Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 58: After bursts, red clouds shook the precipice

   The fifty-eighth chapter rises, the red cloud shakes the predecessor

   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes and looked at the place of Huoyun Cave, with a slight smile on his face, "If you want to find a chance in the calamity, Hongyun's method is good, but this calamity is not easy to survive after all. If there were no lich, it would be possible, plus the lich, it would be difficult..."

   After saying this, he glanced at the congenital gourd in the apse, and then he continued to calculate in his hands, the avenue appeared in his eyes, and the yin and yang manifested.

   After a long time, Tai Shang stopped to calculate and nodded slightly.

   Then, Taishang's gaze fell on the Huoyun Cave again, watching Hongyun's methods quietly, and paying attention to the progress of the matter.


   To the north of Huoyun Cave, in a vast valley.

   Hongyun's expression was cold, his eyes were full of cold light, he slowly swept through the thirty-five figures in the void, and said indifferently, "Finally appeared..."

   So many quasi-sages came all of a sudden, Hong Yun didn't expect it, but in an instant, he felt that his preparation was worthwhile, and if he wanted the grandeur, then come and see who can get it in the end.

Thirty-five quasi-sages standing in the sky looked at Hongyun with cold expressions, and only the master said coldly, "Hongyun, you don’t have to think about escaping today. The land of hundreds of thousands of miles has been laid out in the sky and the earth. You are a quasi-sage, and you can't escape..."

   He is the ancestor of the evil spirit, it is a ray of evil spirit that emerges between the heaven and the earth. The cultivation base is the highest of all existence here, including the red cloud. At this time, he is already a quasi-sage.

   The words of the ancestor of the evil spirit just fell, after the thirty-five quasi-sages, thousands of figures gradually appeared.

   Hongyun swept his eyes, these more than a thousand casual cultivators were all monks in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and they were once again a powerful force for casual cultivators. After all, this is more than a thousand Da Luo Jinxian, but not more than a thousand Taiyi Jinxian.

   It can be said that the casual cultivators here at this time have already included most of the casual cultivators.

   is not only a master, at this time, after more than a thousand Da Luo Jinxian, there are thousands of loose repairs below the Da Luo Jinxian appeared in the void, forming a huge encirclement, and the center is a red cloud.

   "You can see my red cloud..."

   Hongyun glanced around, then turned his gaze, fell on the obliterated ancestor, and smiled slightly.

Hearing that, the demonic ancestors and others were silent. This is what we have to do. Hongyun's own cultivation is extremely strong. After he arrived, he only knew that Hongyun had been promoted to the late quasi-sage stage, but he didn't know him. Did the second corpse be cut off?

   Such a strength, fortunately, he and others are fully prepared, otherwise, I am afraid that he will not be able to win the red cloud.

   After all, in addition to Hongyun himself, there is a balance scale given by the ancestor Daoist. This spirit treasure can cope with him. As for the other quasi-sage existence, how many are Hongyun opponents? The situation at this time is swarming.

   "Red Cloud, I think you are not easy to practice, if you hand over the grandiose and purple energy, we can give you a way out..."

   After a few breaths of silence, among the thirty-five quasi-sage masters, a quasi-sage mid-term existence spoke.

He also had a good idea. If Hongyun is willing to hand it over, then it is naturally the best. After all, under this situation, Hongyun will naturally fight back. Even if there are many masters on his side, it is inevitable that some people will be caught. Red clouds dragged into the water.

Everyone has calculations, and naturally they will not let such things happen to themselves. After all, I have come to get the grand purple qi. If the purple qi has not been seen, it will fall into Hongyun’s hands, then they naturally don’t want to see this. Something happened.

   Therefore, if it is possible to succumb to others without fighting, it is naturally the best. And his words also drew a dozen quasi-sage masters from the early to mid-stage quasi-sages to secretly admire that his strength is indeed much weaker than that of the demonic ancestors.

   If Hong Yun was dragged into the water, and those who benefited in the end, it would be a big loss.

Hong Yun heard the words and raised his eyes. He recognized this person. He had seen him once in the Zixiao Palace. Among the 35 quasi-sage cultivators of this person, most of them were guests of the Zixiao Palace. It is also the first to know that it can be contended, and most want to **** the existence of this purple energy.

   "There is only one Harmony Purple Qi, but you have thirty-five quasi-sages. How should you divide this Harmony Purple Qi?"

   Hong Yun's gaze fell on the thirty-five quasi-sage masters, smiled slightly, and asked.

   Although his tone is light, but it contains a cold meaning, the expression of the thousand-odd Luo Jinxian has changed slightly.

   "As for how to distribute, there is no need for you to worry about it. You only need to hand over the grand and purple energy, and we are free to make a decision..."

   The ancestor of the evil spirit frowned first, and then faintly spoke.

   Regarding this kind of separation, they had discussed it a long time ago, first to win the purple energy, and then to distribute. At this time, Zi Qi hadn't been seen, so it was naturally impossible to be successfully separated by Hongyun in this way.

   Hearing this, Hong Yun just smiled coldly without answering.

   "Since you all want purple gas, you can get it yourself!"

   After a few breaths, Hong Yunhan said in a cold voice, with awe-inspiring murderous intent on his face. The preparations for the big formation were completed and the timing was right.

   "Hongyun, you are looking for death!" The Demon Sha ancestor screamed and said, "Dear friends, let's do it!"

Before the words came to an end, thirty-five quasi-sage-level masters shot one after another, attacking towards the red cloud, and at this time, there were thousands of Da Luo Jinxian and countless monks below Da Luo ~ www.mtlnovel. com~ is also a shot.

  Although their attack was only assistance, under the current situation, it was equally fatal.

   Hongyun seems to be in an attacking ocean at this time, attacking from all directions, and the horror breath makes the heart palpitating.

   He looked at the impending attack at this time, his face was murderous, and he said in a cold voice, "Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me..."

   "The wind is rising, the clouds are surging, the yin and yang change, the five elements are reversed, and the red sand is in a big array, rise!"

In a thousandth of an instant, the mysterious and obscure handprints formed in Hongyun's hands, and the clouds between the heavens and the earth gathered together and turned into countless red clouds, and then they were seen above the earth and in the void. Dozens of red lights soared into the sky, and even seeing a huge formation instantly spread out.

   At this moment, the formation engulfed an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, and all the loose repairs were trapped in the formation.


   The large array of attacks suddenly circulated, the red sand filled the sky, and the power swept out, plus Hong Yun himself, it was to block this wave of attacks.

   One blow was blocked, all the loose repairs were not shot, the expression on his face was extremely gloomy.

   I didn't expect that at this time, Hong Yun would actually put it together. Although this large formation could not last long, this time was enough for Hong Yun to obliterate a lot of existence.

   At the same time, paying attention to the existence of this matter, in addition to Tai Shang, the Lich Clan, as well as many great abilities, were all showing shock at this time.

   Hongyun's move is to bury so many casual repairs?

   Sure enough, under such circumstances, the counterattack is fatal, and it depends on whether the casual cultivators can survive Hongyun's obliteration.




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