Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 65: Lich talks, the sky is boundless

   Chapter 65 The Lich Discussion, The Heavenly Promise

   Under the mountain, in the Pangu Temple.

"Fifth brother, Hong Huang has lost so many casual cultivators and masters, these areas, my Wu clan must occupy them as soon as possible, and incorporate them into my Wu clan's territory. This is a lot of help for my Wu clan to condense luck and strength... …"

  Dijiang swept his eyes, finally fell on Zhu Rong, and said.

   "I know Big Brother!" Zhu Rong nodded when he heard the words.

For tens of thousands of years, the Wu Clan has recovered some of its own vitality. The Twelve Ancestral Witch is also restoring the damage caused by the Pangu real body of the Great Array Evolution. Therefore, it is advancing the prehistoric area and occupying the territory of these casual and masters. It was somewhat stagnant.

Now that he has gone out of customs and recovered from his injuries, Dijiang started to mention the process. Zhu Rong did not need Dijiang to remind him, he would do it, because he usually operated these things, sometimes even There is co-worker assistance.

Di Jiang nodded, and then said, "This time the big formation of the lich races, we can find some shortcomings. The drill of the big formation can improve the Pangu Kaitian moves, and control the back moves. , It is also necessary to seize the time to participate in the exercise..."

"In addition, the evolution of the Pangu Real Body of the Great Array still has a lot of damage to the Twelve Ancestral Witches of our main array. If you want to better control the Great Array, you need to minimize this damage. Even if the big formation is broken, we still have the power to fight..."

   Hearing the words, the ancestors nodded, even though Xuan was silent again.

   These two shortcomings are the most obvious at present, and they are also urgently needed. If these two shortcomings are not made up for, it will be difficult for the Wu clan's big formation to reach a higher level.

   For the first one, it won't be too difficult. After all, they have already branded Pangu's opening moves in their hearts, as long as they understand it thoroughly and practice familiarity.

   But later, to minimize the damage caused by Pangu's real body, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

   After all, they have been practicing for a long time, but for this injury, they still have not found a better way. At this time, it is not that simple to find a remedy quickly.

  Dijiang saw that the ancestors were silent, his eyes slowly swept over, and then fell on the thoughtful man on his face, and said, "Second brother, what did you think of?"

   Hearing this, all the ancestral witches' eyes focused on Ju Mang.

Ju Mang raised his head, looked at the ancestors and witches, slowly said, "I'm thinking, the Yaozu used three hundred and sixty-five shots of the main star flag, plus more than 47,000 shots of the auxiliary star flag to connect the week. Tianxingchen will set up a great formation next week, so what if it is replaced by my Wuzu great formation?"

"Using the method of the demon clan, we can refine the flag of the gods and demon that can assist us in the formation. When we share the power, the damage will be transferred to the flag of the gods and the devil. Then we can minimize the damage... "

   The ancestors and witches listened, and their eyes lit up.

   Yes, you can also use the method of flags to replace it! Although I don't know if it will work, but it is at least one way.

   "Second brother's words have some truth, this matter, I will leave it to you to try..." Di Jiang nodded.

   "Don't worry, brother!"

Di Jiang turned his gaze, fell on Houtu, and said, "Sister, this time your central main formation is not small. You need to understand the Pangu moves behind. If the big formation comes back, you still need your central main formation... "

   "I know..." Houtu nodded.

  Dijiang nodded, and then he asked the Eleventh Ancestor Witch to return to the arrangement.


   Thirty-three days, the demon heaven, in the palace of the sky.

   "To the Emperor of Heaven, my monster race has lost more than 40% of all this time, and my luck has also been lost a bit..."

   Bai Ze stepped forward and reported to Emperor Jun.

   "This is something we didn't expect. The Wu Clan actually has such a big formation, which can evolve Pangu's true body even more. This kind of power makes us somewhat unexpected, and the damage is normal..."

   "However, this time it also reflects the deficiencies of the monster race. The strength of the ordinary monsters needs to be improved again, and the level of drills of the big formation also needs to be improved..."

  Dijun nodded, and then analyzed.

   "The minister knows how to do it..." Bai Ze arched his hands.

   "Bai Ze, how is the situation with the demon master?"

   Suddenly, Di Jun asked. Kunpeng has damaged the good and evil corpses this time, and the situation is naturally more serious.

   "Emperor Huitian, the demon master is still in retreat and healing, I am afraid that he will not leave the customs so quickly. Moreover, the injury is so serious, even if the strength is out of the customs, it is difficult to recover to full strength during this time..."

   Bai Ze said. Blew the good and evil corpses, but it was the original source, and it was not so easy to restore it.

  Dijun nodded, and ignored the question. After thinking for a while, he said to Bai Ze, "In this large formation of the witch clan, the earth will be the main formation, and the power is not small. Moreover, as the ancestor witch, he can use spirit treasures. The strength is very terrifying. Be careful in the future. It's..."

   Before the battle between the two clans, the Lingbao Mingshu was used in the battle of Houtu. Dijun was indeed shocked. The ancestor witch plus the Lingbao, the strength can be imagined. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   later the main line of the Witch clan, the strength is really terrifying.

   "The minister understands!" Bai Ze nodded. Regarding the strength of Houtu, he really has a fresh memory. This battle has left a lot of memories on the monster clan. At this time, Di Jun mentioned that he would be careful.

   After Emperor Jun arranged some more things, he let the ten demon gods of his subordinates go down to improve the strength of his subordinates and practice the big formation.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   "The third brother, how come back to the Taiqing Palace today?"

   looked at Tong Tian sitting in front of him with a smile on his face, and asked.

   After that, he picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip of enlightenment tea.

   "I have encountered a bottleneck in my comprehension of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, so I plan to travel in the wilderness to see if I can meet the chance..."

  Tongtian sword raised his eyebrows, smiled, and took a sip from the teacup in his hand.

   "Those three brothers have come along this way, do you have some insights in your heart?" Tai Shang asked.

"For the time being, I haven't gotten anything. My perception of the Dao is still stagnant. Perhaps, the chance is not here. But the vast land is vast, I can travel to other places, even if I haven't encountered it, then I can increase my understanding of the vast world... …"

   Whether or not you can meet the chance during this trip, it's not easy to meet the heavens. After all, the chance of sanctification is not so easy to encounter.

   After hearing the words, Tai Tai smiled, but did not speak.

  Tongtian didn't stay in Taishang for too long. In just over a hundred years, after having exchanged some great principles with Taishang, he set off and left.

   The vast wilderness is vast, and he travels around, looking for opportunities. As for whether he can encounter it, it depends on his own good fortune.



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