Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Fenbao and Fenbao Cliff (3)

   Chapter 43 Fenbao and Fenbaoya (3)

   Daozu bestowed three swords on the sky, and said those words, which immediately changed the expressions of many gods and demons.

   There is a small number of gods and demons who knew the time of the war between the Dao and the Demons, and had also seen the horror of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Although they had not experienced it personally, the breath of horror had already been imprinted in their hearts.

   Now, such a sword formation has fallen into Tongtian's hands.

   And most of the gods and demons are shocked that what Dao Ancestor said, the power of the Four Saints cannot break this formation.

  Who can break such a formation?

   When they are all sanctified in the future, and Sanqing is one again, who can break this formation?

In my mind, many gods and demons listed Sanqing as an unprovoked existence in their hearts. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will die without knowing how to die. That is even if you are a Da Luo, a quasi-sage, but you have endless time and space. Long river, the existence of the long river of fate that cannot be avoided.

   Therefore, it is better to stay away from such an existence.


   Tongtian had two swords of Zhuxian's Four Swords in his hands. Too Shang naturally knew that Dao Ancestor would give him the other two as well. As for the Blood Divine Sword, it should be regarded as making up for not giving it to the Supreme Treasure.

   But with the four swords of Zhu Xian in hand, the sword formation is also the innate treasure, which is not bad.

   After all, the same way is the best.

After   Tong Tian took a look, he put away the three swords.

  At this time, Daozu's eyes have already turned to Nuwa.

When    Nuwa saw the first three, she already got two treasures, and three top-quality innate spirit treasures, which can form the innate treasure Zhuxian sword formation in Tongtian's hands. When she came to her, she was also expecting what magic weapon Dao Ancestor would bestow on herself.

   But if I want to come, it shouldn't be bad either. Yuanshi and Tongtian are disciples of Taoist ancestors, and they are also disciples of Taoist ancestors, so it won't be too bad to think about.

   There are not many magic weapons in his hand. Those who can be on the table, that is, his companion spiritual treasure and the congenital gourd obtained from the middle of the mountain in the past, are not congenital spirit treasures.

   So, Nuwa was looking forward to the gift of Taoist ancestor in her heart.

After Daozu's eyes fell on Nuwa, he smiled and said, "Nuwa, you have a gentle temper and don't like fighting, but in the future, you have a lot of merit to do. I will give you a picture of the mountain and river, red Hydrangea, one offense and one defense, you can protect you well in the future!"

   After that, he flipped through his hands, took out two magic weapons, and gave them to Nuwa.

   Red Hydrangea, the best congenital spiritual treasure, this is a sacred instrument of merit, can establish the third marriage of heaven and earth, and can master the marriage of the three realms. And the power is amazing, no matter how powerful you are, there is no escape, and you will die if you hit it. The body soul can't be retained. Of course, it doesn't have such a big effect on people of the same level.

The map of the mountains and rivers is the best innate spiritual treasure. This treasure is powerful and comparable to the innate treasure. It is a prehistoric map that records the direction of the prehistoric mountains and rivers. There is a huge universe inside, which can nurture hundreds of millions of lives, and it is all alive. Extinguished.

   There is a small world similar to the real society in this picture. When facing an enemy, the enemy can be included in it, and the cultivation base is worse than her. If they are both saints, they will also receive it, but it won't be long.


   After Daozu bestowed the magic weapon with Nuwa, he didn't speak any more, as if the four behind were all irrelevant.

A dark cloud flashed in Dijun’s eyes, he was sitting on the futon, but he had no relationship with Daozu, he was not accepted as a disciple, and he did not have a grandiose spirit. Even Fenbao did not have his own share, so he didn’t have any in his heart. Emotions, that is naturally false.

   But Dijun and Hongyun have not yet spoken, the two named disciples at the end, who received the lead and Zhunti, have already begun to cry at this time.

   Is there such a big gap between a formal disciple and a registered disciple? How can I say that I am also a registered disciple. Wouldn't you give me nothing?

   With the situation just now, it was natural to cry at this time.

The two knelt down and cried towards Daozu, "Teacher is merciful. I have been barren in the West since the tribulation. Not only are there scarce lives, but there are no spiritual treasures. Teachers are also pleased to be merciful and give me some magic weapons to defend myself... "

   Hearing the words, Hongjun Daozu slowly opened his eyes and glanced at them, making Dijun and Hongyun sink in their hearts, won't you give them again, and then you have no part? How can this be...

   "Emperor Jun, you are the power of the monster race, dominate all monsters, the poor way gives you the fan of the universe, and helps you control hundreds of millions of monster races, hope you will make good use of it!"

   At the moment when Di Jun secretly guessed in his heart, Dao Ancestor's voice came, and he looked startled, as if he thought he had heard it wrong.

   After only a breath, Di Jun had already reacted, with a touch of joy on his face, and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you, Daozu!"

   He has already seen that this Qiankun fan is the best innate spirit treasure. The most important point is that this treasure can accommodate ten thousand monsters and help him control hundreds of millions of monster races, which is indeed what he needs most now.

  I was not left behind by Dao Ancestor, Di Jun felt better in his heart, and Taiyi's complexion would not be so ugly, otherwise, sitting on this futon would have no meaning at all, and there would be no benefit at all.

   After giving the magic weapon to Dijun, he looked at Hongyun again.

"Hongyun, you are a casual cultivator, and the poor way gives you a magic weapon to balance the scales. This treasure contains the way of balance. When confronting an enemy, you can force it to the same level~www.ltnovel.com~ This treasure is for saints, The Yuan is invalid, and the realm is too different, the shorter the time..."

   Hongjun Taoist ancestor said in his mouth, flipped in his hand, and took out a magic weapon in the shape of a scale, which is the best innate Lingbaoheng Libra.

   The expressions of the gods and demons changed, and they forcibly pulled each other to the same realm. This way, for Hong Yun, it had a great advantage.

   Although it is invalid for Saints and Hunyuan, what about below this level?

   It is estimated that even the existence of Taishang is close to Hunyuan, right?

   But think about it, the existence of Taishang is pulled to the same level, that is, time has only a few breaths, but it is still difficult to defeat.

  Because the realm is too high, the avenue of comprehension and control is too deep, not at the same level at all, and it is difficult to beat it even in this way.

   But except for the existence of Taishang? What about other monks and gods and demons? They are not too high, falling on such a balanced way, they will not be so easy, after all, Hongyun is also the existence of Quasi-Saint mid-term.

   Just now the gods and demons who were not good at Hongyun were shaken again. After all, this magic weapon is not simple!

  Dijun's expression sank slightly, although his magic weapon fits him, but the magic weapon given to Hongyun is obviously more powerful!

   "Thank you, Daozu!"

   Hongyun looked overjoyed, and hurriedly picked it up.

   Jiuyin and Zhunti couldn't help showing an envy look on his face. He cried and said how Lingbao was given to others, and it was so good.

   It's your turn, shouldn't it be too bad, right?

   The two thought in their hearts, saw Daozu's gaze, turned to them, and their hearts were suddenly happy.

   Finally, it's my turn to the west.



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