Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 59: Reincarnation, reincarnation seal

   Chapter 59, Reincarnation, Seal of Reincarnation

   The wilderness, the land of the sea of ​​blood.

   "Today, I will set up a reincarnation to carry the prehistoric ghost!"

   The sound of the earth rolled, running through the past and the future, and the time and space of the land within a radius of billions of trillions of miles continued to oscillate, and the sea of ​​blood was also a little shaken.

Styx looked at Houtu with a somewhat shocked look. He understood that Houtu’s remarks were by no means a lie, because he could perceive that there was boundless momentum converging here, and Houtu exuded something that shocked him extremely. breath.

   That breath is very similar to the ‘land of reincarnation’ mentioned by Houtu, I am afraid she has realized it.


   Houtu has indeed realized it. In fact, when Styx finished speaking, she had already realized it. Her heart was clear and the road was clear.

   Above the heavenly spirit, the light of the Mingshu overwhelmed the light of the sun, the moon and the stars. Between the heavens and the earth, only the light of the Mingshu, the others all looked bleak.

  In the divine light of Mingshu, it gradually evolves into the ‘reincarnation of all beings’.

The reincarnation of sentient beings is slowly enlarged at this time, and countless silk threads extend out of it, connecting every soul, spirit, ghost, etc., making the reincarnation of sentient beings more and more clear, and all the evolutions are becoming more and more clear. Get up, the enveloped area is also in constant expansion.

   "The reincarnation of sentient beings, the reincarnation of sentient beings, the reincarnation of life and death, the endless reincarnation, the path of the netherworld, the land of reincarnation!"

In the sea of ​​knowledge of Houtu, the sound of great roads sounded continuously, and in the book of darkness, in the reincarnation of sentient beings, the sound of great roads sounded continuously, covering the land of trillions and billions of miles. Spread out.

   At this moment, the countless ghosts, spirit bodies, souls outside the blood sea, and spirit bodies in the land of the blood sea all looked at Hou Tu and the reincarnation of sentient beings.

  Countless creatures, monks, and Mighty are all looking at this place.

   The second family of Lich, Human Race, all looked at this place.

   The five sages, the gazes of the supreme people also looked at this place.


   "I am the descendant of Pangu, the Tu family, who are living in the prehistoric world today, cannot live in peace, and cannot sleep in death! Today I am willing to use my own reincarnation to solve the pain in the prehistoric world, and use my small self to make a big self!"

   The light voice of Houtu came to the ears of every prehistoric creature, and every creature immediately stood in awe. This is a matter of great mercy, and it is a matter of great mercy to relieve the suffering of prehistoric creatures after death. They couldn't help but bow down.

   Before waiting for the great creatures to bow down, I listened to Houtu again.

   "After beings, whoever fails to become the path of immortality, they will enter reincarnation, judge the good and evil in front of them, enter the path of reincarnation, and then reincarnate..."

   After finishing speaking, I saw Houtu flying above the trillions of miles above the sea of ​​blood, and a surging black air emanated from all over his body, and the black air immediately filled the sky above the sea of ​​blood.

   "The path of the netherworld, the reincarnation of sentient beings, now!"

   The voice of Houtu once again resounded in the prehistoric world, the boundless general trend, all the power of reincarnation gathered.

   Those black qi continued to condense, forming a huge reincarnation disc, and beginning to establish the way of reincarnation.


   In the next instant, Houtu’s body, mana, essence, blood, etc. all burst open. All the power is integrated into the disk of reincarnation, and it stabilizes everything in the disk of reincarnation, and everything in the reincarnation begins to stabilize at this time.


  The land of reincarnation was first completed, and the sky thundered in the sky above the nine heavens, and the sky began to condense the boundless merits. These merits are much more than the merits of the Five Saints when they were sanctified.

  The way of reincarnation, the death of sentient beings, the land of reincarnation, can allow sentient beings to reincarnate, reincarnation again, this kind of merit can be imagined.

The merits fell, and 10% was integrated into the reincarnation disk of sentient beings, in order to stabilize the rebirth land at this time, and all the rest was integrated into the true spirit of Hou Tu, which was about to dissipate, and Hou Tu had the original spirit. .

   Out of the soul!

This is an extremely unbelievable thing for Hou Tu and the Ancestral Witch. After all, the Witch Clan has no primordial spirit. As an ancestral witch, this is even more true. Therefore, after the ancestor witch breeds the original spirit at this time, Hou Tu It shocked her a little.

   But this is also a good thing. After all, the matter of the primordial spirit can mean that one's own cultivation base can progress faster.

   Moreover, after having the primordial spirit, it also means that he has one more way to go. For the ancestor witches who practiced "Nine Revolutions Profound Art", their rebirth methods are indeed not many.

   In addition to relying on the way of rebirth by the blood of the ancestral witch essence, it is reborn by the law of self-cultivation. After all, their twelve ancestral witches represent the birth of twelve great principles.

   Therefore, rebirth with the help of their own laws is also a way for them to be reborn.

But now, there is one more way for the Hou Tu who gave birth to the soul, especially when there are six reincarnations. The breeding of this soul is even more important, because the reincarnation is there, as long as the soul does not disperse. , Then you can be born again and come back.

   Even if the soul is severely injured, it can use reincarnation to restore the soul, which is one of the benefits.

   It's just that now Houtu has a very serious and unsolvable problem right in front of her.

That is the original soul that just spawned. It is dissipating a little bit, and the consciousness is gradually becoming blurred. If half an hour later, if you don’t solve it, then you can only become reincarnation and fall completely. Up.

   "It seems that it is really so..."

   Houtu smiled bitterly, and had to wait for the moment of fall.

   She realized her own chances for the Dao of Proving, the Tao of Hunyuan, and she also understood the future of the Witch Clan and the future of the Witch Clan. She did all of these.

   I just didn't expect that the price of this incident was myself.

   But even if it comes again, she will still choose this way. This is not only the future of the Wu Clan, but also the future of trillions of creatures in the wild.

   At this step, she will still go.

   "Houtu Empress is merciful!"

   At this time, the billion trillion creatures bowed in the direction of the sea of ​​blood.

   "The empress is compassionate and sacrifices herself for billions of creatures..."

   Styx got up slowly from the top of the fire red lotus and saluted Houtu.


   At this moment, a great road bell sounded between the heaven and the earth, and then there was an extremely vast force of reincarnation in the cohesion, and a boundless momentum in the cohesion.

Houtu had a meal in his heart~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked up, only to see that on the incomparably huge disk of reincarnation, the boundless merits and the power of Xuan Huang and the power of reincarnation are gradually condensing a mysterious yellow seal Then, countless roads of reincarnation were engraved on it, as well as the road of reincarnation disk.


   A roar came from this Xuanhuang Baoyin. At this time, the power of the Xuanhuang Baoyin seemed to be blocked by an invisible force and could not be condensed.

   Houttu has a hunch, if she wants to be reborn, she should be on top of this treasure, but this treasure is blocked by a force and cannot be condensed to complete, she cannot be reborn again.


Between the sparks and flints, the whole world was torn apart, and then a huge palm that was enough to blast the world appeared, and then slowly stretched out a finger, and clicked on the unfinished mysterious yellow seal. .


   A sound that seemed to be a golden ring echoed between heaven and earth, and then a golden light above the Xuanhuang Baoyin penetrated the firmament of the universe and reached the end of the avenue.

   "The seal of reincarnation, the town reincarnation, come!"

   Houtu, who had already understood in his heart, made a soft voice, and with the last bit of mana, he struck a handprint and entered the mysterious yellow seal called the seal of reincarnation.




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