Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 24: 10th horizontal

Chapter Twenty-Four Ten Days

Taishang is quite satisfied that Ziyi and Youchao can be promoted to the realm of quasi-sages. As a result, the human race will have three quasi-sage masters, and the overall strength has also improved a lot.

Nu Wa was also quite relieved to see all this, and the strength of the human race would become more powerful.

"Suiren, how is the situation in the Holy Land now?"

Taiga turned his gaze, fell on Sui Ren, and asked.

"Back to teacher, the current strength of the Human Race Holy Land has improved a lot. There are more than a dozen disciples of Da Luo Jinxian, and the number below Da Luo Jinxian is much more..." Sui Ren said.

Although Daluo Jinxian's disciples are only a few dozen, plus the eight elders and three ancestors, the high-level strength of the human race is not weak.

Tai Shang nodded slightly, and then said to Nuwa, "Friends of Daoist, let's go and watch the results of this Trinity Society of Human Race!"

Hearing this, Nu Wa smiled and said, "Brother Dao, please!"

Taishang signaled Suiren to lead the way. After the three ancestors and the eight elders bowed, they brought Taishang and Nuwa to the holy place. After visiting these years, the human race's improved strength reached those points.


Soon after Nuwa married, it was another marriage. This red hydrangea dominates the third marriage between heaven and earth. All the saints still know this. Now Nuwa can complete the third marriage with only one day marriage. The power of hydrangea can be improved a lot again.

Although the grade is still the best innate spirit treasure, its power is probably the top one. The general best innate spirit treasure can hardly be compared with the red hydrangea. In this way, Nuwa's overall strength has been improved. less.

When Di Jun heard about the marriage again, he really regretted it. He just missed the opportunity to gain merit and improve his strength in vain. If he could do it again, he really wanted to hold Heavenly Marriage in his hands.

It's a pity, it's all too late.

The Twelfth Ancestor Witch was not too surprised that Nuwa would set up a human race to marry a human. After all, she is the Virgin and the vice-master of the human race, so she would naturally not let go of the opportunity to promote the human race.

They don't need to think about it. After the Ziyi clan and Youchao clan have obtained the merits of marriage, their cultivation base must have improved a lot.

At least not below Hou Yi, although Hou Yi is the Great Luo Jinxian Consummation, but relying on the body of the great witch, the general quasi-sage can really help him in the early stage.

After all, that is also the limitation of the great witch, unless it is the ancestor witch, or the great chance and great fortune impacts into the quasi-sage realm, otherwise, the great witch will have difficulty entering the quasi-sage realm.

But the strength can be improved, but it is at best comparable to the early days of the quasi-sage.

But Hou Tu believed that by the chance of future Yi, he could definitely enter the realm of quasi-sage, because he had that potential.

But at this time in the predicament, there are many monks who feel that this marriage ceremony has a lot of benefits. If you can also make a wave, it is indeed a big opportunity and good fortune.

But immediately think about it, these three marriages are only the day marriage, and the local marriage and the human marriage are both established at this time.

If this allows them to marry on the spot or by people, it may be qualified, but in their circumstances, they are indeed not qualified.

Dijun and Xihe, the most qualified ones, did miss it, and regretted it when they wanted to come, but there was no way. Who said that at that time, they didn't know that there were such benefits? If you miss it, there is nothing left.

Many monks in the prehistoric land are still discussing the matter of the third marriage, but Taishang, Nuwa and several ancestor elders are observing in the holy land of the human race to see the development of the human race with these three diverse meetings. .

Terran, in the Holy Land.

"The time of the Three Yuanhuis is indeed not small for the development of the Holy Land. Coupled with the improved strength of Ziyi and Youchao, the human race is considered top among the second-rate forces..."

Nodded too slightly, I am quite satisfied with the development of the human race over the years.

Nu Wa nodded, and so did.

The growth of human luck over the years is also of great benefit to her as the Virgin, and this increase in luck, in addition to the expansion of the human race itself, the growth of the number, the most is the human holy land. .

The growth of so much luck is enough to prove that the Holy Land has developed well over the years.

Suddenly, Taishang and Nüwa stopped and looked at a temple called Renjiao where the gods of Taishang and Nüwa were enshrined.

Because the two are guarded by the laws of the Great Dao, so the human race can remember their appearance, that is, the eleven present, even the eight elders, can only remember an outline, let alone other human races.

Therefore, these two statues do not have any charm, but there are many human beliefs that haunt them.

Taishang and Nuwa glanced at each other, smiled, and waved their hands. Two brilliance fell on the statues of the leader and the vice leader, and then gradually revealed the charm of the two statues, and their power still remained.

The beliefs of the human race were all merged into the idols at this time, and the power was fed back to the two of them. The power of faith was also a good power of assistance, and the two did not refuse.

With these two statues of gods, if Sui Ren and the others are in a hurry, it would be convenient to ask them.

After finishing all this, Taishang confessed to Suiren a few words, and then left with Qingxuan.

Seeing Taishang leaving, Nuwa naturally did not stay, nor did she return to Fengqi Mountain, and went straight towards the good fortune sky.


When time flies, tens of thousands of years have passed away quietly.

Zhou Tian, ​​the sea, the stars, the sun and the stars.


There was a soft sound, and then the barrier that was visible to the naked eye broke apart.

Ten of the golden crows were very happy, and now they can go to play in the predicament.

Although now only the Grand Prince has reached the stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal~www.ltnovel.com~ The other nine golden crows have not yet reached, and the Sun Ziji Jinhuo has not yet reached the point of being able to retract freely, but they all want to go. Hong Huang, he naturally would not disagree.

Therefore, the ten Golden Crows all left the Sun Star at this time.

The ten golden crows directly bypassed the area where the heaven was located at this time, and then slowly descended into the predicament.

The prehistoric horizon was vast and vast, and the ten golden crows did not encounter the patrolling monsters at this time, so it went smoothly.

Ten golden crows descended into the wilderness. In the sky, ten more suns suddenly appeared. At this time, the terrifying temperature suddenly scorched the earth.

They were still unable to reach the point where the sun's purple extremely golden fire was able to retract and release freely. The situation at this time was normal, but many of them fell under the damage of this golden fire, and they did have considerable karma.

However, the ten golden crows did not realize at all at this time, and they were still traveling towards the prehistoric land.

For the ten Golden Crows who have come to Honghuang for the first time, everything is novel, and this time, they must have a good time.



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