Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Ten Thousands of Immortals are allied, the emperor's conspiracy

   Chapter 15 The Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals, the Conspiracy of Emperor Jun

Taishang directly entered the cultivation practice. The cultivation of Taoist Yuqing wanted to cross a big realm and enter the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian. For the Taishang at this time, it is not too difficult. As for achieving harmony The deity's level of balance is nothing more than an accumulation of time.

   Although he heard the words in the Zixiao Palace this time, the Taishang did not accumulate much, but for his current realm, even if it is only a trace of accumulation, it is quite rare.

   Scarlet Qingyun slowly rises, and the divine light shines on the world.

  The Taiqing Taoist man holds the Taiyi whisk in his hands, sitting on the ceiling, his body is vast, and the Taiyi whisk in his hand exudes a faint aura of good fortune.

   There is a series of connections between the Taiyi Whisk and the smallpox where the Taiqing Taoist sits at this time. There seems to be an invisible force intertwined with each other, and the two exude the same breath.

Taiyi Whisk is one of the three spiritual treasures transformed by the twenty-four grades of good fortune green lotus. If it is returned to the form of the lotus platform, it also has eight ranks, and it is also the congenital lotus platform, which is the same as the twelfth-grade smallpox at this time. The veins, after all, are fused with the Pure World White Lotus, and belong to the same source. At this time, there is some connection between the two, but it is normal.

   Taishang observed the practice of the Taiqing Taoist and the situation of the smallpox and Taiyi whisk under the seat, he ignored it, and after discarding the distracting thoughts in his heart, he began to practice the Qiyuqing Taoist.

It is estimated from the ether that in about 20,000 years, he can let the Taoist Yuqing step into the realm of Hunyuanjin. By the time the second Zixiao Palace is reopened, the Taoist Yuqing can at least be promoted to Hunyuanjin. In the middle of the immortal period, the distance was even closer to the point where it was equal to itself.

   "The Tao is a thing, but it's only a thing, and it's suddenly and suddenly, and there is an image in it, and it's suddenly and suddenly, of which..."

   "There is a way in the world, to open up the wisdom, to nourish all beings, to follow the way, to understand themselves, to realize the way..."


   In the sea of ​​knowledge, the sound of the great road rang out, so that Tai Shang was immersed in the practice [Non-based Source Sutra] at this time.

   At this time, not only the Taoist practicing Yuqing, but also the accumulation of his own Dao Zhili and Dao Essence, are slowly proceeding at this time.

   In the Promise Hall, the aura of the great avenues one after another has become more and more refined, and a force that seems to have come from the sky of ancient times is quietly spreading out here.

In the sky above the Taiqing Palace, the sun was shrouded, the purple air gathered, the aura was vast and condensed, and bursts of mysterious aura filled the Promise Mountains, attracting countless periods of life, and countless creatures benefited from it. The belief and evangelism merits from the Qing palace are also slowly improving.


   Following Taishang’s retreat and practice, Yuanshi and Tongtian also entered the retreat. At this time, they were not far from the later stage of the quasi-sage. If they seized the opportunity this time, there would be hope for promotion in one fell swoop.

   This time, not only Sanqing, Fuxi Nuwa, Zhenyuanzi, Hongyun, Styx, Houtu and other great magicians, are now in retreat to digest the gains from this hearing, hoping to improve their cultivation.

   Even if it is impossible to advance to the realm, accumulating the gains from this listening to the teachings will have no small benefits for later promotion.

   Therefore, after returning from the Zixiao Palace, most of the gods and demons went into retreat and practice.

   Of course, this is not the only one. Except for these retreat gods and demons, the rest are all coming towards Penglai Fairy Island outside the East China Sea.

   Outside the East China Sea, Penglai Xiandao, Dongwanggong Taoist Temple.

   After this sermon, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen came to this place together and began to build power.

   Even if they don't establish it, this power will also be established on its own, because there are many gods and demons who come to depend on, most of them are guests from the Purple Cloud Palace. They get the month when they approach the water tower, and naturally they are the first to arrive here.

   There is still a part. Although I am practicing in retreat at this time, my heart also wants to enter the camp of the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen.

This is the good place to enjoy great luck and general luck. It can help them improve their cultivation and understand the great road. Naturally, they will not let go of such a good thing. Even if they have not come for the time being, they will still be after the customs. Coming.

  Thus, after a thousand years, in the prehistoric times, the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen became the heads of the male and female immortals, and got the order of the Taoist ancestors. The news of the management of the prehistoric was spread like wildfire, attracting countless monks, gods and demons.

   At this time, many gods, demons and monks rushed towards the Purple Mansion of Penglai Fairy Island, hoping to join the camp of the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen.

In just three thousand years, there were signs of thousands of immortals coming to the kingdom at this time, and the power of the purple mansion became more and more powerful. In the predicament at this time, in terms of power alone, it means that the lich can match it. Up.

   This kind of strength attracted the attention of many gods and demons, and many gods and demons came to join the camp of the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen.

   As the power continues to grow, the Eastern Prince is also officially changed his own strength name, Wanxian League.

The meaning of    Wanxian Alliance is also in line with the sight of Wanxian coming from the Purple Mansion at this time, and it is also extremely extraordinary.

   Since the establishment of the Ten Thousand Immortal League, the Second Lich Clan has always been paying attention. Although nothing can be seen on the surface, secretly, it is already planning the Ten Thousand Immortal League.

However, the Wu Clan is not in a hurry. Although it is prepared and paying attention, the Ten Thousand Immortal League is close to the monster clan. If there is a friction, the monster clan will be damaged first. The Wu clan is happy to see the two sides fight first. But I can take advantage of it~www.ltnovel.com~ Time is rushing, and in a flash, it has been more than 20,000 years. At this time, it is less than 5,000 years since the second sermon.

   Demons, in the hall of demons.

   "Seeing the look of the demon emperor, but finding a chance in the sea of ​​stars and stars in Zhoutian?"

   Bai Ze lightly fanned the feather fan in his hand, looked at Di Jun who had just returned at this time, smiled and said.

Hearing this, Di Jun smiled and said, "Bai Ze can see clearly. In the twenty thousand years of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Da Da Hai, I used Hetu Luo Shu to comprehend a formation, and I named it Zhou Tian Xing Dou Da If the formation is perfect at this time and fully open, the power should not be under the power of the saint..."

   Listening to this, Taiyi, the ten demon gods and several demon sages present were all surprised.

   Compared to a saint? What kind of concept is that? Although they have not fully seen the power of the saint, judging by the means of Hongjun Daozu, it is the highest existence of the prehistoric, this formation is fully opened, and it can actually be comparable to the saint? In the future, who will be the opponent of the Yaozu?

   "This formation is not yet fully perfected, but its power is not comparable to the prehistoric formation..."

With a move of Di Jun's hands, the embryonic form of Zhou Tian's star-fighting formation emerged in the void. Everyone saw the stars gleaming in it, the rhyme of Taoism flowed, and a burst of quintessential star aura permeated. Although it is not huge, the breath is Make them feel palpitations.

   They believe that the power of this formation at this time is enough to be the best.

   "The demon emperor is a great talent, with this formation, the demon clan will be prosperous!" Bai Ze said.

   Hearing the words, Emperor Jun's gaze shifted, and he fell to the 33rd sky, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "If the demon clan wants to be happy, you should be in the 33rd sky..."

   said, he stretched out a hand and pointed it for thirty-three days.



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