System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 58 - A Gathering Of Powers Is Bound To Be Wild.

All in a hair's breath the air in the plateau grew heavy from just two of the highest echelons staring down at each other.

Burke; tall, burnish and mighty, a man among men, towering over Tristan who himself was slender and over a feet of six, Burke was simply a pillar of the apex of muscles, his shoulders were simply bizarre, bulges of rock hard muscles who yielded to none.

Yet the calming gay eyes of Tristan never wavered in the shadow of the hulking man. The two upper echelons were locked, either one daring each other to move.

The petals he manipulated swept John away to Ming who immediately uses his blobs on all his limbs, keeping him unable to move, "LET ME GO!!" yelled John and many more growling rants, only he was now making noises until Ming covered his loud mouth with another blob.

"Idiot! Look what you caused, if this turns ugly, I'm having a chat with Mister Timble about your pay!" scolded Ming with a warning.

Pride and power dictated strengths in the hierarchy of the power-borns.

With pride an upper echelon will fight another and with power the damage was tantamount to a huge loss from both parties, that includes the public tongues, who would talk about who won and lost for days to come, so a fight between the upper echelons was a major sundering case.

Eager they all were to see yet hesitant they all were for the outcome and even to them; the ones who stood at the top, it was a gamble to fight with another yet their desire speaks otherwise, to test one's strength and a worthy fight is a thirsted thrill they all seek.

"Well! Well! Looks like we have a barbeque here,," from high the many branches of the castle's roof stood another tall figure, a red overcoat; the outlines burns with fire as was his blaring hair and fists, their flames were waved wild by the soft blowing winds.

With not an ounce of hesitation he joined the fray, jumping down with blazing sparks Darius the Flame tyrant had come, pumped chest brought out for all to see from the middle of his burning opened coat, "Mind if I join!" yowling with deep trumpeting laughs he walked with mighty steps closer to the two.

"Samara! If you're going to fight do it! Don't stand there like a weakling! Win, lose FIGHT!" words of the utmost of confidence he walked past Samara and Ryuma who stood with their perks activated yet caught in place by the tension between the higher echelons.

"OH?" as his eyes spied another attraction, " Yahahah! Fuck these two tame assholes!" he then said, stopping his menacing steps just before reaching Burke and Tristan, his burning hair of yellow and bright red turned their scorching desire towards the stairs where the horned man was, pointing a finger he proclaimed with an eager wide smile, "I WANT YOU RANGAR!"

"WAHAHAH! Darius!" drunken wide eyes hollered at Darius, shirtless to shirtless; their eyes met in the middle.

Wide and broad chiseled muscles for armor, Rangar stood a maleficent hulking beast of his own, his horns made to bash through any in battle, he made his way answering the call of challenge.

"Stand back all of ya! I'm going to bash those flames to smokes!" he says, smile for smile and battle lust to the other, two battle mongers had found their joy for the day.

"I did say I came for barbeque! Who wants roasted ram for dinner!" thundered Darius.

The other elites then began to murmur, "This is intense."

"There's four of them now and these two are the worst of them all!"

"Where's the other three?"

And suddenly, "There's Nobunaga!" hollered out one of the elites.

As all eyes followed her voice, beneath a blossoming tree of white cherry blossom, knelt and sat a man; closed eyes yet aware; a wild and long thick, bushy hair of black, made tidied and adorned by a ponytail.

A cloth of dark blue and a kimono he bothered not of the rowdy air just besides where he was.

"He's so calm and and silent?!"

"I thought he was still on an expedition outside the walls?"

"No! they just returned yesterday."

The elites went on in their gossips, but hearing the shout of where Nobunaga was, was Darius who immediately hurled a small ball of fire on the samurai likely to incite the meditating man to join the fray, however he purposedly missed by a slight margin; which Nobunaga even as his eyes were closed did not bother to dodge anyhow, awareness to feel a slight hint of change in the presence around him was inhumane even to the calibre of power-borns, "Heh! Same as ever!" commented Darius who expected it.

But as he turned he was now face to face with the slightly shorter but more larger Rangar and his colossal horns, smiling wide with lidded drunken eyes.

"Shall we?" growled the horned man, the two were ever dressed with a smile.

"Aren't we already?!"

All the while Burke and Tristan never made a move, nor their eyes ever blinked.

Much like the standoff Burke had with Fiora, it was always a battle of the mind that comes first when it comes to Burke.

But before anything could went on further;

"HALT!" roared the lioness.

Another beast hath came.

With a roar that captured and thawed away the rowdy aura of the place;

"DARIUS! COME!" she then commanded.

"NO!" smiling still at Rangar, which the latter reciprocated in kind.


"What?! But!! Fuck it...." he sighed gritting his teeth for all to see, "Next time then Rangar!"

"Wahahah! Yer all just a tease!"

Darius then lit off his fires as a long and loose auburn hair swept as he walked away, smiling innocence at Fiora all the way.

"Samara assist Touka and Raul in the diner!" an order from her Captain which she immediately followed.

"Too bad Ryuma!" she said as she walked past her rival; her rival who smiled as she bid Samara off with a nod.

Slowly, all the individuals who took the limelight in the tussle disperses, safe for John who Ming had left as the latter headed straight to where Fiora was;

Behind the lioness and her dignified presence came all the leaders.

The meeting, their motive of the day had now came to an end.

County Zack then came forth the first followed by the nervous Melody, leading the way in the shade of his umbrella, "Well, well! Are we playing nice?" rugged smiles shared a joke to the upper echelons; Zack saw the urge of two particular men.

Burke and Tristan had not budge even a single inch or a blink, it might have been rare to see Tristan and his mellow poise of a soft gentleman be so eager and dedicated that he refuses to move even when the leaders were now there, but then Zack the suave tongued calmed the gentleman, "Tristan, if you do this you'll cost Timble money."

Words which finally swayed Timble's butler, but as he walked off, "Do any on my men again Captain!" he said with not a turn.

"Wow! Just like that, he told off the Rose wind! County Zack is so cool!"

"Yeah for someone they used to call the Night King!"

"Shh! He don't like that name!"

Whispers shared by a group of elites, standing at the far back of the crowd, their black suits shadowed by the castle, "Chill! We're all the way back here."

"Yeah! What're you scared for, it's just talks."

"I heard at first, County Zack was a demon way back an-and he was in this what was it called,,??"

In a sudden, Zack suddenly appeared and crept to the group from behind craning his neck close to them he said, "We never had a name!"

Spooking the elites, as they apologized quickly.

"It's fine and to add more to your gossip, I was the second weakest one in the group!" he told them, and as they blinked he vanishes without a trace and back he appeared to where he dropped his umbrella causing Melody to yelp.

All had reformed themselves as they headed now towards the sole bridge. A nigh clash if it were to occur would reduce the majestic castle and houses of the lonely plateau to rubbles, luckily it had come to pass with just a shred of heavy air.

However; outside and far then end of the bridge was a whole entire scene, a plethora of perks shattered and brought bizarre changes in the place, marring the scenery.

Beyound what all of them had expected, the youngsters of the next generations came with an explosive punch as each of them had now joined a massive brawl.

One could not have doubt and be rightfully be true to say, "I don't know who was I attacking!?"

A war, yet in their eyes were not anger but determined fun, enjoying their littlest perks which they could explode to the world to their heart's content.

In the middle of it all were two prodigies; Damon and Ezreal, both bruised, torn and tired with huffing breaths and puffing chests, and as the rest their eyes told a tale that their hunger for the thrill of battle had not yet been filled but just grew more a taste for it.

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