Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 71: Too much obliterate Mo Luo

Chapter 71: Too High to Obliterate Mo Luo

   In the boundless world of chaos.

   "Tai Qing Yin!"

   A soft drink embraces the boundless trend, starting from the origin of the avenue, running through the long river of time and space, and the long river of destiny, all cause and effect are disturbed, and a party of billions of miles in size appears in the chaotic void.

   The seal fell down, the chaotic air was annihilated, the void broke and evolved, the water, wind and fire, yin and yang emerged, and the five elements evolved to form a world, and then one after another shattered and annihilated, as if everything was the master.

   The long river of time and space is flowing backwards, the long river of destiny is reversed, all existence under the seal of the seal is blocked, and the force of terror is constantly flooding.

   Mo Luo's expression changed. He had never seen this supernatural power before, but with such a terrifying power, you don't need to think about how it would end if you were shot by this Yinjue.


   The magic knife cut down, making waves of soft sounds, resounding across the world. Under the terrifying power of the magic knife, the chaotic air was constantly annihilated, and the laws of the great road were all cut and dissipated by the magic knife at this time.


  In one billionth of an instant, the magic knife fell on the Taiqing Seal, and a sound of thunder was heard, and the terrifying force continued to spread, emptying all the existence of the trillion-mile radius.

   If there is a world near the place where the two meet, it will be annihilated at this time.


   The path of yin and yang is manifested in the eyes of Taishang, and the Tai Chi diagram under his feet appears, setting the ground, water, wind and fire, and evolving worlds.

   He looked terrifying, took a photo with his hand, Taiqing Yin broke everything, and shot Mo Luo directly.


   Mo Luo flew out, the blood spilled into the void, and the cold light and haunting demonic energy on the magic knife dissipated a lot.

   "What a terrifying power..."

   Mo Luo secretly said in his heart, glanced at the place where Mo Ancestor and Dao Ancestor left, and then looked at Tai Shang again.

   Now that the Demon Ancestor is not there, he can only block too much. Although he is not his opponent, it will last as long as he can.

  Although he is not his opponent, he can't do it in a short time if he wants to obliterate himself. As long as he drags it until the demon ancestor returns, he doesn't need to worry about anything. If he wants to obliterate him then, it will be even more impossible.


   Mo Luo's thoughts turned a thousand times, and with a move in his hand, the magic knife burst into whispering again, breaking through all the void, and slashing towards Tai Shang again.

   Too's expression was cold, and with a move in his hand, several terrifying thunders from nowhere came suddenly, and fell towards the Mo Luo.

   Mo Luo looked surprised and hurriedly resisted.


I took a step too far and came to the front of Mo Luo. The law of the Great Dao pierced the sky of the universe, turned into a huge palm, shot Mo Luo, and then waved the hand, Tai Chi diagram evolved the way of Yin and Yang, separating the sky and the earth. , Set the ground, water, wind and fire, sealed off all time and space.

   Mo Luo could clearly notice that his body was torn apart by that terrifying yin and yang force again, and endless magical laws emerged all over his body, resisting this power with all his strength, and the lingering magic energy on his body reached its extreme at this time.


   Mo Luo roared, the magic knife cut out, and a dark blade appeared, cutting away all time and space, and the power of the lingering road was tearing the blockade of this power, intending to cut a gap.


   Mo Luo roared again, and before he could say anything, he saw a gap appeared on the barrier in front of him.


   At this moment, in the void he set up, two avenue chains were born, which directly trapped him.

   Seeing this, Mo Luo looked awkward, but at this time, he couldn't care about anything else. He grabbed the gap with both hands, and the power of the avenue and his own mana continued to emerge on his hands, and then pulled directly toward both sides.


   Behind Mo Luo, a huge magical figure appeared, as if propping up a huge world. Two palms grabbed the two sides of the gap, and then continued to pull them apart.

   The magic flames in Mo Luo's eyes surged, and the magic energy around his body continued to emerge, and the aura on the Mo Ying's body continued to rise, constantly coming to both sides.


Above the space blocked by the Taiji diagram and the power of the Wuwei Dao, cracks appeared. This gap seemed to be opened by Mo Luo. Above his feet, the chains of the Dao were bursting with divine light, constantly tightening. Coming, a little bit of the power of the magical way on his body was imprisoned.

   Seeing this, Tai Tai didn't change the expression on his face, stepped out and came to the area above the Mo Luo.


When he stepped on his foot, a circle of visible power penetrated down, spreading to the endless area, the area previously torn apart by Mo Luo, at this time, it was restored again, and even the magic shadow behind him was shattered steadily at this time. , Turned into a devilish energy and dissipated.


   In this area, although the power is invisible to the naked eye, the golden light shining from the wall of the barrier is shining billions of miles.


Too spit out a word, and then three rays of light appeared above the three directions of Mo Luo, showing three figures, standing in the position of three talents, and exuding an aura that made Mo Luo's heart palpitating. .


Below the crowd, a Tai Chi picture emerged. Among them, the Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish slowly turned away, and the terrifying force of Yin and Yang was twisted, tearing Mo Luo, his feet were trapped in the chain of the road, which emerged from the Yin and Yang fish. of.

   "Tai Chi sleeps the world, the three clear ways to destroy the devil!"

Taishang and the Sanqing Daoists took action together. The terrifying power made Mo Luo's expression greatly changed, and endless demonic energy emerged from his body, evolving the boundless demonic realm, and the demonic shadow appeared again, but as soon as it appeared, it was in these four terrifying powers. Among the broken.


   Mo Luo's injuries worsened, and he shouted sharply. In the boundless demon realm of devilish energy, a dark avenue came from the endless emptiness, impacting the attacks of the Sanqing Dao and the Supreme.

   Seeing Mo Luo's avenue appeared, Taishang and the Sanqing Taoist made a move together, four palms turned into boundless big hands, grabbing the Mo Luo's avenue, the brilliance flowing in the palm of the hand, the power of the vast avenue crushed the Mo Luo's avenue.


   Mo Luo suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Sanqing Taoist and Taishang in horror~www.ltnovel.com~Impossible! "

   He knows that he is not an opponent of too much, but it should not be easy for too much to obliterate himself, how is it possible? Why are there still three people at the same level, and four of them are making a joint shot? Their own avenue is not an opponent at all.

   The power of each of them is crushing their own laws, the origin of the avenue.


   On the Way of Tai Shang Wuwei, Yin Yang Dao and Alchemy Dao lingered, and the power of terror suddenly defeated the area of ​​the Dao Dao he held in his palm, and suddenly cut off from the complete magic path.

   Mo Luo's aura began to drop, the main road shattered, his source dissipated, and his vitality began to drain.





   Before Mo Luo spoke, the Taoists of Sanqing also cut off Mo Luo's avenue together.


   The complete magical way was broken into four sections by the Taishang and Sanqing Taoists, defeated by his own avenue, and dissipated in the chaos.

   Mo Luo's eyes widened and his expression was horrified, but he was already frozen in this scene.

   The avenue was destroyed, and the origin has been lost. Even if he exists as a Hun Yuan, it is impossible for him to exist again.

   A group of terrifying demonic energy exploded, and Mo Luo had fallen.



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