Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Hongjun's Way of Three Corpses

   Chapter 20 Hongjun's Way of the Three Corpses

   Zixiao Palace, in the main hall.

What Hongjun Daozu said this time is the way of the quasi-sage. At this time, the essence of the dao and the reason of the dao are shallow and deep. Starting from the first entry into the quasi-sage, this stage is also the one that he has talked about for the longest time. Up.

   After all, in Zixiao Palace at this time, a large part of the cultivation of gods and demons was in the Daluo Golden Fairy Realm, and the understanding at this time needs to be more profound, so as to lay more foundations for future promotion to this realm.

   In addition, a very small part is at the peak of the Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, and Hongjun Daozu is also based on this. Therefore, at the early stage of the quasi-sage, the explanation of the essence of the Dao and the Dao Zhizhi will take a longer time.

   Fuxi Nuwa, Dijun Hongyun and others were listening carefully at this time, and they began to learn from Hongjun's teachings at this time, and then continued to confirm their own avenues, and began to absorb and accumulate.


At this time, Taishang relied on Hongjun’s constant analysis of the essence and principles of Dao Dao to prove it. Although the essence of Dao Dao and Dao Dao principles mentioned at this time are not in-depth, there is not much that Taishang can confirm. , But the great ways have the same goal by different paths, these essence and the most reason, different people will have different opinions, but they can also be confirmed.

   However, what Hongjun is talking about right now is not very in-depth, and he is still just entering the quasi-sage. The speed confirmed by the ether at this time can be said to be the same as what he said.

   In the sea of ​​knowledge, the sound of the Dao of [Non-based Source Sutra] constantly echoed in it, and countless mysterious and obscure Dao characters appeared, allowing Tai Shang to practice the Yuqing Taoist while he was enlightened and confirmed.

Yuqing Taoist’s current realm is the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Fairy. It takes some distance to enter the later stage of Hunyuan Golden Fairy. However, this is the time to practice. You can quickly accumulate and improve the jade while studying and verifying. The cultivation of the Qing Taoist.

As for the rest of the Qing Dynasty, at this time, the human flower rose with a tingling of the source of the Qing Dynasty. Although it has not been fully formed, in the current situation, the phantom of the Shangqing Taoist is condensed. It will be too far.

   By then, the Taoist Yuqing will be on the same level as the deity, and the Taoist Shangqing will be almost completely condensed.

  Tao came here while studying and practicing Yuqing Taoist. The progress is quite effective. And Tongtian and Yuanshi are not too slow, after all, their realm has also entered the later stage. For these relatively shallow quasi-sages, it is not too much that can be confirmed, at this time the speed is only below the too high.

   As for Nuwa, Dijun, Hongyun, Xiuying, Zhunti and others, it was slower at this time, but it was not too slow compared to the later gods and demons.

   Among the gods and demons in the back row, Fuxi is the fastest, not below the first row, even faster than the last few in the first row. Taiyi, Kunpeng, Zhen Yuanzi, and Houtu were almost equal to Hongyun and Zhunti.


   Time passed quietly, and in a flash, twenty thousand years had passed.

   Ten thousand years ago, the way of the quasi-sage taught by Hongjun was already relatively advanced, about between the mid-quasi-sage to the late quasi-sage.

It is precisely because of the in-depth preaching over the past ten thousand years that everyone can comprehend and comprehend, it is a little bit more, some have made minor breakthroughs, and some have not broken through, but they have also obtained a lot of benefits. The time for promotion has been greatly shortened.

   In the first row, in addition to Kaisanqing, the other five have some small breakthroughs. Although they have not directly stepped into a new realm, it will not be too long.

   So, another thousand years later.

Hongjun's mouth continued to hear the great road, but slowly opened his eyes. First, his eyes fell on Taishang. Amidst his crimson Qingyun, a green glow was extremely rich and pure, and the other one was also constantly approaching. The first one, it won't be long before I think about it.

   "The supernatural power of the little friend Taishang is really extraordinary. Compared with the poor way of the "three corpses", I am afraid that it is not too much to give..."

Hongjun secretly said in his heart that he was able to cultivate supernatural powers to this point, not in the least of his own three-corpse way. Hongjun was still extremely surprised. He had seen supernatural supernatural powers in the past, but at that time, Taiqing Taoist cultivation was after all Not too high.

   He also didn't expect that there would be magical powers that could match his "Road of the Three Corpses". Such magical powers, before seeing Tai Shang, he really hadn't thought about it.

   "With this magical power, I don't need to practice the "Road of the Three Corpses"..."

   Hongjun has a rare smile on his face, his gaze slowly sweeps across the other gods and demons, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Houtu, Xiuying, etc. and after a glance at the gods and demons behind, he nods slightly.

In this way, after another 1,500 years, Hongjun has finished explaining the simple principles and principles of the quasi-sage, and what he will talk about next is the cultivation method of the quasi-sage. .

  "Three corpses, selfishness, food, and desire. The upper corpse is named Peng Hou, which is in the mind, which makes it stupid and stupid, without wisdom. The middle corpse is named Peng Zhi, which is in the chest, which makes it worry and delusional and cannot be quiet.

   The next corpse insect is called Peng Jiao, and it lies in the belly, making it covetous... cut off the three corpses, calm and wantless~www.ltnovel.com~ With a clear spirit, transcendence from life and death, it can become a fairy path..."

   "Slicing good thoughts, evil thoughts, self-consciousness three corpses..."


   The quasi-sage cultivation method that Hongjun Daozu talked about at this time was the way of the three corpses that he created and practiced.

   This is the practice method of the quasi-sage realm, and it is also the most lacking in the many quasi-sanctuary present. After all, in the predicament, the inheritors who can reach this realm, or even higher, are a very small part.

Most cultivators, gods and demons have no inheritance. In addition to the tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, the inheritance is broken after the battle of Taoism and demons. There is no method of inheritance, and they can cultivate to this level, too. Very few.

   And these two times when I heard from the Purple Cloud Palace, some generations of chance, although they have reached the early stage of the quasi-sage, but there is no way to practice, it is estimated that it is difficult to enter, or to say, it is difficult to reach a higher world.

   And the way of the three corpses can be said to be a shortcut to the realm of Hunyuan, or a shortcut to a saint. This is what Hongjun himself has gone through. The way of cultivation can indeed be promoted to a higher world faster.

   The Tao of the Three Corpses not only includes the cultivation method of the Quasi-Holy Realm, but also the method of slaying the corpse in the Tao of the Three Corpses, which is broad and profound. Moreover, the path of the three corpses fits any method of practice, no matter what the path of practice is, you can practice this method.

   The method of slashing the three corpses is also extraordinary, even if it is too good to hear at this time, it feels extremely mysterious.

   If Hongjun Daozu was not sanctified, too, I felt that Hongjun Daozu should be able to walk out of a different road. Unfortunately, in the end, he turned into a saint and came up, and eventually he did not go to the level of Hunyuan.

   But this is the case, it is also extremely extraordinary and mysterious, and it is also an extremely precious and rare practice method for Honghuang.



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