System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 54 - Younglings Will Fight.

The more elite, older power-borns were at the other side of the bridge, a massive line of them stood outside, standing guard outside the wide hall of the sunflowers.

Among which Samara and the rest were a part of, "What's with the buzz over there?" whispered Samara to Reina who stood besides her.

"I don't know probably the boys competing for being the Alpha!" Reina chuckled in her reply.

"Nope! They're foaming over our beautiful Mordred!" chimed in a man of short black hair, with a cartoonish love signs for eyes.

You would have to see it to believe it but it was indeed hearts which popped out of his eye sockets.

"Creep!" exclaimed Reina with blank eyes of disgusts.

"Shut your trap! Arnie!" coming in with a slap at the head of the man was Ryuma, a lady yet strong and mighty was her physique.

"How you doing Samara?" she then said after the hard slap.

"Fine! How do you? Jock!" sneered Samara, a challenging sneer from the corner of her plump lips as she reaches out a hand for a shake.

"Only if this wasn't an official meeting!" smiled the other reaching for the shake.

Samara and Ryuma; as though both were trying their utmost might to crush the other's palm, they had a teeth grinding war of a handshake, both masking the strength they poured into their arms by a forced smile they barely showed each other. Staring at them with silly and dumb soft chuckles were Arnie and Reina, both who understands their hot-headed partners.

On the far end side of the plateau, Rianna and Mordred were still clashing with their heads, like two rams trying to force the other into submission.

"Give it up Riri!" grunted Mordred as the green grasses beneath the two were marred with the strength they poured into their feet.

"Okay!" said Rianna abruptly as she suddenly slid to the side, causing Mordred to stumble a little and she continued as she faces her back, "Since I'm the more mature here, I'll let it SlIDE!" she emphasized, poking fun at Mordred who slid as Rianna suddenly disengages from their little head pushing bout.

"More mature? With that flat chest?" rebuked Mordred who manages to recollect herself.

"It's the mind which makes you an adult, little GIRL!"

"*HMPH!* Whatever!" flicking her hair, Mordred decided to halt her little insult.

"Aren't you gonna fight?" then a scream they heard from the crowd.

"Yeah! What's with the pitiful end." Followed another.

"Yeah! Don't be a tease!"

Young power-borns, yet powerful enough they were brought in the meeting for experience, sent to spend times together with others of the same age.

It was never known when a fight to rule all the towns would occur, or when the Hellspawns would come to eradicate them all, so keeping and training these fledgling power-borns of the new generation was indeed a necessity.

"The strongest of us? Don't make me laugh!" in came a pompous brat followed by his goons.

"That's Damon!"

"They say he has the power level of tier 4!"

"He's one of the strongest among us right?"

Murmured the crowd.

A young boy, taller than his age walked in between the middle of the two girls, with three goons he always kept.

"If you're not gonna fight than beat it! You don't deserve to be here!" he said, with a smug little smile.

"Don't the people want to see a fight?" he voiced, arms wide as he basks for cheers in the middle of all the crowds.

"You can fight with Rianna, I don't fight ugly boys!" not even batting an eye, Mordred retorted.

"What's that?" angry eyes from the goons aimed at Mordred.

"Why would I fight you? You're pathetic!" scoffed Rianna.

"Pathetic? Why? Because you and your greedy clan protected that fake ass Phillipi from the feed?" accused Damon.

Erupting the crowd to murmur noises once more, when Damon mentioned yours truly.

I was a celebrity need I remind you of it? And it seemed like everyone here knows of my name, even Mordred, her wide eyes gleamed in the mention of my name as she quickly turned her head to Damon and Rianna.


"What did you say about my clan?" seethed the fire cub, little sparks immediately rises on all her limbs.

"Ohh! Looks like we have ourselves a fight!" Damon told the crowd, feeding off their rowdy cheers.

But suddenly, a swooshing wind knocked two of Damon's goons to the ground, it was Mordred who's hair were now set loose, beautiful pink it draped to the ground below in a beat she stood next to Rianna.

With wide twinkling eyes, she grasped the palms of the fire cub, "You know him?" she breathed fast and heavy asking with a banging hear beat.

Sounding rather mellow, her eyes as Rianna judged grew wider, dilating more and looking a little crazed then she continued to blurt, "Where is he? Can I meet him? Is he tall or short? I don't care either way! Riri! TELL ME!" wide crazed eyes, lips which quavered questions as they lightly drooled, demanding answers.

"He's on a mission." Slowly replied Rianna, leaning back as Mordred craned her curious, demanding eyes closer to the fire cub.

Letting go of her palm, Mordred made her hair change colors to blonde etched with strands of pink as she let them tie themselves high into a ponytail; a perk that let her manipulate her hair, from colors to whatever with her imagination being the only limitation.

"Do you see?" she smiled, as her eyes glimmered, "Just like him! He-he! And he smiles so cute,, like this!" two slender fingers drew herself a wide smile and like a fruit, a small doll of Yours truly likely made by her hair sat on top her shoulder blade.

"How dare yo--!" Damon tried to chime in however his mouth was shut by Mordred, "SILENCE!" she shrieked catching Damon's tongue shutting him up.

She; who turned swiftly towards the noise with a wild stretched out hair, in every direction; like spikes from wheels they were, as each ends were jagged and pointing thorny daggers at Damon.

Reverting her sights to Rianna, "Let's get out of here." She says, as she grew and manipulated her currently blond hair into a large board equipped with a giant fan that spins hard enough to enable her to ride it without wheels, strong enough as they could levitate off the ground.

Although weirded-out Rianna accepted her offer to delve more onto what she had to say, 'I should listen, why was she acting like that? Is she in L – O – V – E with Phillipi?' with every letter she spelt in her mind she grew more reddened on the cheeks as what her senior sister Reina teasingly told her came and haunt the little cub, 'If you don't act soon, some slut will steal him away from you!' Reina's words echoed in her little mind.

O'How a Magus is lucky with the ladies.

On the hair made board powered by the hair made fan, they rode of out of sights, it was then that Damon threw a fit, spouting dares and blames of cowardice, "Yeah! You're lucky I don't fight girls!" he shouted.

Then; from the crows stepped out a young man, on the smaller side among all the young power-borns, with long an auburn hair like Fiora and Garen, he shouted, "What say you of our Clan?"

A little Lion with his roar and tone that demands instead of asking.

"It's the son of Lord Garen!" claimed an onlooker.

"What's it to ya? Does what big brother said makes the little lord mad?" snorted in his laughter. A rotund boy, one of the goons of Damon poked a fun leaning in with a wide opened chin.

A massive pile of chin or chins presented itself, which the little lion was far too kind to quickly lend a hand, "Flaming Brick break: Upper!" he roared, as flames burnt up from his elbows to his little fist. An upper-cut engulfed with flames which caught the rotund boy clearly off-guard sending him flying quite a lengthy feet in the air.

"Manny?" yelled Damon, "Catch that pig! He'll get hurt!" pushing his two other goons.

A pompous brat he was yet he knew of loyalty and care even if it was for his laughably mundane bully of goons, it was a noteworthy act.

"Okay! Go away little lord, I won't hit ya!" Damon shrugged him off, his palm shoving him away.

However, "Apologize!" demanded the little lion and his fierce mane, standing ready for any battle.

"For what?"

"You called my clan greedy!"

"When? I didn't remember it!"

"Well I do!" roared loud another power-born.

It was always a roar, for the descendants of Clan sunflower.

From high the sky with blazing fire and like a comet he landed with a flashy smile, "Little Brother! Let me handle this!"

The younger lion dropped his guard as his elder brother arrived to the scene, "Roger!" he said, the littler lion cub had not a smile drawn in his face, he was serious with raging temper condemning Damon with all his little might; while the elder brother was wide with an eager smile, his set of burning eye screamed of excitement, 'Yes! A fight with a strong man like me!'

"Ezreal! I was wondering where you are!" smiled Damon, with a palm shoving his goons away.

The crowd was enliven once more, as the two prepared to take their heavily sought after fight.

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