Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 72: Luo? Retreat, evil spirit erupts

Chapter 72 Luo Hu retreats, evil spirit erupts

   At the moment when Mo Luo fell, I don't know where in time and space.

   Luo Hui already knew about the fall of Mo Luo, and was shocked at how Taishang could kill Mo Luo in such a short time.

   Too defeated the Mo Luo, Luo Huo was naturally not surprised. After all, the realm was above him, and Luo Hui knew the means of the too high, but in such a short time, he could wipe out a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian late stage.

   Such a thing, Luo Hui really never thought about it.

   If you want to obliterate this kind of existence, you can only defeat the other side's avenue, because this kind of existence no longer exists in the long river of time and space, in the long river of destiny, and there is no trace of them in these.

   Therefore, if you want to obliterate such an existence, you can only do it by destroying the opponent's avenue.

   But for the existence that can be cultivated to this state, the avenue is naturally strong, and the power of the avenue contained in it is not small.

Under such circumstances, the Taishang was able to break the avenue of Mo Luo, defeat the avenue of Mo Luo, and obliterate the origin of the avenue. With such a method, Luo Hui asked himself when he was in the realm of Taishang, he could not do it. such.

   "It's so good..."

   Luo Hui fended off Hongjun's attack, and then reached out with one hand, penetrated the endless area, and came towards the suppression.


   The good fortune jade in Daozu Hongjun's hand fell, shaking back Luo Hui, and said lightly, "You and I fight, you dare to be distracted..."

   Luo Hui was silent when he heard the words, and then shot again to face Hongjun.



   The chaotic void boundary wall is constantly twisting, making waves of terrifying roars, and a terrifying force and aura shrouds it.


   In the next instant, I saw a palm tore through the void boundary wall and patted towards Tai Shang.

   Under the palm of the hand, all the laws of the Great Dao collapsed and dissipated, forming a billion trillion li of impossibility. All time and space, destiny, and cause and effect cannot be touched here. All existence is controlled by the power of the palm.

Taishang looked at Luohu's palm with a serious expression. He and the Sanqing Taoist looked at each other, and then the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian successfully shot together. The yin and yang Pisces flowed in the Tai Chi picture, and the power of horror erupted directly towards that Only the palm of his hand greeted him.

  The palm of a billion trillion li is directly shot on the yin and yang pattern of Tai Chi which is 100 million li in size.

   A bit of cold light appeared, and the divine light immediately flooded the world!

   At this moment, there was not too much sound, because everything was annihilated. The power of Taiji figure combined with the power of Taishang and Sanqing Taoists constantly impacted Luohu's palm.

   The force of impact constantly swept away, and worlds evolved under this force, and then shattered one by one, the endless area was annihilated and returned to the land of nothingness.


   Taishang and Sanqing Taoists flew out, and the exquisite yellow pagoda appeared above the heavens and spirits, protecting the four people, and the Tai Chi figure blocking out in front of them.

   Luohu's hands were already blocked by Tai Shang, completely defeated by this force.

   But after all, this was just Luo Hui's full blow, and there was still a big difference between fighting against his deity.

   Taishang hasn't touched that point yet, and the understanding of the'Tao' is not enough, so it is still not clear what kind of horrible things will be when fighting against that realm, but the realm gap is still clear in my heart.

   Taiwa looked at the direction where Hongjun Daozu and Luo Hui had left, with an indifferent expression on his face, waiting for the victory or defeat between Dao Demon.

   Fighting in that realm, I don't think it will be too soon to tell the victory or defeat. This is not like me and Mo Luo, with a realm gap, and able to obliterate him with one gasification and three cleansings. The time before and after this is only more than a thousand years.

   But the battle between Daozu and Mozu could not be so short.

   It has been thousands of years, but there is still no sign of stopping. Although I don't know where it is, I can imagine the terrifying situation of the two fighting.


   In an endless area.


   A sound of thunder sounded through a trillion li, Hongjun Daozu and Luo Hui each stepped back, one black and one purple light shining in the world, dividing the world into two halves.

   Luohuo was full of demonic energy, and the magic flame in his eyes seemed to be a little brighter. Looking at Hongjun Daozu, a sneer appeared on his face.

   "Hongjun, your strength is beyond our expectations, but you can't defeat this seat..."

   Luo Hui sneered, and immediately after the demon flame throbbed his eyes, he glanced at the place of Taishang, and then moved away from the place.

   Luohuo's gaze was too supernatural to feel it, that gaze penetrated all barriers, and wanted to see him through.

   Hongjun Daozu didn't stop Luo Hui. The two have fought for more than ten thousand years, and relying on the power of heaven, can they have a lot of advantages. Otherwise, if they continue to fight, the outcome is really unpredictable.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at the place Luo Hui had left, after thinking about it in his heart, he also set off to leave.


   Hongjun Daozu tore through the space and came to the area where Taishang was.

   "Luo Hui has given up leaving?"

   Tai Tai looked at him and asked.

   "It's true, he doesn't seem to be going to die with Poor Dao this time, it's like testing Poor Dao's cultivation base..."

   Hongjun Daozu narrowed his eyes and said in a condensed voice.

   Hearing this, Taishang was silent. Although the matter is unknown, Luo Hui has retired now. Generally speaking, it is still a good thing.

   "Although Luo Hui retires temporarily, but he exists, there is always a chance to come again, and he needs to be careful in the future..."

   After a few breaths, Hongjun Daozu turned his eyes, fell on Taishang, and said.

   "Daozu rest assured!" Tai nodded.

   "Let's go!"

   Hongjun Daozu nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then, together with Tai Shang, turned and came towards the predecessor.

   After arriving in the chaotic area not far from the prehistoric lands, Daozu Hongjun released the Zixiao Palace, and then continued to practice in the Zixiao Palace.

   Taishang didn't stay much longer, and left the Zixiao Palace directly, and came towards the prehistoric land.


   Time is rushing, and in a blink of an eye, it is a time for a diverse meeting quietly passing by.

   Thirty-three days, the demon heaven, the sun temple.


   Suddenly, a terrifying aura rose to the sky, stirring up the nine-day situation and shaking the entire monster race.

   Taiyi, Xihe and the others looked at the Sun Temple in surprise, with this aura, could it be that Di Jun has already proven the Dao Hunyuan.


   At the same time, the entire wilderness shook, and then countless evil spirits erupted, which filled the entire wilderness world.

   The evil spirit erupts, and the calamity is approaching!

   At this time, countless creatures and monks looked horrified, weighing the robbery, are they coming again?

   This has only evolved in less than 200 million years, and now it has exploded in advance, but I don’t know why.

   But since the suffocation broke out, indicating that the amount of calamity is not far away, then in the recent period, they have to pay attention to as much as they can improve.

   Cultivation is my greatest guarantee.



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