Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 59: Hit hard, the cicada escaped its shell

   Chapter 59 is hit hard, Jin Chan escapes from the shell

   In the red sand array.

   "Hongyun, you are a good calculation, you are all trapped for a while..."

   The evil spirit ancestor looked gloomy. After scanning the red sand formation, he turned his head to look at the red cloud and said in a deep voice.

   "If you hadn't coveted Hongmeng Ziqi, would you have fallen into my formation. Since you are here today, then you don't have to go!"

   Hong Yun's face was awe-inspiring to kill, and he said coldly, the handprints formed in his hands, and the big formation suddenly moved, and the red sand invaded the sky. Even if the quasi-sage exists and is concentrated by the red sand, the soul will not be better.

   "How long do you think this formation can trap us?" A quasi-sage asked.

   "Enough!" Hong Yun's expression was cold, and he uttered a word.

   Hearing this, the expressions of the Daluo Jinxian and the monks below in the formation changed, even for some quasi-sages.

Yes! With Hongyun's strength, even if he only had a few ten breaths of time, how many existences would he kill? That is the existence of the late Quasi-Sage, how many can stop him?

   "Friends of Taoism, don't keep your hands!"

   The ancestor of the evil spirit looked at the red sand, his expression changed slightly, and he shouted.

   The voice fell, and all the thirty-five quasi-sage masters took action. This blow did not leave the slightest hand. The horrible attack swept through, spreading to the past, sweeping the future, and now the time period is drifting.

A wave of red sand was broken, and a new wave of red sand was buried. The horrible aura was stronger than that. The clouds above the nine heavens formed a mysterious pattern at this time, which was continuously blessed by an invisible force. Coming into the red sand formation, constantly attacking these casual repairs.

   The red sand is like a wave. When a wave is swept down, many monks have fallen. Within a few breaths of Da Luo Jinxian and below, they have fallen by thousands.

   Hong Yun has prepared for a long time, and has been attacking for a long time. If even the monks below Da Luo Jinxian can resist, then his red sand formation would be too cheap.

In just a few breaths, the Daluo Jinxian lost more than half, and those below the Daluo Jinxian were wiped out. At this time, the power of the red sand was also promoted to the extreme by the red cloud. Although the big formation was about to be broken, the last one was at this time. With a few blows, he still hopes to erase those Da Luo Jinxian, as well as a few early quasi-sages.

   The red sand filled the sky, invading the soul. After a wave, the soul drifted and fell into it.

   Ren Daluo Jinxian cut away the long river of time, but at this time the river was blocked by red clouds, buried by the red sand, the primordial spirit fell, and it was impossible to avoid the long river of time.

   "Quickly, the formation will be broken!"

   The evil spirit ancestor looked happy and said loudly.

   But before the words fell, he saw the current situation. Except for their thirty-five quasi-sages, all the other monks had fallen.

   At this time, it was not just him, but the other quasi-saints were quite shocked. In just a few dozen breaths of time, Hong Yun had wiped out so many cultivators.

   "Next, it's you..."

   Hongyun looked at the thirty-five quasi-sages, and said coldly.

   Hearing this, the ten-digit quasi-sage's existence in the early to mid-term, the heart sank at this time, and a sense of fall was immediately lingering in his heart.


Suddenly, the red cloud expression flashed, the good and evil corpses appeared, and then together with the deity, pounced on a group of quasi-sage masters. The power of the large formation was now fully operating, and the red sand covered this place and blocked everything, even the quasi-sages. It is difficult to snoop in the later stage.

   "Hurry up!" The Demon Sha ancestor shouted, but the next moment he felt that he had changed the environment.

   fell in a special area at this time, surrounded by laws, a pressure on him, his own cultivation base began to decline, and reached the point of the quasi-sage late stage.

   "Weighing scales!"

   The evil spirit ancestor's expression sank, and he has been forcibly pulled into the area covered by the balance of balance. During these ten breaths of time, he will be the same as Hongyun in the late quasi-sage existence.

Hong Yun did not talk nonsense with the evil spirit ancestor at this time, he only had a few breaths at this time, a red cloud seemed to cover the sky and the sun, covering the place where the evil spirit ancestor was, red sand swept over, and the thunder flickered. , The attack in Hongyun's hand, at this time, all overwhelmingly flooded the Demon Sha ancestor.

   Within the range enveloped by the scales of balance, the ancestor of the evil spirit could not escape from the long river of time and space, and could only face these attacks directly.

   He flipped through his hand, and a sacred sword of the low-grade Xiantian Lingbao appeared in his hand, constantly resisting the stormy attacks of Hongyun. The laws of the surrounding avenues are intertwined. At this time, all the power is dissolved, and this area is not broken. Only when the time is up can you come out of it.


   The ancestor of the evil spirit was bombarded by a red cloud, and the blood spilled into the void. At this time, the scenery changed and he had already emerged from the area of ​​Heng Libra.


   A ray of light flashed, and the ancestor of the evil spirit couldn't react in an instant, and he was slow for a while as the area changed.


   The ancestor of the evil spirit was bombarded again and hit the wall of the formation, causing dense cracks.

   Hongyun is still quite satisfied with the effect of directly hitting the balance scale.

   "Red Cloud, once the formation is broken, it will be your death date!"

   The flames throbbed in the dark eyes of the ancestor of the evil spirit, and his mouth was cold.

   was forcibly pulled into the area of ​​Heng Libra, was injured by the red cloud, and was hit by Heng Libra. His injury at this time was not light.

   "You can try!"

Hong Yun chuckled and waved his hand. The good and evil corpses returned. The good and evil corpses obliterated the four early masters of the quasi-sage and severely inflicted several of them. This is already very rare. After all, there are so many masters. If you have to deal with the big battle, I'm afraid they won't lose so much of the four severely injured digits.

   Hong Yun slapped a handprint in his hand, and then it disappeared. The original dense red sand array, at this time, rose sharply, and the terrifying aura changed the expressions of all the masters.

   "No, he wants to explode!"

   The ancestor of the evil spirit yelled, and he had already rushed to a certain direction, Lingbao protected his body, and his own defensive power had reached the limit.


  At this time, the large array burst into explosion, and the force of the impact reached the nine heavens. All the condensed clouds dissipated in it, and the valley with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was completely wiped out at this time.


   At this moment, many people in the predicament took a breath. Hong Yun is really a lunatic. After this moment, how many masters will be buried?

   I don't know how long it has passed, but when the impact gradually subsided, it was finally revealed.

   The original thirty-five quasi-sages, at this time, there are only twenty Dao Dao left, and among them, only eighteen are in better condition. The other digits are all severely injured at this time and cannot continue.


   At this moment, three attacks in the sky crashed down.

   Seeing this, all the quasi-sages' expressions changed, and they suddenly avoided.


   Three attacks fell, and the other quasi-saints escaped, but those few who were hit hard and couldn't continue, were not so lucky. At this time, they all fell into Hongyun's hands.

   All that remains at this time are the mid to late quasi-sage, and the quasi-sage of the ancestor of the evil spirit has completed, and the existence of the early quasi-sage has all fallen.

   "Red Cloud!"

   The eyes of the eighteen masters were about to split, and they said in a deep voice ~www.ltnovel.com~ a killing intent condensed the void.

   "If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to fall!" Hong Yun said lightly.

   As soon as the voice fell, the nineteen figures suddenly handed over. Hongyun was one enemy eighteen, and the tribe was under the wind for a time.

   But this is just a matter of counting the breaths. After counting the breaths, Hong Yun has been in a disadvantage. After all, the amount of difference is too great. At this time, the eighteen masters made all-out efforts, and Hong Yun was in danger for a while.

   "If you want me to die, don't think about it!"

   Hongyun looked ferocious and said coldly.

"not good!"

  The speed at which the masters retreated, but the red cloud exploded faster.


   A series of thunder sounds pierced through the nine heavens, and the shock wave spread across hundreds of millions of miles, the mountains were annihilated, the earth collapsed, the void shattered, and everything was in chaos.

   At this moment, the power of attention between the world and the earth, the Lich, doesn’t know what to say anymore. Such a lunatic really cannot be easily provoked!

   After such a self-destruction, how many scattered repairs fell into it.

   Desperate counterattack, the price is indeed very high.


   Hungry, somewhere in an area.

   Hongyun looked in the direction of the blew, a shadow of gloom flashed across his face, but it was restored in a flash.

   "So, it can be considered as a temporary solution to the crisis..."

   Hongyun retracted his gaze and muttered in his mouth.

  Today's Jin Chan's method of escaping his shell not only blew up a large array, but also blew up his benevolent corpse. For him, it was also a big loss.

   But as a result, he was still very satisfied, after all, a lot of casual cultivators were buried there.

   After thinking for a while, Hong Yun moved and left here.



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