Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 25: Kuafu shoots the sun, Houyi shoots the sun

Chapter 25 Kuafu Chases the Sun, Houyi Shoots the Sun

Terran, in the Holy Land.

"Human Ancestor, ten suns appeared in the sky, and some human races were greatly affected..."

The great elder walked into the chamber with a solemn expression and reported to Sui Ren.

"Ten days in the sky, there are ten golden crows in the heavenly court, great elder, you immediately shrink the human tribe, let the high-level disciples of the human race take action, and protect those human tribes..."

Suiren's expression stunned, he already knew that these ten days were the ten golden crows in the heavenly court, and immediately ordered.

"Yes!" After the great elder responded, he turned and left.

Sui Ren glanced at the route where the Golden Crow went. There were not many human races there, but they would still suffer some damage. Human race disciples could reduce a lot of damage if they took action.

"Heavenly Court, I am afraid that I will be carrying a lot of karma..."

Sui Ren glanced at the place where the Golden Crow passed. The ground was cracked, the rivers dried up, Lingzhi and some creatures fell, and the karma was increasing a little bit.

In comparison, Human Race's harm is not great.

Because the place where the Golden Crow went at this time was where the Wu Clan was located. Although the Human Clan in the Central Continent was close to the Wu Clan, it did not live among the Wu Clan. As long as it did not go to where the Human Clan was, the Human Clan would have nothing to do. loss.

But the Wu Clan is hard to say.


The travel route of the ten golden crows at this time is indeed towards the Wu Clan. Although the Human Clan has fallen, compared with other creatures, the damage is really not big, and compared with the Witch Clan, it is even smaller. Up.

Especially after the disciples of the holy land of the human race took action, the ten golden crows naturally did not dare to head towards the place of the human race.

Although they are young, they still know the background of the Human Race. Besides, this is a dozen or so Da Luo Jinxians, how dare they go toward the place of the Human Race.

The demons and the witches have an antagonism, and if they want to burn them, they should also burn the witches.

Therefore, they are burning towards the Wu clan.

After arriving in the Central Continent, once they met a member of the Witch Clan, no matter what they were, they would release the sun, purple, and gold fire, and burn them to death.

Ten golden claws flew horizontally, the flaming sun, purple and golden fire, fell, and those of the witch tribe were like paper, or they spurted blood to the ground, or fell directly, or their spirits and souls were destroyed. Their methods fell. Also extremely cruel.

As soon as the ten golden crow's sun burst out, the temperature in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles rose to a heinous point.

Spirit grass and trees died and burned, beasts wailed, birds neighed, rivers dried up, land was cracked, and a doomsday was approaching, and countless creatures panicked.

But the ten golden crows didn't care about these, and they continued on their way to the prehistoric land, unknowingly, they were about to enter the tribe ruled by Hou Tu. The Houtu tribe is closer to the prehistoric East China Sea, so the first one to arrive is the Houtu tribe.

But at this time Houtu was not there, only Dawu Houyi and Kuafu were in charge.

After the ten golden crows entered here, they slaughtered wildly, the sun poured out with purple and gold fire, and burned countless witches to death. The witches were panicking and crying, rushing and fleeing. For a time, the witch tribes were like Shura hell, terrible.

The practice of the ten golden crows finally shocked the great witch guarding here, Kuafu.


Kuafu heard the clan's cry and roar, and when he came out, he saw the scene of corpses everywhere, flames raging, and countless people's tragic death. In the sky, ten golden crows were dancing and fluttering, continuing to slaughter the people of the Witch tribe.

Seeing this situation, Kuafu was furious, holding a peach stick, revealing the real body of the great witch, and hitting the ten golden crows, immediately hitting one of them badly.

The other golden crows were shocked and quickly dodged, but one was still hit.

Seeing that this great witch was so powerful, the ten golden crows naturally did not dare to fight against it, so they had to fly towards the land of Xichan.

But in the Houtu tribe, how could Kuafu let them flee and immediately chased after the people of the Witch tribe who were so brutal.

After chasing and fleeing, it is billions of miles!

Kuafu is the body of a great witch at this time, so chasing the law, it is also panting.

Moreover, at this time, the distance to Xichan was getting closer, and with the temperature emitted by the Golden Crow, Kuafu felt more and more thirsty.

When he passed the Yellow River and Weishui River, his huge body leaned down and directly drank the two big rivers.

But even so, he still feels thirsty and unbearable. The water in these two big rivers is not enough for him to drink. Kuafu wants to drink a piece of Daze, but Daze is in a distant place thousands of miles away. Can't get there.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes and a cross in his heart, giving up drinking Daze and continuing to chase ten golden crows.

Although the ten golden crows were not as strong as Kuafu, they would not watch Kuafu catch up and then kill themselves.

Seeing that Kuafu was thirsty and unbearable at this time, he released the sun with purple and golden fire to roast Kuafu.

They knew that as long as they continued to roast Kuafu, they could use this to make Kuafu fall, so at this time, the ten little golden crows kept releasing the purple and golden fire of the sun.

Kuafu really felt that his vitality was declining at this time, and if he continued to do this, he would really fall here.

"Dare to hurt me, praise my father and brother, and be blamed!"

The sound of rage mixed with boundless killing intent immediately enveloped millions of li.

When the ten golden crows heard the words, their bodies suddenly shook. Although the temperature around them was so high that they were fingering, they actually felt a little cold.

"call out!"

A sound of breaking through the sky came, leaving a deep silver trace in the void.


The ten golden crows could see clearly that it was an arrow with a breath of fear, and immediately shot one of them.

And this golden crow fell down at the sound, the true spirit dissipated, his death disappeared, and he fell completely.

As soon as he met, one golden crow fell, and the other nine cried out in exclamation.

But they didn't have time to grieve, and the murderous intent locked themselves again.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Three voices of breaking through the air came ~www.ltnovel.com~, leaving three deep marks in the void, and the atmosphere of terror was permeated.

With an aura of horror, the arrow hit three golden crows, fell to the ground, and died.


In just a few dozen breaths, three Golden Crows died, and the remaining Golden Crows were suddenly shocked, with a look of horror in their eyes.

I thought I wanted to use the sun's purple and golden fire to kill Kuafu, but I didn't expect that Kuafu hadn't died yet, and his brother died four first. The great witch who came at this time was indeed too powerful.

"Brother Kuafu, are you okay?"

Hou Yi looked at the heavily injured Kuafu and asked.

Hearing this, Kuafu shook his head and replied, "Brother Houyi, the Golden Crow killed my Hotu tribe people. Don't let them go..."

Listening to this, Hou Yi looked at the remaining six golden crows with a cold expression, the expression in his eyes was so cold that the void was frozen.

At this time, the six golden crows seemed to be stared at by the ancient beasts, even though their bodies were burning with a strong sun, purple and golden fire, they still felt cold all over.



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