Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Emperor Jun wants to win

   Chapter 16 The Emperor Wants to Win

   Demons, in the hall of demons.

   A vast imperial might permeated Dijun, letting Taiyi, the ten great monsters and gods all have the intention of surrendering, and under such an emperor, the four seas surrendered.

   After the people calmed down for a while, they followed Di Jun's fingers and looked at the sky in the 33rd, with incomprehensible expressions on their faces.

  , I have seen it when I was waiting for people to listen to the Tao and when I returned, but there seems to be nothing other than the vast area. Why is the demon clan's great prosperity here?

   "Brother, what's the mystery in these thirty-three days? I've seen it there too, but I haven't found anything unusual. It's also related to the chance of the demon clan's Daxing?"

   Taiyi was also puzzled. To say that there was a chance for the demon clan in the thirty-three days, then he, the Demon Emperor, after thirty-three days, should have sensed it, but he didn't feel that way.

  Yes, Taiyi only wonders now. Not only him, but Bai Ze and other ten demon gods and several demon sages are like this.

Hearing this, Di Jun's eyes returned to the clear color, and he took his hand back, turned his head to look at them, and slowly said, "The Lich is on the same place on the wild land, so naturally it is impossible to co-exist. Thirty-three heavens above. , It is very vast, if a space is opened up, the demon clan heaven will be established, and the sky will be controlled."

   "At that time, you will be able to fight against the Witch Clan. When the strength is reached and the formation is completely perfect, the Witch Clan can be wiped out, and the prehistoric world will be ruled in one fell swoop. The entire prehistoric nation can fall into the hands of the Monster Clan..."

After all, when Dijun moved, countless stars appeared in his hands, and then gradually evolved into the appearance of thirty-three days, and then the space was shattered, forming a special place, and then evolving countless Sendai pavilions, one place The glorious palace, the embryonic form of the heaven is undoubtedly obvious.

Seeing this, Taiyi, the Ten Great Demon Gods and others all showed shocked expressions. Such a plan is really too big, but for the demon clan, it is very suitable. It is also what Emperor Jun said, Daxinghe The opportunity lies.

   "It really is where the opportunity lies. I didn't expect what kind of scene it would be. If the eldest brother points out, maybe I have missed such a place of opportunity..."

   After a long time, Tai Yi regained his expression, looking at Di Jun, still a little shocked.

   "The Demon Emperor is really talented. Not only has he realized such a formation, he has found a new way for the future of the Demon Race. The Demon Race is in the hands of the Demon Emperor, and it will be a great prosper..."

   Bai Ze bowed towards Dijun, arching his hands, and several demon gods and demon sages behind him saluted to Dijun one after another.

The monster clan wants to continue to expand, and it is indeed difficult to do it simply in the prehistoric land. Although the prehistoric land is vast, it is unknown how many trillions of miles of land, but at this time the power of the witch clan is becoming more and more powerful, and the power of the monster clan is also steadily improving. .

   At that time, the friction and collision between the two races will only increase. The number of people of the two races will skyrocket. Even if it is a vast land, it is not suitable for the two races to coexist on the land. What's more, although the land is vast and vast, there are also many Jedi, or some places with bad environment and poor climate.

   After leaving these places aside, there are not too many places for the two races to coexist. Therefore, if the two races coexist on the wild land, it may be possible for the time being, but it is indeed not appropriate to really grow in the future.

   And these thirty-three heavens, open up space, establish heaven, this kind of plan can solve the future path of the demon clan, and also the path of the future development of the demon clan, in this way, the development of the demon clan will not be a problem.

   can also divide the world with the Witch Clan, and take control of the predecessor together. When the strength is enough to erase the other side, it is time for them to unify the predecessor.

Di Jun nodded slightly and did not speak. After a few breaths of silence, he sat on the main seat, looked at Bai Ze, and asked, "What has changed in the prehistoric times over the past two thousand years... "

Hearing this, several demon gods glanced at each other, and then Bai Ze arched his hands and said, "Returning to the demon emperor, for more than two thousand years, the Eastern Prince and Western Queen quickly raised a force called the Wanxian League, which was absorbed at this time. Most of the gods and demons in casual cultivators, as well as many gods and demons in the Zixiao Palace in the past, have the appearance of thousands of immortals..."

"From the perspective of the strength of the Ten Thousand Immortals League at this time, it is indeed the strongest strength apart from the second family of the Lich, and there are still many gods and demons joining it at this time, wanting to enjoy the luck. ..."

   "As for the Wu Clan, this time it is very calm, as if not caring about it. As for the other great magicians, they are also practicing in retreat..."

   Hearing the words, Di Jun remained silent, tapping the handrail of the protagonist lightly with his fingers, the expression on his face couldn't tell the depth, everyone looked at him and didn't speak any more.

After a few breaths, he looked at the crowd and slowly said, "The monster clan is closer to Penglai in the East China Sea. Naturally, the Wu clan is happy to see my monster clan start a war with the Wanxian League, and then take advantage of it. Shi Pingping is normal, but they won’t bother to watch the Wanxian League grow stronger..."

"By then, even if my monster clan does not take action, his witch clan will also take action. However, the emperor’s idea is that by then the lich clan will join forces and my monster clan will have a great formation of Zhou Tianxing, and the emperor will continue to improve this formation. The Lich teamed up to fight the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance, and with this formation, they can also frighten the witch race and make them feel jealous of my monster race..."

"The Demon King is very clever. In this way, the Wu Clan will not dare to take action against my Demon Clan. My Demon Clan can also use this to rise quickly. It will also have a great advantage against the Wu Clan in the future. After all, it will shock their memories. It still exists in their hearts..." At this time, the Yingzhao below ~www.ltnovel.com~ Di Jun looked at Taiyi and Bai Ze, "In the next time, you will pay close attention to the Wu Clan and the Wanxian League, other Yes, it is to develop one's own strength and prepare for the affairs of Heavenly Court in the future. As for other things, ignore it for the time being. The matter of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is not yet time..."

   "Yes, eldest brother (demon emperor)..." the two replied.

   "The strength of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is not weak, although my monster race is not afraid, but if there are other powers to join, it can also increase a lot of strength..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Dijun spoke.

   "Which gods and demons did the demon king say?"

   Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, and asked, in the midst of the wild, those who are capable and can be valued by Emperor Jun are nothing more than those who have basically gone to the Zixiao Palace.

   It's just that Bai Ze hasn't guessed in his heart which gods and demons Di Jun intends to attract to join the monster clan.

   "Taiyi, what do you think of Fuxi's strength when fighting for seats in the past?"

   Dijun didn't answer Bai Ze, turned his head to look at Taiyi, and smiled.

   "Strong strength. In the early stage of the quasi-sage, it is difficult to have an opponent. At this time, he is estimated to be about to enter the middle of the quasi-sage. I am afraid that the strength is stronger..." Taiyi recalled for a moment, and said in a condensed voice.

   After seeing Fuxi's strength once, he naturally remembered Fuxi's powerful strength.

   "Big brother, do you want La Fuxi to join the monster clan?"

   In vain, Tai Yi looked at Emperor Jun, a little surprised.

   "Fuxi is powerful, much higher than me, and his sister, Nuwa, is also a quasi-sage existence. If we can win over these two, it will be better than a digital quasi-sage..."

  Dijun slowly got up, looked at the crowd, and said, his body is majestic.




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