Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Enlightenment from Houtu, Taishang promoted

   Chapter 54: Enlightenment of the Earth, the Supreme Being Promoted

   In the wild, somewhere in a mountain range, in a valley.


  The mana-condensed palm slashed across the void, and the aura was crushed by the palm's mana, and the sound of cracking silk was emitted.


Hongmeng purple qi flashed, within a few breaths, I don’t know how many times it flew in this heaven and earth, countless purple traces were deeply imprinted in the void, long lasting, in every purple trace, All of them have the essence of the avenue and the rules left in them.

   Houtu's eyebrows frowned, and a doubtful color appeared on his pretty face, but he didn't believe that the grand purple qi appeared in front of him again, and he still couldn't grasp it. At this time, the mana condensed in the palm of his hand was not good, so he shot it by himself.

In an instant, Houtu stood up abruptly, stepped out, straddling the endless space-time region, before descending to Hongmeng Ziqi, with a wave of his bare hand, countless laws of soil and laws of reincarnation intertwined vertically and horizontally, forming a method area. Block all time and space.


The Hongmeng Purple Qi flashed by, and the law of Hou Tu did not respond at all, but when the Hongmeng Purple Qi moved, Hou Tu also got up. Two divine lights flashed in this heaven and earth, but two divine lights Did not touch a point.

   I don't know how long it has passed, Hou Tu stopped his figure, confirming that he could not grasp the possibility of this great purple energy at all.

   "Could it be that this grandeur is not my chance?!"

   Houtu frowned, and said in his heart secretly. It stands to reason that the red and purple qi reappeared, and he still had a sense of feeling in front of him. This should be his own chance.

But the current situation is like this. She can't grasp this grand purple qi at all, which makes her doubt whether this grand purple qi is her chance. If it is, the situation at this time should not be the same. Such a situation.

   Houtu looked at the Hongmeng Purple Qi that hadn't disappeared at this time, but couldn't grasp it, and there was a hint of thought on her pretty face.

   After thinking about it for a long time, Houtu Lian moved lightly, stepped out, returned to the valley again, and then sat cross-legged.


She only saw a purple light flashing, and then she saw Hongmeng Purple Qi floating in front of her continuously, exuding bursts of pure Dao atmosphere, and the surrounding Dao laws and rules of heaven and earth were under the influence of Hongmeng Purple Qi. Sometimes some condensed around Hongmeng Ziqi.

   Houtu's eyes narrowed slightly, the laws of the earth and the laws of reincarnation emerged in the eyes, his gaze penetrated the endless time and space, and fell on the Hongmeng Purple Qi.


   Hongmeng Purple Qi shook, and even after seeing the Hongmeng Purple Qi slowly relieved, the Dao laws were separated from the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and there were pure rules of heaven and earth, and a part of the origin of heaven and earth.

   After seeing this, Hou Tu looked happy. It seems that this grand purple qi is indeed my chance, but it is not what I thought, I can own the grand purple qi alone, just like the Five Saints.

   But at this time the Hongmeng Purple Qi disintegrated, and Hou Tu could also understand the laws of the Great Dao and the rules of heaven and earth. As for that part of the origin of the heavens, although it cannot be absorbed, it can also analyze some of the mysteries, which is also a matter of opportunity.

A bright divine light burst into Houtu’s eyes. At this time, the laws of the earth and the laws of reincarnation had been turned to the extreme by her. At this time, she did her best to analyze all the laws of the great avenues and the rules of heaven and earth. And the mystery of the origin of heaven.

   She doesn't know how long it can last at such a time, but the time is rare, so she naturally needs to analyze it more.


Suddenly, there was a soft noise from the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and then we saw the origin of the Dao of Heaven and the laws of the Dao and the rules of heaven and earth. At this time, it began to gradually evolve. From the very beginning of the source of the Dao Law, it gradually evolved. Become a complete law of the great road.

  The rules of heaven and earth at this time evolve some changes in heaven and earth, from the opening of heaven, to the five elements of yin and yang, the birth of all things, evolution, etc...

At this time, Houtu had forgotten time, space, and everything that existed. Only the dazzling divine light in his eyes and the law of the Great Dao, which was urged to the extreme by her, was quickly absorbing and analyzing the grand purple energy. Everything in it.

   Hongmeng Purple Qi is constantly disintegrating and evolving, starting from the most source point, to the present, from scratch, from the beginning to the end, all the mysteries, at this time, are fully displayed before the eyes of Hou Tu.

   Houtu is also constantly analyzing at this time, the atmosphere of the great road and the cohesive principles of the great road exuding from the whole body are becoming more and more vast and essence at this time, and the Taoism is also slowly and deep.

   Houtu's current cultivation base is already slowly approaching Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


Above the heavenly spirit, Ming Shu shook, a vast and pure nether aura radiated, and then wrapped the whole body of Hou Tu, that bursts of mysterious light and the power of reincarnation spilled down from the Ming Shu, and merged into it. In the Qingyun of Houtu.

Houtu's body shook, and while absorbing the power of reincarnation, profound light and nether aura of Mingshu, while analyzing and absorbing all the mysteries in the grand and purple aura, his own Taoism and control over the two avenues have been constant. Lift it up.


   As soon as the time flies, another hundred thousand years of time pass quietly.

   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   "Hunyuan is united, the road is complete!"

  At a certain moment, Tai Tao made a soft sip, and the condensed Dao Laws were all integrated into the Dao of Inaction.

  Yin and Yang Pisces turned into two divine lights~www.ltnovel.com~ wrapped around the Tao of Inaction, the bursts of medicinal fragrance that exudes, and the soul breath that makes countless souls wandering to fall into the yellow spring are also exuded.


  The Road of Inaction brought the roar of the great road. All the condensed laws of the great road on the Way of Inaction exude bursts of mysterious light, and the great road of Wuwei is complete, and all the laws of the great road that compose this road have appeared to be complete.

Among the scarlet Qingyun, the Sanqing Taoist smiled, and his body was vast and pure, and the rhyme of the three lotus terraces flowed. At this time, the Sanqing Taoist also showed a sign of perfection, although it was a little weaker than the deity, but You can practice in the future.

   "Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the road is complete!"

   I don't know how long it has passed, Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes, and the yin and yang evolved in his eyes, showing all the mysterious meaning of the world.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   As soon as the voice of Taishang fell, I saw a avenue appeared in the sky above the Taiqing Palace.

  The avenue grew out of nothing, and the active points began to evolve, slowly accumulated, perfected, and finally reached the completion of the avenue.

   In the process of the evolution of Wuwei Avenue, along with the sound of the avenue, it echoed in the area of ​​trillions of miles in a radius, attracting countless creatures to bow down and listen to the sound of the avenue, in order to open the wisdom and the future.



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