System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 61 - Journey With An Elder Brother.

Late onto the first wind of night we talked, I told them exaggerated stories of the walls and all the fun noises inside it, with swaying arms and lilting sounds all meant to glimmer their eyes with awe, stories of more knights to further bring in Pen, and Souta who turned herself into a butterfly sitting at my messy hair never seemed as though she cared for all the mundane joys of the towns.

Well I couldn't tell, she was as I'd said; a butterfly.​​

Pray tell me any who, who could enlighten me to the ways of understanding these worms with wings of how they feel.

We headed down the place where we set up the stone table, where they demanded I cook them more fishes, to which I joked we could eat one of the deer here;

They did not laughed at it.

'Have they never eaten meat? What's with all these vegetarians?' I wondered but then it come to mind that Pen didn't know of meat because Sir.Lothar from the comics didn't eat meat, it had something to do with knightly vows which Pen really took into heart.

The comic was his lifeline, a guide which he had in his grasped confiscating of off the adults who threw them down the jagged rocks and to the barren land.

Which brings me to a question as I made appear like how magicians do; the fishes on my inventory which I brought out magically for the two to see in the whim of my playful fingers, 'Why is it always considered bad to hunt animals but when we eat fishes it's not as frowned upon by the masses? What have they done to invoke our wrath upon them that we considered their passing as, 'Meh!'?'

But there's a saying I heard once, 'All men must eat and eat what they can, but true men gave respect to what they eat!'

To which I said, "What a load a crap!"

So I brought Pshishes out by the loads and chopped and cut them up to fry, we found tomatoes on our day out so a more cuisine fry I tried and make.

"In nature we found food so we protect it, protect may sound a little brittle because we eat these meats and greens but we are all one in the ecosystem so we have the right to do so, we just should not be greedy!" I lessoned as I stir the fishes, the elder brother in me urges me to say so.

Every passing day I escaped the call of drugs, the demand of the black sands and their life-like visions, more and more I kept and shoved and locked it deeper into my temple.

The past is the past? Yes! but the present demanded justice and now not just for me but all, these two and all; and all.

The night in the lonely plateau, where in the lower plains a song was sang by travellers who journeys there, "So close no matter how far!" they would sing as they laid their eyes on the castle and houses on the peak of the plateau.

Even if you could see it, all the cracks in it's walls, the green vines that hangs and webbed, the red in the castle's roof and all but the jagged rocks and falling steep demanded you head to the further way and for the only bridge, no matter who you are.

And on that bridge in the chilling wind of the same night sat Rianna at the edge of the bridge, her feet hanged as her eyes dwell on her thoughts deeply, 'Why was I like that?'

She recalled on the rather jumbled day she had, fighting with Mordred for their familiar and usual silly bickers, 'Why did I acted like that?! Phillipi?!'

The bearer of a rapid breaths and her mellow stricken heart, they tried but failed still to make the mind understand why she fought with jealousy for my number, 'I said all those things because I wanted that bitch to feel bad but,, why?'

'How can she just say she loves someone like that?'

'And, why did I feel like I was about to lose him?'

"Lose him? RIRI you're getting crazy!!" she splurted all too suddenly from her thoughts that she herself was not aware that her mouth had spoken.

"It's all because of that kiss!"

"It's because of that little bugger! I didn't even wanted that, that, that thing to happen,, Argh!! this is just too.."

As she was cursing loud to a rant and fuming a shadow crept on her back, "Frustrating!" picking up after Rianna could not found the right word for what she felt, chiming in with a more mellower command was Fiora.

"EEH! Ca-captain~?! I was - I mean did you hear? Uhh! I was just~" stammering in her shame, she wailed her palms around even ruffling her straight hairs to a mess.

"I understand that you are of that age. The heart will speak for itself there is nothing we can do!"

Flabbergasting her littlest cub Fiora seemingly lamented, her eyes which never told any stories except the utmost discipline she had guarded herself with but now they seemed to understand.

"Captain?" slowly she muttered.

"He is a fine lad. Troubled and needing for guidance but deep down his heart he is pure."

"Who are you talking about?! Hee-hee!" squeaking, her lips pouted to the sides.

"Rianna! I was once you! I have become dulled but you are better!.... Make your own choices. Follow that brave little heart, has it expected a call from the little Magus?"

"HAA!" she breathed, "No Captain, I- I don't think he's following the mission."

"The contrary, it is outside the walls, without any cell towers. I am sure he strayed far from the walls."

"Well he could just be ignoring~ never mind."

"Breathe Rianna! Pent up desires will explode and when it does do you want to lose then or be smart and stay calm by letting it flow slow and steady starting from now!"

Fiora's eyes felled the young cub, seeing through her facade, her teary eyes than poured all her thoughts out into the world.

"Captain? wha-- why does it feel like I am missing something, like why do my belly feel weird whenever he comes in my mind, why does every girl who talks of him makes me want to - to just hit the both of them up, why do I feel like I want to,, train with him! Mordred said she love him did they meet each other? Why her of all people, Is it because I don't have a curvy body? What's wrong with my body?? and- and Why? am I angry? I am angry but this - this, there's something poking me in my chest Captain, I don't like this, what do I do,,"

Flustered cheeks, they exploded her thoughts, huffing breaths they told her truth.

A symptom of love.

"Come on!" said Fiora, "A night stroll always calms the heart!"

"Wh-where are we going?"


A lioness and her youngest cub in her pride, in the eve of the darker night to come, they had a moment of a master and a student of which they were, a night of a mellow heart that needed a light to be shed.

Outside the walls, we had our fun little feast under the calming radiant light of the many stars above, I never did stop my tall tales which they enjoyed, Souta now seemed to enjoy everything that my loud booming words, swaying arms and exaggerating eyes, even something as silly and dumb or be it the dumbest of jokes, when I told her, "Laugh!" after a slight pause she laughed as told, like it was the most hilarious thing she had ever heard.

"Are you two planning on staying here forever?" I asked Pen.

A question which he seemed unready for.

"Souta! What do you want to do?"

"Sshouta?" twinkling eyes blinked at me as she pointed her heart.

"Yes! Sshouta!"

"Shouta wants what Phillipi wants!"

I expected her to say as such, the things I learned from a day was enough for me to understand her broken mind. She was a doll, who breathes but her actions she has no control for herself.

That I had to fixed.

"Well! Phillipi will do anything for Souta!"

Normal child would jump for joy or at the least react to what I just have claimed but to Souta it was as though I was just asking for her to blink.

She was void of emotions.

My eyes then turned to Pen, who had seemingly went deep in his temple to figure, dwelling on what I had asked him.

"Do you want to come with me inside the walls?" I said, "As my little brother!"

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