System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 53 - Meeting.

"Greetings! Leaders of the six sisters! Reasons regarding health, Elder Sloan won't be joining us! I had took the liberty of informing her and I doubt anyone of you will say Nay of her absence, I will personally head out to Maw when the meeting is concluded.... Now!"

On round a wooden table; finely made, sat all the leaders of the towns, from the far Ensfield to Arthe. All except the leader of Maw were present and as the host of the meeting; Lord Garen of Clan Sunflower with his fine and sharp moustache started the meeting with a greeting as he stood.

All leaders then followed, standing up to respect the official table and each other's presence as they raised a goblet made of fine gold and embezzled with jewelleries, an age long tradition which they name, 'The Goblet of swears'

Raising his arms, Garen incited a short ceremony,

"All lies and spites are removed only cold truths will burn!" they all chanted drinking wine from the goblet.

"Now! To the matter at hand! We all have seen the videos! What be your thoughts on it!" commanded Garen, a tone much like his daughter who stood behind his tall chair.

The meeting allowed all six leaders to come with a guard and all the guards were to make hold any slippery tongues, they were not permitted for words unless asked.

Speaking first was Billie Kim, "What's the rush Lord Garen, it's so rare to have a get-together like this. You're making a lady wonder if you shoot your little pistol just from a touch?" purred the lady with a fluffy pink woolen shawl, she was hard to miss and harder to not fall for a seductress she was, meant to charm all eyes.

Her bright pink eyes then flutters seeing Burke standing behind Po and Fiora behind Garen, "Elder Po!? why was that hunk behind you having a romantic stare-down in my town with Fiora nonetheless,,, You know! I just don't see them going well together!"

A fact she knew of what happened but her teasing nature incited her to beat around the bush.

Po; once a beggar who now ruled Lass-Creek, a wise old sage who ruled for two centuries and over, "Ohohohoh! Youngsters and their antics, an old man like me will never know why,,, Ohh!! my! my! would you believe it?!" he blurted staring downcast his seat, "My wriggling gun just woke and I thought he was dead! Am I too old to be asking for your hand Miss Kim? Ho-hohohoh!" chuckled Po in his little glee and shrunken stature.

"Youngsters? Marriage? you have long ran out of privileges for using those words, Old Beggar Po!" in came Timble with his pompous nature to undermine all.

"Hush Pig! I'll choose an old skin shedding geezer over you any time of the day!" berated Billie.

"Want a taste?" replied Timble.

"Enough with the pig talk! I want to know why and how a little boy could sneak in your prison Miss Kim!" chiming in then was Lin Bi'Fong of Ensfield, a pale skin beauty with curvy eyes and cherry blushes on her cheeks.

"Pig talk? Why's everyone against me?" Timble voiced a question, waving his hand in demand for more wine, which his guard acknowledges and acted quick.

A rather neatly dressed with a poise of a fine gentleman of long blonde hair and debonair, he poured Timble a drink over his rotund shoulder.

"It was not Miss Kim's fault! Fiora! Enlighten us with reports of the boy!" commanded Garen.

"This we have to hear." Said Lin as Fiora came forward.

"Respected Leaders! It is true that we harbored the little Magus at the time of the scene, however we played no hand in assisting him on the chaos inside Cell block 13. After the scene we apprehended the boy!" reported Fiora.

"Is this true? What about the scene mentioned by Miss Kim? Didn't she said that Burke and you were in a face-off?" probed Lin, a calculating lady who aimed to garner all facts or half truths or any rumors when it comes to any situations which she deemed worthy.

"Yes! That's true, I was the one who stopped their romantic date." Replied Billie.

"Then I'm guessing the boy was the case?" Lin raised yet another question, arms folded to a stern demand.

"The boy was the case! Didn't you see the video? And if you ask me you should arrest scum rebels like him, they're nothing but trouble!" claimed Timble, his beady eyes then fell towards Zack who sat a quiet man.

"Does those beady eyes aim to throw salt at me, Mister Timble?" with a rugged voice Zack finally spoke, "Nevermind Mister Timble, Lady Fiora please continue!"


"It is indeed true! Burke came in as any other who sought for peace would, it was at both of our interest that we apprehended the boy. There was no ill will on both our sides!" Fiora reported, "As we all know the officials had caught wind of the boy and his proclamation of uprooting the social hierarchy was taken as an act of terrorism and Burke came in with hopes for a peaceful solution for both the boy and the officials which He alone lulled their displeasure with the boy."

Lin shifted her sight on Burke and asks, "Is this true?"

To which Burke answered with a short, "Yes!"

"The officials are rather getting out of hand lately, if time goes on like this what's to say of our positions as leaders?" addressed Timble, gulping down his wine glass in a big pouring drain.

"We have news on that but that's not a matter of concern right now Mister Timble. One case at a time!" Garen stated and as the host he has the last say in a topic which was currently being discussed.

"Fine, you're the host!" shrugged Timble.

"Okay! Officials were angered. Noted! Now what of the boy where and how is he?" Lin probed again to which Kim teases, "Lady Lin comes with baggage today!"

"The boy is made a temporary trainee under my watch! I placed him on a training cum scouting mission past and beyond the track of the hall. Now reporting the origin of the boy!" Fiora without a pause continued her report, with not a revised peek on a note she said what her sharp mind had collected, "The boy is named Phillipi Mason he calls himself Phillipi The Grand Magus! He was not clear on his whereabouts but he had faint memories of the incident of 43."

And as a Magus had requested, she hid my identity, keeping it a secret she accepted my plea.

Not that I was entirely honest with her yet she was loyal to a promise as she continued her report, "Phillipi is sixteen years of age but he knows more than what he should. We came to a conclusion that he was part of the 'Cleansing act' and after that he was taken as an orphan, to which his parents died in the incident of 43, he showed an unstable volatile nature particularly when the name Rammus and Storm Jack were mentioned and that further proved my theory that he was one of the babies used in the Cleansing act!"

Mentions of the the Cleansing act brought about an air of silent grim in the meeting, until, "The Cleansing act? That explains his power." noted Lin breaking the silence.

"I thought we agreed on to never talk about that cursed thing again!" spewed Timble

"Yes! But it is a theory and needed to be said. Fiora on with the report!"

"Yes Father! On our way from Liendry to Wilhilm we were attacked by bandits with perks, their eyes were crazed with bloodshot veins among them was a man named 'Kurt' who was on par with my fire, we captured two bandits taken out by Phillipi but they died in the interrogation room in the prison. On our return we uncovered a tunnel which leads us to the hall and the tracks."

Reports of the recent mysteries were given by Fiora with no truths spared except of my origins and whereabouts.

The meeting as expected was now bound to be rowdy, however there was a commotion far outside the hall of the Sunflowers where the meeting took place.

In a place; far and separated by the long stoned bridge of the plateau, the many power-borns who came along with their leaders were bustling about.

Standing in a circle; rowdy man, woman and all ages with a varying colorful personalities cheered for a face-off between two young, slender ladies.

One of the two attractions was a young lady, with a soft pink skin tight suit, sticking to her skin from the neck to the soles of her feet, with a proud little chin held up she let her wide glistening eyes leer over Rianna.

A battle of cubs was soon to erupt, Rianna stood with her own little pride as the two were surrounded by the rests of the power-borns.

If it comes to looks, the soft pink lady tied her head to a high ponytail enticing the eyes of the boys with a developing voluptuous body, which likely incited the jealous heart of Rianna who now knew of the powers of curves of one's body, which Reina teased her with the other day.

"We're the same age RiRi! It's not my fault you have a plain chest!" teased the other lady, flaunting her figure with a spin as her long tied hair graced the air.

"*Hmph!* Like that's all the thing that mattered, Girl's like you have pea sized brains!" barked Rianna.

"At least! I have a a beautiful hair Rianna!"

"That's just because of your perk Mordred!"

"Rianna!" grunted Mordred as the both of them harrumphed, taking angry thumping steps closer to the other, "Mordred!" barked back the other until their heads rammed pushing against each other.

As the rest chanted, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT!"

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