his mind.

Little fluffy steps, led him outside, where people busied themselves, 'Look at them!.. yes I were them, a plebeian too once.' high on aesthetics, emotions filled he became an aesthete.

Then a passing tall bus, clean and washed cruised by Phillipi. The tall black glass reflects a shadow, in it Phillipi saw his past self, standing tall not 6 feet and under and before him towered by his past with an all black suit was Phillipi the young kid, the magus.

Taking a hard look, one thing was clear. A change not just in looks but in power, the reflection when Phillipi stared at it, he felt more lighter, more confident and he knew he was with power and the moment curved him a wicked smile from ear to ear yet for the many'eth times in the morn, his aesthetics seemed to grow dimmer replaced with his typical grandiose, filled with eager flames for using his newfound powers, in all excitement he shouted, "Plebeian rest easy cause here comes the bang! homies!"

With his journey taking its first slow steps, to the west of Liendry lies the town of Maw, Maw stood firm with its high walls like just the other towns were but this town stood mighty at the edge of the land where men dwelt, where it touches the wide blue glimmering seas called the Jarl's trident. Nothing of ordinary could be said of Maw, first was the anomaly which they named the 'Throat' of the world.

There! further out in the sea, past many waves lies a strange wall, with what or why was it made or placed remained unknown to the day.

First discovered in the first age by a local fisherman named Billy Bob, when he find himself pushed to a halt, he was anchored deep within, further cranking his propellers only forces his boat to simply turn in the starboard letting go of the engine in time he was thrown slightly off as his head bumped an invisible wall, which emitted small many waves which surfed high up to the sun, that was when he first noticed the 'Throat'.

Reports were given, as the groups of leaders from the six towns gathered for survey, with the power-borns in high numbers and the high walls the human's race survivability was not at stake from the many Hellspawns which remained true to this day.

Not long after, merely months later of it's first discovery the 'Throat' does a further intriguing anomaly; Men -A man, two woman and three children emerges out of the 'Throat'.

From bubbles of water, from the throat they emerge one by one, wearing nothing but a white gown like an embryo where the bubble were the shell, they floated to the town of Maw, there they descent in a long flat rock which climbed high, a small peak in the outskirts of Maw, the rock - the first men named 'The Hand' of the descents.

The men from the Throat never had memories of how they came to be, save for their names and speech, an intriguing aspects which to this day remained a mystery to be solved.

Now in present, for the forty-fourth time a single man emerges from the Throat.

This anomaly still remained of high topic, since there were cases for most of the 'Descents' to be a power-born and a descent power-born are always strong with high tier perks, so news crews and media flocked to The Hand and Leaders aimed to recruit these Descents under their leadership.

The world is ever now busy, as leaders sunctioned parties in search of any holes that allowed Hellspawns entrance inside the walls and now a Descent just after a day of that incident.

Competition for power emerges for many years now, people were blinded by the many ventures the power-born made outside the walls to thin out the Hellspawns incase they prove to be too many to handle in the future, while inside the many walls a mundane typical lust for greed had already played its hand and still it reigned even after the incident in Ensfield, leaders worked together but it was well-known by the public that they were biting each other's neck for blames.

As the news spread like wildfire, many channels broadcasted the Descent from Maw, the many screens played the news of the descent who just had woken up from his slumber.

The man was of black long hair, loose and wavy as he blinks, his pure black eyes paved no way for light as do the eclipse.

The man was taken in as Channel 9 showed and as Harvey narrated and reported the 'Waking' of the individual will be held later in the date.

Just before the news jumped to a new story, Phillipi walked like he was in a marching band, left - right - left - right.

Many eyes saw the cuteness while he was in his own delusional psyche, 'The grand powerful magus taking a stroll towards his enemies.' at least that was what Phillipi felt, never realising that he was putting it out buck naked in public eyes.





But then he stopped all in a sudden, jerking his lips left and right before blurting out all too suddenly, "Which way am I supposed to go???"

Scratching his long blonde hair on top into a bushy mess in a panic,"I know my quest and I know how to do it... yeah!! kill those two fuckers and they will know my name right?"


Amidst his panic his ear caught Harvey's voice, who reported, "Darius Mikel, an accused murderer on accounts of him pleading for insanity will be transferred in Wilhilm's Yell's asylum under top security....."

Harvey went on but to Phillipi it now fell to deaf ears, his fists clenched hard, trembling and enraged for he felt the pain of the boys and justice being taken away from them.

His aloof air, while he was in his march all in a sudden changed to that of something Maleficent, "There's the way!" he growled, all too true to claim it 'a growl.'

Since the recent event where hordes of Hellspawns were found inside the walls, in the farming town of Ensfield. Power-borns who were not out scouring for any holes, tunnels in and out the walls are now abundantly tasked more so than before with escorting travellers.

"I don't want none of those to follow me.... can't trust them." muttered Phillipi, hiding behind a tall plant on the sides of a fancy shop for the luxurious.

Slanted, mean blue eyes scanning the many power-borns and police standing guard in the sole exit for Wilhilm.

"How to skim through those dick heads? I don't have invisibility yet butt I have blink... but the range, Aeyai?!"


"A question mark??.... wha-" annoyed as he was he held back his easily tempered-with temper.

Sighing deeply, he said, "Whatever.... show me the skill blink.. details and all."

<Skill : Blink>

<Mana : 20>

<Cooldown : 6 seconds>

<Range : 20 feet>

<Cast time : Instant>

<Description : Blink to a target location with 0.44 second delay. the location needs to be in the line of sight of the user>

"Twenty fucking feet only??... In Dotta anti-sage could blink 950 yards at level 1." he mumbled lower with a slight pout, childish yet again, "They could still see me you know? not like I could ignore the cd."


Startling Phillipi, a slight jolt he jumped short and quick, "Where was the slow notification or or the alert that you always did??"

<Get past the guards>

<Type : Side quest>

<Rewards : >

<+3 agility enchant>

<+2 dexterity enchant>

<+60 mana points enchant>

<Description : Get past the guards and be on your merry way.>

"Hmm?!...." one eye closed, the other rolling up towards where he felt Aeyai would be, Phillipi does his tell.

"Isn't it wierd Aeyai?" he said calmly.


"I remember the first quest had no description, the second main QUEST showed me the exp gain and it had the description first before there were the rewards and now its the whole FUCKING OPPOSITE--.."

Breathing slow air of calmness and inner peace he gently said, "Tell me Aeyai!!!!" voice eerily calm but sounding tamed.

"Do you just give out random quests when you felt like it?"


Loud, shrieking, direct and abrupt like a drill sergeant, Aeyai replied.

Her voice met only a stunned dotted eyed Phillipi and she continued,


"Do you have volume controls?"

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