System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 60 - Share To Care.

Digging further into the psyche of the two, as I spent the day lazily with them.

My first goal was to get to know them more, ease them into my embrace as we lived for the day in what Pen named Gaia, plucking unknown fruits with varying colors, with tastes that yells bizarre, the many animals they have herded here were the same as what we had inside the wall.

Well if you could count pacifistic predators going vegetarian then of course they were all the same.

With or without my many fine jokes and silly tomfoolery I played, Souta was sold but Pen even if my humor had made a knight laughed a hearty, I couldn't urged him to talk like I did with Souta, he was the head I'd have to get into to know of who sent them here but he was rather on guard which makes me wonder why.

He rode down a heroic knight that day we met the Mother Hellspawn to save me, if he had done so why was he now more on guard then as we dwell under the soft sunlight for the day I wondered, 'What if it had something to do with trust issues? Nah! they let me in this place right? Had I done something to put him on guard or was he just plainly untrusting, that might be the case, Souta said she woke up to Pen fighting the Hellspawns,, poor kid maybe he took me in because he thought I was also a helpless kid?'

Dwelling deep in my thoughts, we were high on top a hill, watching as the sun set its last light as it hid behind the sky piercing surrounding mountain wall;

Pen came onto me without his armor, wearing the finer gown I had made for them, "Phillipi?" he called, his voice was a typical high strung pitchy voice of a younger boy.

"Yeah?" I answered, my feet hanged down the cliff of the hill.

"Thou be a child like Souta, pray tell this soul how one knows the fines art of culinary?"

"You're a child too, talk like one!"

"Thou must not be a child. I!- Lothar Pendragon must be the knight to protect the helpless!" he says with pride, looking at Souta who danced with the butterflies.

"I get it!" I smiled, admiring his little heart's bravery, "Do you hate adults?"

Of course, it made sense, the from of the knight he took was an adult man and my brilliant mind deduced that it was most definitely an adult who sent them here.

He made not a sound, as he glared at my eyes.

"Do you think I'm an adult?" I asked another.

His gaze then widened as I asks and I immediately knew my question was what he had presumed. He had thought that I was a child yet in time he came to ponder, it maybe the way I talked? Or was it the laughable reason and that was my cooking knowledge. Nonetheless he has a sharp mind.

"Were the people who left you here adults?" I then probed further, using plural to see if the adults he hated were more than a single person.

His words were mute but he nodded.

"Is that so?.. Well~~" I slurred, "Okay first tell me how you know about knights then I'll tell you what you want to know,, Deal?"

At first he was still hesitant but then I crossed my heart and reached out a hand to shake, "By Merlin I swear!" I promised, using the name Merlin the greatest wizard in the world of knights and their fantasies.

And of course it swayed and slightly crumbled his guard as he reached for the shake.

Then shortly, he brought out a comic, it was not there while he took a bath but then it was not strange, this was a boy who could turn into a giant man.

The comic was titled 'Sir.Lothar Pendragon' which I have read before.

I smiled as I realized that how he talks and acts was wholeheartedly derived from Sir.Lothar, only the nickname 'Pen' was his own, although all in all this was not a bad take for a role model.

"You know Sir.Lothar was an adult right? and Merlin, the good people of Locke-guarde were almost all adults, but there are bad adults out there even in this story right?"

"Yes!" he aswered.

"So a knight and most definitely Sir.Lothar knew that it is not adults who are evil but the people who are evil evil, like the black knights of Le'mill, the bandits of Cursch and most definitely the adults who left you two here."

"And me? I was almost an adult but now I am like you, I am like Sir.Lothar's friend, the wandering knight Uthor. I am bad to those who are evil!" I told him, with silent care he lent me his ear.

Well a Magus had to use my faint and faded memory of the comic but it seems I have succeeded to make ease him up.

"I know not of whom they were but they were evil, one among them was little yet vile. Phillipi I begged you not to speak of this to Souta!" with determined eyes which glinted as they nigh a tear.

"Thou Magus crossed thy heart!" I find it right to try and tease him a bit for laugh, I need not want to jog him back of tearful nightmare past.

He showed me only a slight smirk, then he told me everything with a hearty sigh, "From this,, comic! I learned, tis be the women who birthed childs yet we only woke to this lucid limpid green liquid that drowns not a soul, like an embryo we were cared for with hard pellucid shells, I and many of my blood or I thought we were, floated like we do on the river. We cannot talk but we knew who and who, we smiled we cared,"

"The vile little man he would always come, at a point we thought he cared but then he started to stand and point his crooked finger at us,,, then comes the twinkling dead lights and one by one they disappeared until only I and Souta remained. He pointed plenty at the both of us and many times we slept untired only to wake in the same cursed egg over a many of times, until one day or were it night we never could knew but they all came and that was all I know until we woke in that barren hell!"

Hearing his story word for word jerked me tears. I could not have fought it.

Pen did not shred a tear but his tight fists which clenched their grips told me he yearns for what I had yearned.

And I realized more that I wasn't alone in the cruelty exercised by these creatures, Nay they are not humans anymore, they were creatures and we were their playthings.

I know now of what dish I could serve the two besides all the fine foods that I promised to fill their bellies.

In that moment I felt closer to Pen.

I find it right to share my pain.

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