Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 42: Fenbao and Fenbao Cliff (2)

   Chapter 42: Fenbao and Fenbaoya (2)

  Compared to Jiuyin and Zhunti, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Nuwa, although happy, they are also calm and show nothing.

  Behind them, the expressions of many gods and demons changed slightly.

   was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor of Daoist ancestors. He has already given the grandeur and purple energy of sanctification, and now he has this treasure. Is there really so many benefits to being a disciple?

   Why isn’t you a disciple of Taoism?

  Many gods and demons asked themselves, if they become a disciple of the Taoist ancestor, it would be great, even if there is no purple qi, it is also good to be able to use a magic weapon to defend themselves!

   Looking at my current situation, it turns out that I have become a ‘three no’ **** or devil without purple qi, magic weapon, and chance.

   Hongjun Daozu didn't care about the gods and demons behind at this time, and didn't care about their feelings at this time. What he should do is to finish it.

   Hongjun Daozu was talking about the magic weapon to defend his disciples, but at this time he was looking at Taishang.

"The little friend of the Taishang turned into the head of the Sanqing as the Pangu Yuanshen. Among the Dao Demon, he assisted the poor Dao to make a move, but there is a cause and effect. Today, it can be settled together. The poor Dao has a treasure, and Little friends are destined, I hope I can help you..."

   Hongjun Daozu showed a rare smile on his face, and said.

   Too Shang also did not expect that Hongjun Daozu had this idea, but since it was so, he would naturally not refuse it. After all, even if there was cause and effect after this, Hongjun Daozu would not be found.

   So this time he used Hongmeng Ziqi and magic weapons to end it, but it was reasonable, and it would not be too high to decide such a thing.


Daozu Hongjun flipped through his hands, took out something, and said in his mouth, "This picture is a picture of the innate treasure Taiji, which is one of the gods of the axe. It has the power of calming water, fire and wind, and the power of transforming the five elements of yin and yang. The power of the mystery of the law of heaven and the power of all the phenomena can be used as a thing to suppress the luck of the air..."

   Hearing the words, Tai looked up and saw that this treasure is indeed the most treasured Tai Chi picture that has a chance with oneself.

But seeing this picture, there are thousands of rays of sunshine and thousands of Ruicai. The road outside the picture surrounds it, and the symbol of heaven in the picture is looming in it. The two yin and yang fish seem to have indescribable mysterious meanings, bursts of vast innate The breath swept away.

   A group of gods and demons looked enviously, and such a treasure fell into the hands of the Supreme.

   But the Taoist ancestor gave the treasure to the Taishang, and they couldn't find any reason. Even if they found it, it would be useless. Could it be taken back? What can I do if I only look enviously at this time?

   "Thank Daozu!"

   This is the innate treasure. Although he has two treasures in his hands, he doesn't have too many such treasures. Moreover, the innate treasure that is related to him is even more precious. After he thanked him, he took it.

   Looking at the mysterious light bursts in his hand and the Tai Chi picture with Taoist rhyme flowing, the Dao law that emerged in Taishang's eyes seemed to be a little clearer, and between faintly, there were yin and yang two qi emerging, evolving endless mystery.

In a short moment, there is already a connection between Taishang and Taiji Tu. Seeing Hongjun Taoist ancestor secretly claiming to be strange, the chances are really different, and the connection can be established in a short moment. I am afraid that there will be less sacrifices. Take some time.

Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at the Taiji diagram in Taishang’s hands, but they felt a little envious. After all, this is the innate treasure, but it is not comparable to the innate spiritual treasure. If they can also have such a treasure, then their overall strength can be improved a lot. Up.

   At the moment when the two of them were thinking about it, Hongjun Daozu's eyes also turned to Yuan Shi.

   Yuanji saw this, but he was a little expectant in his heart, and he was also wondering whether he also had a treasure like his own elder brother in his hands.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you were also transformed by the Pangu Yuanshen. This is the Pangu banner and the axe of the Kaitian God. It is also the innate treasure, which can cut through the chaos. I hope you will be good at life and use it, and you will be able to suppress your air luck in the future... …"

   Hongjun Daozu looked at Yuan Shi, and said lightly.

   After that, Hongjun Daozu flipped his hand and took out a banner. Yuan Shi looked at the Pangu banner, but saw the sun shine through the blue sky, and the Ruicai thousands of clouds covered the sky, exuding the domineering **** of self, and the majesty of unparalleled majesty.

   Yuanshi was delighted in his heart. It was indeed a congenital treasure, and he was also transformed into an axe. The most important thing is that his Taoism represents Kaikai, and this pangu banner breaks through the chaos, opens up the world, corresponds to his Taoism, and is indeed suitable for him.

   "The disciple thanked the teacher!"

   After Yuanshi calmed down a little, he stretched out his hand and took the Pangu banner in the hands of Daozu Hongjun.

The meaning of    is the same, and it is not difficult to establish a connection. After having some connection with the Pangu banner, Yuan Shi put it away.

The gods and demons behind them saw Taoist ancestors and immediately divided them into two treasures. They said they didn’t envy them, they were false. This disciple was really good, he had sanctified purple energy, magic weapons, and he was also innate treasure. , Why don't you have such a chance?

   If you can become a disciple of the Taoist ancestor, even if you don’t have a grandiose spirit or a magic weapon, you can only envy you now.

   Kunpeng's gaze swept across Di Jun and Hong Yun, their eyes faint, inexplicably unpredictable.


  Tongtian saw that his eldest brother had obtained the Tai Chi picture, and his second brother had obtained the Pangu banners. Although he also expected to have the treasures~www.ltnovel.com~, he was most looking forward to the Slaughter Immortal Sword and the Sinking Immortal Sword in the hands of Daozu Hongjun.

   These two swords finally fell into the hands of Dao ancestors on the former Dao Demon battlefield. The other two were in the hands of my eldest brother, and then fell into my own hands. I have been enlightened by myself for many years, and the kendo has progressed quite fast.

   If you get these two swords by yourself, they will be a treasure innate if they are laid down by the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

   So, this is what Tongtian looks forward to most at this time.

At this time, Dao Ancestor's gaze was also looking, and he said, "Tongtian, you already have Zhuxian and Juexian among the four swords of Zhuxian in your hand. As the teacher, I will give you the two swords of killing immortals and trapping immortals. The Blood God Sword will also give you..."

   After all, Hongjun Daozu flipped over his hands, and three swords appeared in his hands. The biting chaotic sword aura flew out, cutting through the void, and a chill filled the hearts of countless gods and demons.

  Tongtian saw that it was the treasure he was looking forward to, and he was naturally delighted. As for the Blood Transforming Sword, it was just the best innate spiritual treasure, but its power was also not to be underestimated.

   "Thank you, teacher!" After Tongtian thanked him, he took the three swords from Daozu's hand.

   Hongjun Daozu nodded slightly, and then said, "Zhu Xian's Four Swords are not small, and the Zhu Xian Sword Formation is unbreakable. You need to use this array with caution..."

   "The disciple knows!" Tongtian knows what Daozu means, and also understands the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

   After all, he had participated in the battle of the Dao Demon, and he had also seen the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array. He also heard the elder brother talk about a current shortcoming of the Zhuxian Sword Array. He himself had some guesses and knew how to make up for it.

   As for what Daozu said, he also understood it, so he should use it carefully in the future.




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