Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Reincarnation, Lidifu

   Chapter 60: The Reincarnation Testimony, Lidifu

  The wilderness, the land of blood, above the cycle of reincarnation.

   "The seal of reincarnation, the town reincarnation, come!"

Houtu gave a soft sigh, and after the handprint entered one of the reincarnation seals, he saw that Fang Xuanhuang reincarnation seal made waves of whispering sounds, constantly vibrating, and the vast reincarnation aura spread to the past and the future, the whole world Vibrated.


Above the mysterious yellow reincarnation seal, a beam of light penetrates the firmament of the universe. In the past and the future, the sky is trembling endlessly. Countless creatures are staring, looking at the light beam, as if they have seen the evolution of the entire cycle.


   Suddenly, there was a roar of the great road in the seal of reincarnation, and the law of reincarnation imprinted on the mark of reincarnation suddenly revolved, the rhyme of the Tao flowed, the mysterious light covered the world, and the vast breath of reincarnation and the power of reincarnation gathered on it.

In one billionth of an instant, the seal of reincarnation crossed the endless time and space area, and came to the body of Hou Tu, absorbing her true spirit and primordial spirit, and evolving a new body with the reincarnation seal of reincarnation, carrying the body of Hou Tu. all.


   In the next instant, a burst of golden light appeared from the place of Houtu, covering the whole world and suppressing all the divine light.

   Amidst the golden light, Houtu was absorbing that huge amount of merit and the power of reincarnation at this time, and the law of reincarnation on his body was rapidly evolving, and it suddenly crossed into a new world.

   uses the reincarnation seal as the new body, and the law of reincarnation at this time of Houtu has been greatly improved, and with the huge reincarnation merits, Houtu's current realm is firmly at the peak of the early days of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

   "Reincarnation is complete!"

   I don't know how long it has passed, but I can hear the ethereal voice of Houtu in the golden light that enveloped the world.

   Before the words fell, the golden light dissipated, all the laws of reincarnation flowed, and they retracted to the land of reincarnation, stabilizing the land of reincarnation, the land of reincarnation of sentient beings. At this time, it was already intact.


At this moment, several roars sounded from above the nine heavens, and then we saw visions everywhere, the sun shrouded half of the sky, the purple gas came east, the nectar from the sky, the golden flowers were abundant, the ground surged with golden lotus, and countless auras were mighty and mighty. , Countless creatures have benefited, either unleashing their wisdom, or appearing in their form.

   In the next instant, a terrifying coercion enveloped the wild land, pressing the chests of countless monks and souls, even those quasi-sages were feeling a great influence at this time.

   Houtu, preaching!

   At this moment, countless spiritual monks, a thought came to the heart of Mighty.

   The back soil establishes the reincarnation of sentient beings. This is a matter of great merit. It gives trillions of living beings the opportunity to regenerate and take control of the death of sentient beings.

  The land of reincarnation has perfected the operation of the prehistoric world. At this time, the vision descended from the sky to pray for all beings in the world. Although they are not saints, the specifications of the vision are only higher than those of the saints.

   "Meet Houtu Empress!"

   In the midst of the wilderness, countless monks and spirits bowed and saluted toward the place of Hou Tu.

   Not to mention that Houtu is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At this time, it is overwhelming and needs to bow down. Simply speaking, the Hinterland established the place of reincarnation for all sentient beings, so that all sentient beings can have a place to go after they fall, and they can rebirth again.

   Such a thing, but a matter of great merit, the thing of making sentient beings, gave sentient beings a life in disguise. In this way, as long as the soul of countless cultivators does not disperse, they will fall, and there is no need to worry anymore.

   Being able to live another life is a great thing for countless creatures. As long as you ensure that your soul is not scattered, you can re-enter the cycle and return again, no longer the same as before, worrying about falling.

   At this time, kneeling down and worshiping Houtu, but willingly, grateful for her great kindness.


   Houtu stood in the air, looking at the place of reincarnation of all beings, a smile appeared on the beautiful face.

  The land of reincarnation was established, which solved the death of all living beings and completed the world. He also proved that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

   "This result is the best result..."

   Houtu smiled and said inwardly.

   Immediately, she raised her head and glanced at the Torn Heaven and Earth. At this time, she slowly retracted her palm, arching her hands, "Thank you brother!"

   The power of the palm of her hand is naturally clear to her. In the predicament, apart from Dao Ancestor, only Taishang has such strength.

   Although she didn't know why Taishang acted, solved the reincarnation seal, and helped her reshape her body, in any case, this matter is considered to be due to cause and effect. If there is a chance, it will be repaid.


   The palm of his hand twitched slowly, and then the light flashed, and a figure appeared, who would be if it wasn't too high.

   "Friends of Daoist here are for the good of all living beings, so they shouldn't have fallen..." Tai Shang smiled.

   Taishang could clearly perceive that after the reincarnation was established, the heaven and the earth were perfected innumerably, and he realized the speed of the heaven and the earth much faster.

   After hearing the words, Houtu smiled and did not answer.

   Houtu looked at the reincarnation of sentient beings, evolving the meditation in his eyes, and there was a burst of clarity in his heart, and he took a step forward. The aura on his body was vast, merged with reincarnation, and his aura was extremely terrifying.

   "I am the lord of reincarnation, Hou Tu, this reincarnation has already taken place, the netherworld is standing, the lack of all reincarnation, with the pen of spring and autumn reincarnation, the book of life and death suppress the luck of the netherworld, stand!"

   Houtu looked solemn, and said loudly, praying for the heaven and the earth, setting up the underworld.

She flipped through her hand, and the book of Ming Shu appeared in her hands, and then tossed it to the place where the merits and luck were condensed at this time. Even after seeing the book of Ming, the book was shaken, and then turned into two spiritual treasures, it is the Spring and Autumn Reincarnation Pen and the life and death. book.

   At the moment when Houtu's voice just fell, in the reincarnation of sentient beings, it began to evolve the underworld.

   Pieces of fortress gradually formed, and at the farthest point was a majestic checkpoint, a city wall made of bluestone, on the gates were written three ancient Chinese characters, "Ghost Pass".

   A small road in front of Guimenguan is Huangquan Road. When you step on Huangquan Road, Yin and Yang are separated.

   After entering Guimenguan, it is a huge fortress, with all the shops and shops. If it weren't for the reddish world, it really made people come to the giant city of Yangjian.

Wangxiangtai was built to satisfy the wishes of ghosts and homesickness. A large platform stands alone outside the city wall. Every day, ghosts are entrenched here, and then they satisfy their last wishes~www.ltnovel.com~ and in Yin and Yang. There are also six reincarnation bridges in the division, namely: the golden bridge, the silver bridge, the jade bridge, the stone bridge, the wooden bridge, and the bamboo bridge, which connect the six reincarnations.

   At this moment, the ethereal voice of Houtu resounded between heaven and earth again.

"Underworld, there should be a place of punishment, 18% **** should be established, and after the death of a creature, the merits and demerits during life shall be sentenced. Those who have more merits shall enter the six reincarnations, and those who have greater merits shall enter the **** of 18% and redeem their sins. Only then can we re-enter the samsara and stand 18% in hell!"

The first layer of tongue-pulling hell, the second layer of scissors hell, the third layer, the iron tree hell, the fourth layer of evil mirror hell, the fifth layer of steamer hell, the sixth layer of copper pillar hell, the seventh layer of knife mountain hell, the eighth layer Iceberg hell, the ninth pan hell.

The tenth layer of Niukeng hell, the eleventh layer of rock-pressed hell, the twelfth layer of mortar hell, the thirteenth layer of blood pond hell, the fourteenth layer of vain hell, the fifteenth layer, the torture hell, the sixteenth layer of volcanic **** , The seventeenth floor of the stone hell, the eighteenth floor, the **** of the saw.

The eighteen layers of hells are arranged in terms of the length of time of the crime and the severity of the crimes and punishments. Each **** is twenty times more suffering than the previous one, and life is doubled. Under the eighteen layers of hell, there is a special space. Infinite hell.

   Once you enter the infinite hell, you will never be born again!

  Set up the underworld, so far, the place of reincarnation of sentient beings is finally completed.



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