Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Traveling on Houtu

   Chapter 56: Hinterland and Traveling Forward

   Somewhere in the wilderness, in a mountain range, in a valley.

After a long time, the Dao of Earth and the Dao Law of the Road of Reincarnation in the eyes of Hou Earth gradually faded, returning to the color of clarity, the heavy earth atmosphere on the body, and the atmosphere similar to the earth, the atmosphere of reincarnation that contains all things gradually converges. stand up.

Hou Tu felt the physical changes on his own. After the great changes, I was very satisfied. I have become more and more master of the Dao of Earth and the Way of Reincarnation, and my cultivation has also changed. Promote.

   My own perception of heaven and earth has become more advanced, and the aura on my body has become more and more ethereal, as if it has been transformed into a Tao. This is a sign that I am getting closer to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairyland.

"This grand purple qi is really my chance. With this time of comprehension and cultivation, I have become more and more in control of my own Dao Dao, and my cultivation level has also improved a lot, in the realm of Hunyuan, It's getting closer..."

   There was a smile on Houtu's pretty face, and he said slowly, looking at the grand purple air not far in front of him.

   After that, she sighed slightly, "Unfortunately, this cosmic and purple energy is not my chance to become a holy person. Otherwise, by absorbing the origin of the heavenly path, maybe it will be able to become a saint..."

   But for this idea, Houtu just thinks about it, not to mention that this opportunity has nothing to do with him, it is impossible to do it.

In fact, this grand purple qi is her own opportunity and can occupy this purple qi, but in the heart of Hou Tu, she is still more yearning for the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and she has seen the benefits of it. A lot less restraint.

  Moreover, the situation of the Wu Clan is special, it is better to become the Lord of Hunyuan, so it is not possible to occupy this purple energy at this time, and Houtu is just a pity, and there is not much emotion.

   "It depends on when, I can find the chance for the sermon..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, Houtu smiled and said with a smile, and then grabbed it towards Hongmeng Ziqi with his bare hand, trying to try what he had guessed.


The purple light of the Hongmeng Purple Qi flashed, and then a purple light trace flashed across the sky and the earth, passing through countless time and space areas, and then the Hongmeng Purple Qi disappeared, as if it were on the battlefield of the Lich in the past. Without a trace, exploring the long river of time and space, the long river of destiny is impossible to find.

   was already guessing the back ground of this scene, and there was no surprise at this time. After smiling, he immediately got up, left directly, and left.

  In this mountain range, Houtu first used the rich and quintessence of the earth to cultivate himself and consolidate all the gains gained during the travels of the prehistoric years. He has already made some progress.

Then, I encountered the opportunity of the reappearance of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Although it was not able to occupy this Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hou Tu also got a lot of opportunities. After all, the Hongmeng Purple Qi governs all the laws of the Great Dao, the rules of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven. All the mysteries of the origin evolved before the eyes of Houtu.

Under such an evolution, the progress of Houtu's enlightenment is indeed a lot faster, much faster than his own enlightenment. After all, all the mysteries and the most essential things of the Dao are displayed in front of Houtu's eyes. She confirmed that it was absorbed.

   Such a situation is indeed much faster than her own self-inspection, which is why this short multiple meeting has come, which is the biggest reason for the promotion to this point.

   Today's practice and enlightenment has ended, the grand and purple qi has disappeared again, and Houtu no longer stays, and continues to travel through the prehistoric times.

She doesn't know if this great purple energy will appear again, but she knows that even if the great purple energy reappears in the wilderness, she will not have anything to do with her if she thinks about it. In addition to being able to occupy the great purple energy, she can absorb the source of heaven. Besides, everything that can be comprehended is already comprehended.

   The next chance to prove the way will still depend on her, so at this time, continuing to travel through the land is also a possibility to find the chance to prove the way.

   Houtu continued to move forward slowly, seeing all the creatures in it,


   At the same time, in the Pangu Temple.

  Dijiang and Jumang looked overjoyed, looking at the Pangu Temple, the long and deep luck of the Wu clan, the light in his eyes became a little brighter.

"The improvement of the Wu clan’s luck at this time is related to our twelve ancestral witches. Our ancestral witches have not made much progress in their cultivation recently. The ancestral witches who can improve the Wu clan’s fortune so much, Only the little girl..."

   The color of joy on Dijiang's face couldn't stand it, and he smiled.

He feels more and more that the things that Houtu told him in the past to find opportunities in the wilderness is correct. The Wu clan’s luck has improved so much, this is an extremely rare thing, and it can last a long time for the development of the Wu clan. .

   If Hou Tu proves the Dao, he is afraid that it will be the luck of the Wu clan, and it will skyrocket. He is somewhat looking forward to it.

Although he knows that it is not so easy to prove Dao Jinxian Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it also depends on chance, otherwise, Hou Tu, him, and many great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world will not be trapped in this state. It's been so long.

   However, Dijiang still believes in Houtu very much and believes she can do it.

   Houtu is now the hope of the Wu clan, and it is pinned on the hope of every Wu clan. He believes that Houtu can go to the step of proving the Dao.

"This time, the little girl has improved so much luck for the Wu clan. I want to come to cultivation and have a lot of control over the avenue. It is estimated that the distance from the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairy Realm will not be too far. I really look forward to the first witch of my Wu clan. The birth of Yuan..."

Jumang speculated from the Wu clan’s ascension of air luck, that Houtu’s ascended cultivation base and control of the Dao must not be low at this time. He also believed that Houtu would not be too far away from the realm of Hunyuan at this time. .

   "The little girl is now the hope of my Wu Clan, I believe she can do it..." Di Jiang said with a smile.

   Hearing the words, Ju Mang nodded. He very much agrees with his elder brother's words, and he also believes that his little sister can prove the realm of Hunyuan.

"Second brother, the younger sister has promoted so much luck in the Wu clan, we shouldn’t be too far behind the younger sister, otherwise, it’s time for the younger sister to make a joke. If the order is passed on, the intensity of development will be increased again, and, for the big formation The control of the comprehension will also be improved..."

  Dijiang thought about it in his heart~www.ltnovel.com~ looked at Jumang beside him and said.

   Hearing the words, Ju Mang nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I know how to do it, I'll go back and make arrangements..."

   Houtu traveled outside only two Yuanhui time, it has promoted so much luck for the Wu clan. They have not improved much more than her over the years. If they are compared, they will be laughed at by Houtu.

   This is also to improve the overall strength of the Wu Clan, and Dijiang Jumang is also concerned.

   Besides, the increase in the luck of the Witch clan, back-feeding the ancestor witch, also has a lot of benefits. It is also knowing that Houtu is not far from the Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland at this time, and Dijiang has this plan.

   Jumang also knew this, and then they would go all out to assist Houtu.

   After all, she is now the hope of the entire Wu clan, and they naturally assisted the Hou Tu to prove the Da Luo Jinxian of Hunyuan.

   At that time, there will be Hunyuan in the Wu clan, and in the prehistoric age of the saints, they will also have a place, and they will no longer be under the saints.

   Emperor Jiang nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then signaled Jumang to go down and prepare.

  Jumang arched his hand towards Dijiang before leaving.

  Dijiang looked at the wild land, his eyes flashed brightly, and he said nothing for a long time.



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