Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 55: Honghuang 1 Yuan Club

   Chapter 55

   The Promise Mountain Range, above the Taiqing Palace.

The way of inaction is gradually evolving. Amidst the Promise Mountain Range, the beasts roar together, the purple gas is 300,000 li from the east, and the clouds cover half of the sky. The vast aura of the avenue starts from the present time and spreads towards the past and the future. .

The vast and pure atmosphere of the great avenue penetrated the endless space-time area at this time. In the past and the future, it swept vertically and horizontally, covering countless areas, so that countless creatures and monks in it also received a lot of benefits. .

   After the creatures and monks in the Promise Mountain Range and the trillion-trillion-mile land spreading out, bowed in the direction of the Taiqing Palace, they began to listen to the sound of the Great Dao that accompanied the evolution of the Tao of Inaction on the Taiqing Palace.

  The vision of the evolution of the avenue, the mystery of the self-evolution and analysis of the avenue's laws, and the intoxicating sounds of the avenue, these are their chances, and it is naturally impossible for them to miss this opportunity.

   "There is a way in the heaven and the earth, in order to open up the wisdom, to nourish all beings. All beings follow the way, to the future, to understand the way..."

   "Dao can be Tao, very Tao. The name is good, very famous!"

   "The beginning of the unnamed world; the mother of all things is known. Therefore, there is always nothing, and I want to see the wonders; I always have, I want to see the things..."

   "The two come from the same name but have different names, and the same is called Xuan. Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi, the door to all wonders..."


   The long-lasting sound of the great road pierced the firmament of the universe, spreading to the present, past and future, causing countless existences in the wilderness to stare at the Promise Mountain Range.

   At this time, the Five Sages looked at the evolving scene of the Great Dao on the Taiqing Palace, and watched the Tao of Inaction resolve itself before the eyes of the primordial sentient beings. Their expressions were quite shocked. After watching them carefully, they also learned a lot from it.

In today’s situation, not only did the primordial sentient beings get a chance, even the Five Saints at this time have realized a lot of the principles and essence of the Dao, and their five means have reached the sky. At this time, the evolution of the Dao is better than countless monks. many.

  Moreover, their hearing can cut off countless space-time regions and hear the clearest sound of the great road. At this time, they can understand and absorb, naturally, much more than those creatures and monks in the prehistoric.

Taishang is naturally aware of this. At this time, the evolution of the avenue and the proliferation of the sound of the avenue, it is the situation that the avenue manifests itself, not that he can, so he did not prevent sentient beings and the five sages from listening and participating. Enlightenment.

   After he was promoted, he carefully used the mystery of the Dao to re-stabilize his Dao. It is also in the process of Dao evolution, deepening his control over the Dao and fulfilling his own situation.

   Those who watch the evolution of the avenue and listen to the sound of the avenue are all ignored at this time.


   When time flies, another three thousand years of time have passed.

At this time, the evolution of the Tao of Inaction above the Taiqing Palace has gradually stabilized, and then slowly merged into the world, making this world have undergone considerable changes, all controlled by the Tao of Inaction, condensed in The power of heaven and earth here is terrifying to the extreme.

   Except for the creatures of the Promise Mountain Range, other existences, even the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, can't get close to this world at this time, which is enough to see how terrifying the power that is covering this place at this time.

In the Taiqing Palace, among the red clouds of the Taishang, the Taoists of the Sanqing Dynasty closed their eyes tightly, and the mark of the Sanqing Dynasty on the eyebrows bloomed with dazzling divine light. force.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the absorption speed of the Taoist Sanqing gradually stabilized until it disappeared, and then slowly opened his eyes. The Taoist Sanqing Dao manifested in the eyes of the Taoist Sanqing, which penetrated the sky of the universe and reached directly. The end of the avenue.


The Taiqing mark on the upper eyebrows shook slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the situation of the Promise Mountains, smiled faintly on his face, waved his hand, the power of this great avenue, the power of heaven and earth gradually dissipated, Melted into the void.

   As for the proliferation of the Promise Mountain Range before, the sound of the Great Dao that echoed between the heavens and the earth has calmed down, and the silence between the heavens and the earth is restored again, but the monks who have comprehended and listened to the sound of the Great Dao are still practicing.

As for the previous concern, listening to the sound of the Great Dao Dao and watching the five sages of Wuwei Dao evolution are also some new insights. At this time, I withdrew my gaze, disconnected from listening, and began to retreat to absorb and consolidate what I had learned. .

  If you have a good grasp, it is estimated that you can improve a little bit, especially Yuanshi, Tongtian and Nuwa three people, their current realm is more special, every point of improvement or accumulation is extremely important.

   The two sages of the West, although slower, but as long as they can diligently, they are very happy.


   Taishang looked away from the monks who had enlightened and the place where the five sages were, and slowly swept across the wilderness.

The avenue emerged in the eyes, observing all the endless time and space areas of the past and the future, and seeing all the changes in these years, for the Lich family, for the human race, for the trillions of the prehistoric races and countless creatures. All changes are clear to the heart.

   Suddenly, Taishang's gaze froze somewhere in the mountains, frowning, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

   "Hongmeng purple air reappears, is there any other variables in this?"

   Too thought deeply, and secretly calculated and thought that although this cosmic purple energy was not in the hands of Hou Tu, it was also an opportunity for Hou Tu. At this time, all the mysteries were displayed in front of Hou Tu’s eyes.

All the laws of the Great Dao and the rules of heaven and earth, at this time, are gradually evolving in front of Houtu's eyes, from scratch ~www.ltnovel.com~ and some of the mysteries of the origin of heaven and earth, at this time, they are all in front of Houtu's eyes. It slowly unfolded, allowing Houtu to analyze it in detail.

   "After comprehending these, the Daoist Houdu will not be too far away from the realm of Hunyuan..."

   Said from the top, his eyes fell on the Houtu Heavenly Spirit, the "reincarnation of all beings" evolved from the Mingshu.

   After a long time, Tai Shang slowly retracted his gaze.


   Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, there was a one-dollar meeting.

   In the wild, somewhere in a mountain range, in a valley.

   Previously showed all mystery in front of Hou Tu's eyes, evolving every law and rule, as well as the mysterious purple qi of the origin of heaven, but at this time it gradually converged and returned to a whole qi qi.


   Hongmeng purple gas shook, and then a faint purple light enveloped Houtu's body, assisting her in her final enlightenment.

   So, tens of thousands of years later.

  The faint purple light slowly dissipated, and it converged into the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

   After a while, Houtu slowly opened his eyes, watching the grand purple air returning to the shape before him, and a smile appeared on his pretty face.



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