System:Of The Ugly

Chapter 62 - Hoot Hoot.

Pen gave me a reply for my question by asking me more about the towns, I spoke of anything that comes to this brilliant mind.

With all my tall than taller tales of the towns and it's noises brought me to realized that I had a phone which I have stored on Aeyai's inventory.​​

'Dumb Phil!! You have a phone!' I shook to my dumb self.


'Shut up!'

"This is called a phone!" with widened eyes to add to the dramatic reveal.

"You can touch it with your fingers and sometimes even your nose."

"What is this, slab of metal. How do you use this?" as he craned his neck closer.

"This is a weapon but not like swords or daggers or even shields, this is a modern scroll, a smartphone!"

"And it can do this,"

I placed him and the little Souta together, taking a snap but as my light flashes it alarmed Pen, standing up he said, "Dead lights! It is of the place! What vile craft is this Phillipi!"

"Woah! Easy man! It's just a picture, see!"

I showed him of what I just took, their first picture.

The device as I explained further eases his mind, he mistook it for whatever experiments that the adults that he had spoken of had took on him and the other children, calling it dead lights.

I took more pictures of the two and a selfie of us three to further present them a taste of the towns also to ease Pen whom I was determined to take under my wing.

The many pictures I had taken; the Sunflower Plateau, Rich and his bland face, Dooke and the many kids of Liendry and many more. These all served a milestone to ease him into his misguided yet rightfully so; belief that all adults were evil.

With my many videos and past pictures, I made them laugh while some of them as I narrated jerked tear filled eyes; the pictures of Mary and my lost family, my happy glimmering face. Our faces back then.

Souta, as I spied felt nothing unless told, she and her little Innocent eyes followed what Pen felt in that emotional barrage that I invoked through my magical phone.

Came late into the night, my battery was red with Four Percent remaining.

We called for the dead of day, to rest for the new morn to come.

"Tis be a quest I have promised thyself!" Pen says.

"What is?"

"I had sworn to save as many a life and set them peacefully free here in Gaia!"

"You mean the animals?"

"Tis be my sworn quest. I must fulfill it!" he claimed as we gaze onto the twinkling stars above.

'So it was his quest eh? That's a simply good natured kid right there.'

"Then we'll help, starting from tomorrow right Souta?" I smiled to Souta, who without asks or waiting to be told slept in my arms.

I was more than happy for her to do so.

"Mm-Hmm!" she yawned.

"Phillipi! May I wonder why seek my assistance?"

"Well I'm your elder brother now so that's that plus you're strong so you'll serve me a very good little brother!"

Pen kept a silence for a lingering moment, only much later he then asks, "What be this 'Plus'?"

"See! that's why you need to come, I have many things I want to teach you and little Souta here!"


It was high noon when we had far traversed the high plains and valleys blanketed by untouched nature greens.

We rode on Souta who had morphed herself into the majestic steed I have first seen her as until we stopped at a sunken valley, "Tracks! There be lives here!" Pen said donning his armor from the moment we had left for his quest. A quest for him and me both, I needed training and that was a quest as good as any.

"Tracks? their are hardly any hooves prints or paw prints or any print prints!" I was lost, I see no tracks or whatever that he saw, even if my eyes were upon the same wild grasses in the ground.

"Bushes!" he says pointing to the many bushes which leads to a thick and dense patch of land which I liked to call, 'A horde of greens!'

"There be bite marks and a life slips through the leaves!"

I saw nothing but regular bushes, sure the part he pointed stuck out with slight a bent and swayed leaves, some were cut but it could also be worms I thought, 'These have berries and they are loved by worms!'

"Uhh! Lead the way then!" said I.

I find it best to let him lead, afterall they were here for days or as Pen told me, "Fur hundred eighty three moons!"

So he knows more than a Magus, which I! A professional writer had the courage to admit.

"Silence Phillipi! This requires the way of the stealthy cat!"

"Okay!!" I whispered with two thumbs showing up.

We crept into the bush, where Pen took the lead, strangely enough much removed from the movies his armor made not a noise, no creaking or metal clanking, it was more an extension of his body a beautiful design of a skin.

"Souta!" mellow and tender I called, "Turn into an owl!"

Still in the form of a colossal horse, she shifted and bent her elongated horse face, "You don't know an owl?"

"Souta knows eagles, she had been one past a fortnight ago."

"Nah! Nah! she has to be an owl, it's cute,," I took out my phone from the inventory, there was a picture of a cartoonish owl that I had taken a screenshot of; mismatched and disproportionate eyes and a bunch of wild colors for its feathers, without any network coverage I had to use it, hopefully she would get the gist.

"Turn into this! It's a Hoot-Hoot!" I showed her my phone.

And all too suddenly she morphed, with a bright light she was encumbered by as her hooves, her muscled necks and all shrank to a ball of what I could only describe as a bright white meat.

The light grew brighter in a span of just a breath and my eyes beheld an outline of a little owl coming from within, "This is so cool!" I exclaimed but just as the lights vanished my eyes were murdered by a literal take on what I had shown her.

"Hoot-Hoot!" she cawed in a tender whisper.

I was dumbfounded to see but more I was impressed, she did turned as told and when I went close to examine her further my lips smiled to see that she had not much a mass on the sides, she was but a line as my eyes blinked in their amazement, "You turned into a 2D owl! That is so cool!"

All the colors of the owl I had shown her taken as an exact copy, mismatched eyes and all to the last minute detail, she even had no claws, "Just like the picture!"

"Pen! Didn't you know she can turn into anything?" with still a crazy smile I exclaimed.

"Tis Sir Pen!!" he emphasized who had went further in the dense jungle.

"Sorry sorry! But look at Souta! She's so cute!"

Then an Idea came into the mind of a brilliant Magus, 'It's worth a try!'

I opened up my phone before it died from the battery, I scribbled a long line of nothing and showed it to Souta.

"Turn into this, the black part!" I told her with bright eyes which expected greatness.

And greatness was indeed what I had seen, as the bright light passes she was now as what I drew.

Times past as we followed Pen, all the sneaking I left in his hands, careful and with tender whispers we followed behind while I experimented with Souta's perk.

She turned into a shoe, a phone, a water being poured into a bucket, a stationary wind to which I could feel the breeze blowing my hair as I stuck my head to where she was standing, and lastly a small spherical faintly visible zone where I placed my ear inside and could hear the sound of sounds.

One had to hear it to know it.

"You have the most OP perk ever!" I rejoiced with all the father of devious smiles.

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