Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 3 Chapter 66: Nu Wa Lin Taiqing Palace

   Chapter 66 Nuwa Visiting Taiqing Palace

  Time has always gone the fastest in the precipice, and in a flash, tens of thousands of years have passed quietly.

   In the past tens of thousands of years, the Wu Clan has already mastered those scattered repairs and the areas where the masters fell in Hong Yun's hands, and expanded the Wu Clan's territory, which greatly increased the fate of the Wu Clan gathered at this time.

These casual cultivators were originally the targets to be eliminated by the liches. Unexpectedly, Hong Yun had already done it for them before they even made a move. There are so many casual cultivators and masters. Even though Dijiang made two shots in the end, they all There is no more power to fight back, and it is nothing.

   The strength of the Witch clan continues to increase. As the sun is in the sky, it has caused many casual cultivators to evade, otherwise there will be any conflict with the Witch clan. After all, under such a large formation, they have no resistance at all.

   Moreover, the memories that the figure gave them were indeed heavy enough, unless it was at that level, otherwise, who wouldn't evade the Wu Clan temporarily at this time?

  Of course, there are exceptions. There are such existences as East Kunlun and Fengxi Mountain. The Witches have not taken any action. These gods and demons are more special, so they can't take them rashly, but there are still few places like this, and there are even fewer such gods and demons.

   Therefore, apart from opening up, there are very few casual cultivators who meet the witch clan who refuse to give in, and they dare not engage in evil with the witch clan.

After the Wu Clan’s tens of thousands of years of expansion and growth in luck, it now calms down. These expansions have gradually slowed down, except for some friction and war with the monsters on the wild land. Other moves.

   The Witch Clan can be considered calm at this time, and the development of oneself calmly, it is also a lot of peace at this time.


   As for the monster race, for tens of thousands of years, it has been developing itself in the heavenly court, and also the control of the sky, the control of Zhou Tian and the stars.

   One's own strength is necessary, but the control of Zhou Tianxing is also a factor that enhances the power of the big formation. Therefore, the monster race's control of Zhou Tianxing has indeed improved a lot over the years.

   There is also the land under the jurisdiction of the monsters, the prehistoric sky, at this time, it is also constantly expanding.

   Although the monster clan formation is weaker than the witch clan, the other strengths at this time are not much worse.

   The Wu Clan is improving, and the Yao Clan is naturally not lagging behind.

   It can be said that the two sides are steadily rising, and the vitality of their own loss is constantly recovering. I believe that in the near future, the two clans will be able to recover their vitality that was lost in this war.


   The time of great calmness is also the time for many powerful gods and demons to practice.

   Of course, there are still some who are looking for opportunities outside and traveling through the land, such as Tongtian, but more powerful and supernatural beings are still practicing in retreat, especially the other four who are based on the Hongmeng Ziqi.

Naturally, this time will not be missed at this time. Now that the Lich is becoming more and more powerful, if you want to be free from the constraints of the Lich Clan, you can only become holy. Otherwise, the Lich Clan will continue to be constrained. It is not conducive to practice, face status and so on.


   Outside the mountain, Fengqi Mountain, and Dongfuzhong.

Fuxi slowly opened her eyes, took a look at Nuwa, who was now frowning, and said, "Sister, don't worry, you can't rush to practice, and you have to rely on chance to become a holy. You may be right now. Not yet..."

  Nuwa has made progress in her cultivation over the years, and now she is also in the later stage of the quasi-sage. It is not far from the quasi-sage's consummation, but to explain the opportunity of enlightenment and proving to be sacred, Fuxi can also see that there is no chance.

   So when I saw Nuwa frowning at this time, I couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Nuwa opened her eyes and sighed softly, "The path of good fortune has made a lot of progress, and the two corpses have also been cut off, but if you want to fully understand the Hongmeng Purple Qi and become sacred, you can't find the opportunity and timing... …"

   Although her cultivation level is about to enter Quasi-Sage Consummation, this is not the key. The key is that she still has not been able to comprehend the cosmic and purple energy, and still has difficulty in becoming a holy. Even if she is promoted to Quasi-Sage Consummation, it is still a bit difficult.

   "For chance matters, I can't rush..."

Fuxi smiled and said, "It's not a good thing for you to sit blindly. The chance may not be here. You can travel in the predicament and see if there is any chance. No matter how bad, you will be promoted to the quasi-sage perfection. Okay..."

   After hearing this, Nuwa nodded slightly after thinking about it, but also felt that what her brother said was reasonable.

   "In that case, the little girl went to Honghuang to see if she could meet the chance..." Nuwa looked at Fuxi and said.

   Fuxi smiled and nodded, and said, "Go, since you are the saint appointed by Dao Ancestor, chance will come by yourself, don't worry..."

   Nuwa nodded, and then she got up, left Fengqi Mountain, and came towards the land.


   Nuwa left Fengqi Mountain, but she didn't have a direction, she just went all the way.

   So, five hundred years later.

   "So, it's not a solution..."

   Nuwa frowns her eyebrows, this kind of directionless travel is not an option.

   Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind, "Since Taishang Dao Zun is a Hun Yuan, he may have some insights into this situation. Maybe I can ask him to see if there is a better way?"

   Taishang’s cultivation base is at that level after all. For the unsanctified self, maybe he has some constructive opinions, but he can help himself a lot.

   At this point, Nuwa is flying towards the Promise Mountain Range.

   With her cultivation base, she spanned a hundred million trillion li in an instant, and it was not too long from the Wuji Mountain Range. After more than ten years, she came to the Wuji Mountain Range.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   "Fellow Daoist came to Taiqing Palace today, but I am a rare visitor from Taiqing Palace..."

After    Tai Shang entertained Nuwa to take a seat ~www.ltnovel.com~ After making enlightenment tea to entertain her again, he smiled.

   "Nuwa is here, but there are some things I want to ask Dao Zun..."

   Nuwa is new to enlightenment tea, but after a round of tasting, it is said that business matters.

   "Friends of Taoism, but it's okay to say!" Tai Shang smiled lightly.

  "Nvwa has made progress in her cultivation over the years, but she still has no point in becoming a saint. Since Dao Zun is a Hunyuan, Nvwa wanted to ask about some things in this realm, which can help me become a saint and prove the Tao..."

   Nuwa looked solemn, looked at Taishang and said.

   Hearing this, after a big smile, he looked at Nuwa and said, "The opportunity for fellow Daoists is not here. There is a lack of time for this fashion. At this time, it is still a little difficult to be sanctified..."

   "When will the opportunity come?" Nuwa frowned.

   "The timing will not be too long..." Too smiled.


  Nuwa whispered in her mouth as her eyes gleamed brightly.

   "Since this is the case, Nuwa will wait for the opportunity and opportunity to arrive..."

   After a pause, she said to Taishang, "Nuwa has some great paths and ideals, and I need to ask Dao Zun..."

   "Friends, please!"

   Nuwa wanted to ask some great truths, but it was too high and did not refuse.

   Nuwa nodded slightly, and then she explained some things she didn't understand in the way of good fortune at this time, and asked Taishang to answer for herself.

   Great roads have different paths to the same destination. The Supreme Being is already in the realm of Hunyuan. Above these supreme principles, it is natural to see more thoroughly. At this time, when Nuwa talked about it, he explained it to Nuwa in detail.

   Nuwa smelled these meticulous great principles, and at this time, she quickly absorbed and understood, and the stagnant cultivation base was once again improved.



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