System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 59 - Pshishes.

Well that's it for the boring meeting and those other POWER-BORNS.

It's time to bask again on my greatness.

Here we go! Get your Pop-corns ready!


In the early morn of the day of the meeting;

Cooked fishes were my bargaining chip, to get to the mental of these curious little power-borned child.

With nature's given authority to an older brother, and I was a fantastic one; I finally could get Pen off his armor, I ordered them to take bath and by the looks of their dirty faces I had to wash them as well.

Souta skipped to the stream and waited for me and the somehow reluctant Pen.

"Hurry up Pen! If you want to eat!" said I, stern with my kind eyes.

"Tis Sir Pen!" he squeaked, with not much of that resounding voice he had when he played the Knight.

"Alright! Sir, ma'am, whatever... just hurry up."

"No Knight needs be washed, thy enemies blood will be my bath!" he claimed again, his drama now harshly fell from geace to a typical childish grandiose.

"Okay! No food for you then!" I walked on.

Tips to an elder brother: You must be strict at times.

Rambling many mumbles, dragging his feet Pen followed yours truly.

There, just by the stream was little Souta, who smiled at a Magus.

"Well! What're you waiting for?" I ask.


"Uhh! Well go on!" I directed the little girl with my head to jump in the stream.

But as it seemed she was lost to my signals, bending her head down to the sides poorly yet exaggeratedly she followed the lead I made with my head, "Thhis?" she then squeaked, serious in all natures, she had a habit of using her tongue along with every 'H' or 'S' or any of 'itht's couszhins' a rather cute speech impairment, which I rather hoped to hear even years later.

I neared a tear, she was too precious, my heart were flushed with pure flowering goodness.

"Okay! Have you ever had a bath?"

"Shouta?" her little finger pointed at her heart, "Mm-Mm!" she muttered shaking her head for no.

"Okay.. We'll do it together then! Hurry up Shher Pen!!" yelling a call.

I set my sights back to Souta, "First! Look at Phillipi and tell me what I don't have on!" I raised my arms, I was only with my boxers.

"Armor!" bright eyes they answered with a little bounce and a smile.

'Armor?' Does she mean clothes?'

I got the gist of who taught who by his very best.

"Right! Armor and does Souta had her armor on?"

"Mm-Hmm!" she nodded.

"Good! Now re--" I halted my tongue.


Okay! I know! We won't be going there as my mind even then realized. Even if I proclaimed myself as the elder brother, we weren't exactly by blood so..


"But Souta don't need to remove her armor, now follow me!"

I jumped down to the stream as she soon followed, much later Pen came standing on the bank of the stream whom I pushed down the stream using blink behind the kid.

Minutes later; an elder brother finds his new younger siblings clean, it must have been days since they've been cleaned.

While they had fun, playing on the water which I started by flipping and splashing the both of them. I told them to finally remove the rags they had on as clothes.

Tasking Aeyai to craft new one using these, I made a finer plain gown for them to wear, which Souta seemed to loved dearly.

On the fire we then returned, the dishes of fish ready and waiting.

Pen jumped straight in filling his mouth, one hand dug on a bowl pouring it in as the other grabbed a fried fish. I never knew I could cook this good or were they simply a new taste than the fruits they had eaten all this time.

Then there was Souta who sat still, a cute little darling, clean and fresh with drools on her little mouth.

"What's the matter Souta?" I asked.

"Umm?? Shouta eat!?" she squeaked.

'That's right, I never told her to eat yet and last night she asked me first before she gobbled the fish-sticks.'

"Sure! It's all for you two!" I smiled, as she; much like a savage beast who hungers for days, dove at the flattened stone I made as a table.

Forget table-manners, she was just too cute to thine Ol'eyes of blue.

A thought, a wander then sprang on my mind, 'Souta don't do stuff unless told?! Well I have to test this further and Pen is basically a young boy who is obsessed with Knights but the most serious of them all is who put them here?'

No matter how much I strained my mind to think, a Magus could not come up with any reasons to why two young kids were left to fend for themselves in this hell but be that as it may I had sworn myself a promise, 'I'm now here and this is fate!, I'm taking them in!'

I tried to ease them up to be comfortable with me, Souta was easy but Pen and his obsession proved a need for a slight hustle.

But I had already set my mind to bring them joy, lead them a more normal life than this.

The day, I decided to ease up on my training, to get to know them more.

After the feast, It was a feast.

A little angel with a little bulge for a belly slept with burps in the table, I took pride in that.

Pen was rather cool yet awkward and from his timid jitters I could tell he felt vulnerable without his armor on.

Sitting next to the boy, "So what's your perk?"

"What be of this,, perk?"

"You know, how you transformed into the knight."

"I am a Knight! Let not my armorless skin deceive your eyes Magus! I am power!" he acted his drama, only now it was adorable.

'Magus? Okay! He said Magus now that's a huge step to progress.' noted the mind since he had from the start called me young wizard.

"Okay! Sir Pen! Can you summon thy mighty armor?"

"Most palpably!" he sprung from whence he sat, standing arms rested at his waists, he was proud to show his armor.

A sudden light if blinding white then covered his body, quickly the light expanded more and more until finally they dimmed to show me the majestic Knight; Sir.Pendragon.

Faceless helm and all it still captivated my breath.

"Hmm! Very well! How do you know of knights?" I asked as I was prepared for a verbose dialect.

"That be a secret Magus!"

"Hold on! From now on no calling me Magus!" folding my arms to put more sternness in my act of an older brother, "You shall name me Phillipi!"

"Very well! Tis secrets of thy armor shall remain a secret kept locked beneath thy heart, banned and blinded for all to see!"

"Yeaaah?! I'll just ask Souta!"


My kindred smile ignored Pen, as I craned my neck to Souta who laid arms wide in the table, "Souta?"

She smiled at a Magus.

"Tell me how does Pen know about a knight!"

"Okay!" she answered quick but just before she could talk,

"Souta! thy keep that fledgling mouth closed, this knight commands it!"

"Okay!" went Souta a second, still lying on her little back.

Then I was now sure, Souta was indeed as I thought a child who was moulded to do as told, this revelation aroused deep anger on my soul, 'Be calm Phillipi, be calm!!' I told myself. I could feel adrenaline rush rising in me.

I then thought that knowing how they know of speech and Knights I would get a clue on who had deserted them here, so a Magus hatched a plan, "Souta let's walk over there!" I whispered.

As we moved a step away I turned back to Pen, "If you follow us Pen, no fishes for you for the night!"

"A knight hungers not for fishes. I--"

"No fishes forever then!" I barged in on his act with a slanted mean brow, catching hold of his tongue I showed him no with thy strict fingers which ticked left and right as a cold pendulum.

A warning that he finally took it to heart, with not a word he stood as he watches us walked past a nearby tree.

I stood Souta next to a cover of a tree.

"Souta! tell Phillipi who sent you out here?"

Squatting down to her level I looked at her in the eye, all with a smile I'd hope would put her at ease, all the while peeping from the corners to see if Pen had honoured my warning.

"Scent?" she asks confused, her eyes forced themselves to understand what I meant.

"Uhh!? Yes who put you here? Uhh!? Who put Souta and Pen outside,, here!"

My fingers played an action to better tell her what I meant and it seemed as though it worked as she lightened up and says, "Don't know! Hehee! Souta wake up and Pen fight ugly monsters."

I half expected that this was to be the case, given her young age it was a miracle she could talk at all or smile even, the lament I felt in lieu on their burden struck me with guilt.

I didn't know when they were sent here or to whom I should take vengeance for but one thing was clear, I now had another name be it whoever was them or he even she, they have earned their name in my 'Fuck them up list'

'I will see to it that you now have a very happy life!' I promised them, not that I would say it out loud.

"Now!" I exclaimed, bringing my thoughtful loom to end, "Souta! Only listen to Phillipi okay? Even if someone says Souta do that, you must always ask Phillipi okay?"

"Mm-Hmm!" she nodded, "And pshishes?"

"Yes! Lots and lots of pshishes!"

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