System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 6 - Spell : Blink. Don't Call Me A Kid!

In the exit gate of Liendry for Wilhilm, Phillipi scanned the bustling power-borns and policemen of blues and blacks, still prowing behind a tall plant, he whispered, "Can't I just kick all their asses?! but I'm level 1, in paper I'm a newbie...hmm!.."

<Aeyai is equipped wit-->

"There!" blurted Phillipi, "You didn't say I or me and did that Aeyai is, Aeyai this and that thing."

However casually ignoring the little Phillipi who drooled the ends of his lips down in an exaggerated frown questioning the ever changing system's way of speaking, the voice blurted,

<Aeyai is equipped with the ability to scan>

"Fuck dammit!" gritting his teeth in steam hot anger, a second is all it took to lit his easily ignite-able fire of temper and a second to be cool and calm, to put out the same fire.

A deep breath he took for that was what he learned, a famous way to calm himself in his many anger management therapies,"...okay okay... the ability to scan... Great! let's use that."



'Roger? that's new.'

<Three humans of level : 80 and above!>

<Ten humans of level : 60'S - 50'S>

<Twenty-three humans of level : 40 and below>


'Note! that's a new one too.'

<Focus vision on an individual for a more detailed scan>

"Okay!!... that much I'd figured I'd had to do."

"Here goes.... EYES SCAN!" his neck stretched towards his target, his eyes turned wider than wide, popping out from the sockets and its uneasy gaze single-ing out a power-born wearing a black cloak, a target he picked for cloak harbours mysteries.


<You don't need to stare.... disappointingly for the scan to work>

"Oh okay!... he-heh!"

"Wait!.. did you just say disappointingly-?"


Quick, louder than usual Aeyai interrupted Phillipi and like a child easily swayed Phillipi with lips that flared in awe exclaimed, "Oh!"

<Target Name : Damian Nagata>

<Race : Human (M)>

<Age : 26>

<Level : 99>

<Perk : Shadow Manipulation>

<The target is currently calm and watchful>

"Wow! I'm impressed... that's a lot of details." whispered Phillipi.

"Hmm!" he does his tell yet again, "Can't I just fight them all? What about my OP perks and shit?!"

<At Master Phillipi's current level, Aeyai suggests taking a passive, a stealthy approach>

"I'm OP aren't I?! What about that Adrenaline rush thing or that Anubis time? thing? that sounded OP ya know!"

<Strength alone will get you nowhere>

Phillipi was impressed with Aeyai, mind you the annoyance he felt, Aeyai served more help than torture.

"Hmm..." he wandered many plans to sneak through.

Since an unsupervised child journeying alone with a handsome cash at his pockets seemed passable but it smelled fishy also he was to do his reveal to the world which ruled out passing as a mundane civilian. His little mind ran a simulation where he would be traced back to his apartment after he made his grand reveal, with what little connections he had, 'So if me go as plebeian, and since some already saw me come out of the house so the thinkers can go after Rich or Aunty, ofcourse I'd have to show meself sooner or later but they can't know I came from Liendry, Phillipi no want that.'

Coming up with a plethora of ways to sneak out of the gate, among all his little plans his skill Blink was the main star of the show,"I should've tested it out first. How would using it feel like?"

"Hey there little kid!" then a prying voice, baby talked the little kid hiding behind the plant.

Suddenly startling Phillipi, he then stood upright making not much a difference in height, "Who?...." he retorted.

Phillipi turned a raged filled creaking neck, glaring with dead eyes right up at the man and continued, "The Fuck are you calling a kid?"

"Woa-hoho!.. language... where are your parents?" the man laughed it off.

"I don't know they're at a place where everyone should just mind their own FUCKING business!!" exploded Phillipi, flipping the man off, not with one but two mean fingers.

Phillipi's little outbursts for being called kid came to a stop when a supply truck rolled slowly pasts, his eyes shifted its oceanic gaze at the truck cruised towards the gate, suddenly hit with an astounding idea and completely ignoring the man Phillipi ordered, "Aeyai can you scan that?"


"Scan? aw!! sorry kid. You're playing a game." said the man, beaming a smile at Phillipi.

In an instant Phillipi seemed to have lost it for the many-eth time for the day, as his reddened face shook for he was now a beast readying himself to pounce at the word kid but as timing has it he was locked in a quest and there he bore the urge to slap the man or two,

<Scanning complete!>

<Inorganic material>

<Type : Heavy Vehicle>

<Name : Rata Motors ' Sr 7>

"Too much stuff to read.... keep it short!" while he appeared irk'ly calm, his anger was always on thin ice, now even more so from the clueless man behind.

<Supply vehicle>

<Carrying goods and a peculiar energy to which I cannot say what or which>

"Must be something secretive... wait! can I blink inside it?"

The whole scene was observed by the man who rather enjoyed what he believed to be a chūnibyō in his sight.

<No! Blink can only be used when your target location is in your line of sight>

"What do you mean line of sight?"

<The truck's getting away!>

"For the love of..... You!" his finger spearing a thrust at the sky -presumably at Aeyai, "You're personality is all over the place and you!" then stabbing daggers to the man, "You're fucking sick oggling at a child." blinking rapidly, his tongue just spit truth but deep down he felt it was a blunder, "I'm... I'm, I'm thirty fucking years old, so fuck off!" he screamed a fading volume of curses as he ran for the truck.

"Woah! I'm fast?!!!" he then exclaimed with pride: a smile, downcast were his quick fleeting little feet captivating the man whom he had just flipped off a second time.

In his thrill, small streaks of pink substituted his blonde hair from the right as his heart beats a rapid banging drum.

'The truck has no roof.... I can blink there.' he thought, his eyes targetting the opening between two parcels, coincidentally placed so no guards could see Phillipi blink onto the truck and since Blink required the user to see where he was going to blink at, the space of the tippy top of the parcels which Phillipi could see was the blind spot to the guards, it was the perfect oasis.

His blue eyes with help from the system's menu or 'box' which Phillipi nodded to -judged the distance where he would have to blink, an useful perk in itself, Aeyai had continued to proof.

'Okay.. here goes...!' closing his eyes, an understandable reaction for a first time of which he had not a clue of what or how it would feel like.

*Pooof* in the eyes of the man watching the Magus, Phillipi vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but small specks of blue magic duats which too vanished right after.

A delay of .44 seconds, in that period Phillipi felt nothing. No feeling of being in a different plane for if he was he would have known.

The feeling he felt was a simple blink his eye would leisurely often do and a slight tingling at the bum and he was there where he set his sight to.

Falling down, a slight crash from his bum to a smaller parcel below, "Mission successful, and that was my first magic spell by the way.... how you think Aeyai?" smirking with pride.


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