Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 19: Zixiao Palace 2 Lectures

   Chapter Nineteen The Second Lecture on Purple Cloud Palace

   Thirty-three days, before the sky.

   The cultivation base of the Ethereal Supreme at this time, it only took a few years to come here, as for other existence, but without his strength and speed, it would naturally be much slower.

   "Big Brother!"

   "Big Brother!"

   Taishang didn’t wait too long. Yuanshi and Tongtian came to Thirty-Three Heavens. Taishang looked at them, nodded and said, "Let’s go!"

   After all, Sanqing is turned into three green lights and escaped into the outer sky.

   And shortly after the three of them left, Nuwa and Fuxi two brothers and sisters also arrived here, and then they entered the outer world. Behind them are Hou Tu, Di Jun and others. Hongyun Kunpeng, Styx Town Yuanzi and others are not far away.

   These existences are the top gods and demons among the prehistoric people at this time. They are faster and normal. At this time, they are rushing towards the outer sky.

   As for the others, although they are all the existence of Da Luo Jinxian, the speed is not slow, but compared with these existences, it is a lot slower, and it will take more than a hundred years to get here.

   At this time, the cultivation base is higher and the speed is faster. Basically, they have entered the outer sky, and the others are also rushing toward this place quickly.


   In the chaotic world.

Taishang Sanqing passed the sky and came to the chaos world, but did not find it long. In just over ten years, Sanqing saw the Jiyin Bridge, then went on the Jinqiao, and came to Yujing Mountain. Where it is.

As for the gods and demons behind Nuwa, Fuxi and others, they are also coming one after another at this time. Although they are more than ten years behind Sanqing, they are not too slow. They have searched in the chaotic world for a period of time. He was already on the Golden Bridge and came to Yujing Mountain.

   Taishang came to Yujing Mountain. At this time, the Three Thousand Tongtian Road had disappeared, and the Zixiao Palace was directly seated on the top of Yujing Mountain.

   After Sanqing glanced at each other, he entered directly into the Zixiao Palace.


   Zixiao Palace, in the main hall.

   On the high platform, Hongjun Daozu sat on it, his eyes closed tightly, and his body was ethereal, as if he had transformed himself. Around the high platform, Haotian and Yaochi stood on both sides, and when they saw Sanqing arrived, they bowed their hands slightly in salute.

   After Sanqing arched his hands towards Hongjun Daozu, he sat down and waited for the arrival of other gods and demons.

In vain, Hongjun Daozu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sanqing, but there was a rare smile on his face, "My little friend Taishang has gained a lot in these 30,000 years. It seems that the road to the road has become clearer. It's..."

Although it is difficult for Taoist Hongjun to see Taishang’s situation, he has a general perception. Taishang’s cultivation base at this time, although there is still a long way from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the 30,000 years did not accumulate. Less, the breath rose a lot.

   "Taozu is absurd, but it's just a bit of insight..."

   Hearing the words, Tai Tai replied with a smile.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian knew that from the moment they saw the Taishang in the 33rd heaven, they knew that the Taishang cultivation base had improved a lot. At this time, they heard Daozu talk about them and they knew that their eldest brother had made such a great progress.

Taishang took Yuqing to the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Fairy this time, and he has indeed improved a lot of his own cultivation level. Although the realm is still Hunyuan Golden Fairy Consummation, his own Daoist perception is much more than that. .

   Although there is still some distance from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, under such accumulation, it can shorten some time.

   Taoist Hongjun heard the words, nodded slightly, did not speak any more, and continued to close his eyes to rest up.

   Taishang did not pay any more attention to it, closed his eyes and regained consciousness, while secretly practicing Yuqing Taoist, while also beginning to comprehend the practice of Shangqing Taoist.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, then slowly closed their eyes, waiting for the arrival of the gods and demons behind.


   Ten years later, Nuwa Fuxi, Emperor Taiyi and other top gods and demons arrived.

   In the following hundred years, other gods and demons came one after another. It wasn't until three hundred years later that the three thousand magic cubes all arrived.


   A clear road bell sounded, and all the conversation in the hall calmed down.

   "Quiet!" Haotian said.

When the voice fell, I saw Hongjun Daozu slowly opened his eyes, and after his gaze slowly passed, he nodded slightly, "It seems that in these 30,000 years, you have been able to grasp it, more or less diligent. Cultivation..."

   If thirty thousand years is normal, it is really difficult for them to improve much, but for the gods and demons who have just listened to the aisle, it is a bit easier to improve. At this time, Hongjun believes that it is true.

   "Since the number of the three thousand is complete, then I will continue to teach the Dao. This time, it is the quasi-sage way. The time is still 30,000 years. After that, you will practice for 30,000 years..."

   "Well, wait and listen carefully..."

   Hongjun spoke with Tianxian. At this time, the voice fell, and the gods and demons converged and listened carefully to the sound of the great road.

"The avenue is full, and it can be controlled. Everything is born without hesitating, and success is not named. Clothing nourishes everything but does not give priority to it, often has no desires, can be named as small... The name is big. Because it is not arrogant in the end, it can become big..."

"Tao has no birth, nature's roots, cannot be declared by name, but one who knows nature. The beginning of Tao is the root of Qi. Husband's nature is the first ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Dadao is the first, vitality is also... "

"One, the true Yuan, the pure Yang Qi, and the Taiwu, concentric with the avenue, and the nature, can have no beginning and no end, formless and imageless, pure and turbid, and chaos without quality, so it can not be recorded. Poor..."

   After a while, in the main hall of the Purple Cloud Palace, there were echoes of misty avenues.

Following the preaching of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, those lines of Dao Mantra were uttered, and in the entire Zixiao Palace, countless visions appeared, such as celestial flowers scattered and golden lotus springing from the ground. Qi transpires, Tao Yun lingers around everyone.

   In the Purple Heaven Palace, the gods and demons quietly closed their eyes, only the mysterious sound of the great road echoed in the ears of the gods and demons, mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful, everyone was fascinated, and could not extricate themselves.

   Hongjun Daozu said this time, it is the Daluo Jinxian above the quasi-sage way.

  Although the quasi-sage’s cultivation way has not been discussed at this time, the essence of the quasi-sage’s way involved at this time is not comparable to what was said in the first sermon.

   There are still most of the monks in the Three Thousand Purple Cloud Palace who are in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and they don’t know much about this quasi-sage.

   But a small part of it sounds so drunk. These gods and demons are all on the top of the big Luo Jinxian, and they are only one step away from the quasi-sage.

   At this time, Hongjun deepened the explanation of the quasi-sage way, and they naturally listened more carefully and understood more deeply.

If the opportunity can be grasped, this promotion to the realm of quasi-sages, I am afraid it will not be so difficult. After all, the Tao at this time is the way of quasi-sages. If this opportunity fails to be promoted, then it will be in the future. It's even more difficult.

   If you are here at this time, you must seize this opportunity to advance to the Quasi-Holy Realm in one fell swoop.



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