System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 7 - Gluttony

"Fuckk Damnn!... that was epic!!" Phillipi's eye sparkled in lust, the thrill of the mission -Blinking onto a moving truck, streaked himself a hair of a pair of pink strains as he did when he crashed all those many back-flips.

Lost in that thrill of having used his first skill, the intoxicating delight he felt more sharpened by the rouge pink of his perk's Adrenaline Rush he failed a rule of stealth.


<Stealth required players to be undetected and quiet!>

Annoyed to the voice as he was, he knew his mistake and he gently in a whisper of a growl,

"Players?... since when did you start calling me a fucking Player? Don't change your style stick to sucking one dick at a time!!"


<Adrenaline Rush : 0.97%>

Underatandable as it was, his loud yelp of excitement earned the attention of two power-borns, the rest seemed to not have heard, might the truck proved to be deafening -or were it a child simply yelling even if it reeks of vulgarity.

The two power-borns swift and striking were their quick attentive gaze which pin-pointed towards the truck as it slowly squeezed its breaks.

The first to make way to the driver's door in mere seconds was a prime example of a being standing in a pedestal with long auburn hair, fierce and curled like wild fire let loose to her shoulders, they burn in the slight spring breeze, she -close to near instantaneously came at the driver's side of the high placed door.

"Open up. Driver!" clear, direct -she commanded an order.

Having heard the fierce command, Phillipi gasped and gaped, "Uh-Oh!".

'I'm fucccked!' as his adrenaline meter went down to zero as his hair reverts to its natural blonde.

The other power-born: Damien cared not for the sound, his focus was elsewhere.

The resounding growl from the lioness reminded him of Fiora Griffin, the only woman to have make it to the Eighth ranking of power-borns. Her fire manipulation perk she mastered enough to bend scorching magma to her will, it allowed her to shine more bright but it was more her resilient will and her utmost take on discipline that earned her respects.

In a glance, her irises were two large stars, and her gaze were hot embers.

A fire so burning it was vibrant with red. A clear set of whites with two giant red suns shone at the driver as Fiona commanded, "Sir! Tell me what you are transporting?" her mean but honorable glare demanded to know.

It was always an order.

Her burning gaze which burnt the driver in the eye, making him nervous, a sweat he perspired on his brows, "Uhh!! 'Mont'ella' and a couple of some old stuff of mine."

"I see! May I just take a look at the back!!!!" her request, rather it was a bastard child of an order.

Questions, she never asked but instead ordered from her lips of rose red, dangerous in her beauty, flaunting the might of a Lioness.

"Shiiitt Fuckkk!!! Why didn't I change Invisibility for level 1. That dumb little Phillips!!" cursing at his past, jittery feet he took fright to what was bound to happen if he remained still.

The driver, his kind eyes obediently complied to the resounding voice, "Ye-yeah! ofcourse... follow me!"

'He's going?!!.. he was alone right??" he wondered and a small ray of hope cast a nervous yet relieving smile, a plan he come up with: to blink to the driver's seat while they check round the back.

Craning his neck a quick twist and turn to the back but only to meet a small cutted glass, all too blurred to see through.

It was now a guillotine -swift, precise and lethal, 'Fucckkkkkk!!!' his voice echoed in his head, a long curse and with the utmost restraint, as his eyes cursed the little glass at the back which was impossibly further away and damned they were blurred.

A small window of hope that would allow him a sight to the driver's seat, a requirement he must meet so he could use blink in his plan for cover, "Only if I could get closer."

The option of standing and sneaking a tiptoed crook was not a wise move, the carrier of the truck were too small to hide even a standing child, only the taller parcels gave him cover from the sides and if he so much as dared to peek he was bound for capture and peeking to see any eyes watching him was a chance the brave revenger did not wished to take.


"Fine! Lead the way!"

Making way for the driver to exit the truck, Fiora's movement were minimal, strong, disciplined and quick.

"Fuucccckkk!!" Phillipi whispered a more longer disciplined gruff of restraint, like dogs in training, sitting in the face of temptation from their favorite toys, sweats of worry and desperation poured down his brows, "Uhhh!... Aeyai do you have like an x-ray vision or something??... Kinda would definitely need it."

'If only I can see who's at the back.. then I could sneak up.' he thought, quick thinking rather strange for a man with short fuses.

A thought which served him praises from Aeyai which she would ever not voiced out and since a single peek of a mere flash was all he needed to see through the screen.

Aeyai could always telepathically tell and know of Phillipi's thoughts no matter how volatile her master was, she was a system which could keep up with any dish thrown at her RAM and she knew the solution to the problem but never the less she complied to his question accordingly and with sas,

<I am not designed to have X-ray visions or something!>

With a reply solely derivative of Aeyai, designed to dumb-struck Phillipi and sure -stricken he was, leaving him a frozen tongue. Always time for rowdy back-and-forths which they would have many lots of times over and way over.

<Using Gluttony can sense mana which in this world would be an inner force : Inner force is never use by normal civilians.>

Aeyai now explained one of her quirk, a detailed run-down on his other perk.

"Just use it!!" a grunt -harsh and mean, and mind you it was a whisper.

<Using Perk : Gluttony>

Phillipi felt a sense of awareness which spread wide in a perfect circle, distance measuring ten feet from where he sat as the epicenter but the sudden surge overwhelmed Phillipi, "Uhh!?!?!!??" the seconds he had before he was bound to be caught whittled down to few, then fewer.


The voice sounded soothing to the heart, synthesized still to the ears but Phillipi felt the care of a reliable companion. Her words were hands that guides the senses back to Phillipi, a pin releasing him from the panic 'ping-ing' in his mind, breathing big and deep he closes his eyes.

Slowly he began to see blue mists with little clouds of many whites flowing in the rhythm of flames for every organic organisms in his sight, 'Woah!! I see them.' he thought, 'They're just smokes and not insects!' the hang of seeing mana comes all too naturally.

In the sight granted by Gluttony, beings were represented instead with fluttering smoke of blue and white.

Only the mad could count them all, they were littler stars in the magnitude, the plentiful mana he saw were ants of whites and blues, like fireflies they spread all around and some were big and fierce like trees -tall and were the most intense so were the little plants which varies in sizes, then comes humans as he turned his head towards Fiora and two others.

Fiora flaunted more mana that Phillipi could just pick her off, her blues and whites were wild and more intense than the other two, and one more with a meagre lesser glow walked among them, 'Yup! That's Driver-san alright!'

'This is cool, Okay now.. who's over there?.'

He now took a glance towards the rear end of the truck, to his mouth gaping relief he saw no mana that resembled a shape let out by humans but strange he thought when he caught a glimpse of what appeared to be concentrated mana, a perfect shape to be of a human coming from a little shoe box near his feet, "Maybe they're checking down under?" he whispered, assuming the power-born were having a thorough search but the faded smoke this mana let out was peculiar, trickling the part of the brain who's curious to know.

But time did not allow Phillipi to have a moment of investigation.

'Now or never!' he sprang from where he sat motionless towards the little slender window, making the littlest sound his little body could tiptoed.

Far from where Phillipi exercised his first skill uses: In Maw, there it was confirmed from the waking in the Hand, that the recent Descent was a power-born, such was the only case as what common folks could only explain for the menacing air that seemingly encumbered the many representatives from all six towns.

Roaring debates are competitions in the war of vocals and in Maw the moment when a Descent flowed in The Hand marked the time for the six leaders or representatives of each towns to clear their throats for the violent buzzing that was to come.

Normal protocol would call for the largest town of Wilhilm to take in a normal Descent but when the Descent is a power-born -if as though men saw an enemy in his brethren, a struggle for power burnt in such cases.

Here! sny tongues which promises sweet favours would find success in seduction. It was a fight for grabbing power, for a higher pedestal for each to stand on.

The Descent called himself Nagata Li, the commotion he caused was in the reveal of his perk, a power which gave him the right to summon, control and manipulate blackholes. A menacing perk, one which stood mighty in the rankings that the people made solely by the name.

"I want time but by the looks of all your faces It seems I don't have much left of it..." said Li, still confused though he was to the many folks who reaches to him with sweet nothings and fiercely gnawing their teeth towards their own others, with all the heavy air he woke up in, he wore a perfume of regality and with a blink that dared not put their master in a low stature, he was not one that would be easily swayed by promises of gold.

"And it seems I don't have much time either, I am Nagata Li, 32 years old and I can conjure this little whirlpools of black..." with that Li conjured five miniature whirpools, deaf darkness was its epicentre but his display of pocket blackholes was not what piqued the gaping folks who were in his presence, it was his claim in his age. Thirty two -an age with not much of interest in it, just an age but for a Descent from the throat, he was the first to be this old and now a new discovery.

Greed! as though the nigh apocalyptic break-in was nonexistent, or were it the truat that all had on power-borns that many if not all were eerily calm.

"I don't care right now of what your towns possessed, feed me I'm hungry!" Li huffed as he presented his hunger out for the public to grasp his interest.

Bold words from a bolder face.

"Thirty two?... Hmm??!! I know it's not but it is.. Yes! but how?... Thirty two?... am I deaf? No I'm not... Hmm!!!" behind the many folks, below a many waists and there he was the jittery Quack, "Yess!! We shall.. Yes! We shall see your age.... hehehe!" giggling with his own brand of a chaotic smirk.

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