Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Happy Lantern Festival

   Chapter 73 Happy Lantern Festival

The entire prehistoric land was shaken at this time, and the terrifying evil spirit erupted. In the following tens of thousands of years, a terrifying murderous intent emerged again, which made the prehistoric sentient beings panic in their hearts, for fear that the calamity broke out too soon, and they fell too fast. .

  Under the calamity, all living beings are in the calamity except for the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If they are not worried about that kind of horrible situation, it is impossible. As long as one fails, they will fall into it.

   Especially some monks or great powers who have experienced the calamity before, are even more worried. The more they have experienced, the more they know the horror of the calamity. Facing the new calamity, the heart is more disturbed.

   However, the current Majestic World is much better than before. The Majestic World is complete, and under perfect operation, these years have also given them a lot of benefits.

   And the most important thing is that in this complete predicament, there is the place of reincarnation of sentient beings established by the Empress Houtu.

   There is a reincarnation of sentient beings, which is an additional opportunity for rebirth. Not only the creatures below the Daluo Jinxian, but also the Daluo Jinxian, the quasi-sage, all have the opportunity of reincarnation, and the opportunity to return by practicing again.

   As long as his soul or true spirit dissipates, everything is possible.

   So, although this calamity is dangerous and terrifying, it is undoubtedly better than the previous calamity. As long as the soul does not disperse after the fall, there is still a chance. Unlike the previous calamity, a fall is a fall.

   In the midst of the calamity, it is extremely dangerous. Although it is necessary to protect the soul or true spirit from being severely damaged or dissipated in it, this thing is not necessarily possible. In the calamity, everything is possible.

   Therefore, the primordial sentient beings still have to prepare a lot, let them find their own vitality, and the chance of keeping their souls improved once again.

   And during this period, it is necessary to continue to practice oneself and to increase one's own strength again.

   From the point of view of looking for a ray of life in the calamity, or from the perspective of improving one's own cultivation base, and keeping one's soul or true spirit, the improvement of cultivation level is of great effect.

   Although I don’t know how long it will last for this period of time, this time it can only be a dead horse doctor, and I can improve a little bit more.


   On the shore of the East China Sea, in the holy land of the human race.

   In the Hall of Human Ancestors, three people ancestors gathered here to discuss the matter of calamity.

   "Brother, the amount of calamity is ahead of schedule. The distribution of my human races is too scattered, and there are many ordinary human races. I am afraid that it will be affected by a lot..."

   You Chao's face looked worried, looking at the Suiren in front of him, and said in a condensed voice.

  The development of the human race over the past millions of years is also obvious to all. Although the strength is not comparable to the Lich Clan, but under the Lich Clan, there are few races comparable to the Human Race.

Moreover, in terms of quantity, the current number of Human Races is indeed only below the Lich Races. Other races, in terms of number, are not as good as the number of Human Races, the base number of Human Races, after these millions The evolution and development of the year is already extremely huge.

   It's just that because the human race has a too large base, the tribes are extremely scattered. Basically, there are traces of the human race in the entire prehistoric place, that is, the number is large, and the area with good environmental resources will naturally have more human races, and vice versa.

   And the human race is too scattered, this way, under the calamity, it will indeed be affected by a lot of calamity.

"Second brother, don’t worry too much. Under the calamity, although all beings are in the calamity, although the human base is large, most of them are ordinary people, but the calamity has the greatest impact on the monks. For the ordinary human race, it is on the contrary. Not that big..."

   "But although the impact is not as great as the monks, it still has an impact. In addition, there are many monks who should be robbed. Ordinary human tribes may be affected. This is also a problem that we need to consider..."

  燧ren heard this, and after thinking about it in his heart, he told You Chao and Zi Yi about everything he could predict this time and everything that might happen. These things also need them to arrange.

   "Big Brother's words are not unreasonable. In this case, apart from the amount of calamity, the impact of the cultivators on the human race also requires us to arrange everything well, so as not to damage the human race too much..."

   Hearing the words, Zi Yi nodded slightly, with a solemn expression.

"Second brother, the disciple in the holy land, this time the amount of calamity should be catered for, in addition to this, the disciples are also allowed to reach the human tribes as much as possible, guarding the human tribes, so as not to be in the calamity. , Suffered from too many cultivators Yingjie..."

   "The calamity is approaching, and the human disciples will have less cause and effect. For the time being, we wait for the end of the calamity..."

  燧ren thought in his heart, and then looked at the Chao and Zi Yi clan and said.

   "Don't worry, brother, we will arrange it..."

   There are Chao family and Zi Yi family who heard the words, nodded slightly.

  The amount of calamity will have less impact on the ordinary human tribes than the monks. Except for some of the disciples of the human tribe, all other human tribes are stationed, except for the tribe, they also protect the human tribe from being affected by other monks when they should be robbed.

   In this way, it can be regarded as reducing the damage to the human race to the greatest extent.

After   燧ren exhorted the Chao family and Zi Yi family for a few words, the two left behind and went down to make arrangements.

In the   suiren’s eyes, the avenue appeared, with traces of fire beating, and a scorching temperature filled the Ancestral Hall. His eyes were looking at the desolate land, where there was a murderous aura that scared countless monks and souls, and murderous intent.

   "The amount of robbery ~www.ltnovel.com~ has advanced again..."

   After a long time, Sui said softly.

  As a quasi-sage, he naturally saw a lot. Although there is still an unknown period of time before the real eruption of Liang Jie, but with continuous advancement, I am afraid that it will not last long and chaos will appear.

   Moreover, as the amount of calamity progresses, the suffocating aura and murderous intent will gradually become stronger and emerge, which will gradually affect the monks, motivating some of the monks to take action in advance, which in turn will advance the amount of robbery.

   In this case, the time will be shortened again.

   Suiren thought about it in his heart, then retracted his gaze, then got up, left the Renzu Temple, and went to arrange things in the Holy Land.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Looking at the evil spirits and murderous intent that have continued to flow in the prehistoric for tens of thousands of years, many monks and creatures in the prehistoric have also begun their own preparations to deal with the calamity. In the last period of time, they will also rush to practice. .

  The amount of calamity cannot affect too much. Under the amount of calamity, all living beings in the wild are looking for a ray of life in response to the calamity. Too much does not want to pay attention to so much. Grasp their own understanding of the ‘Tao’ and touch that level is the key.

   He turned his gaze, glanced at Human Race, and the avenue appeared in his eyes, manifesting Yin and Yang, penetrating the long river of time and space, and seeing the Human Race Holy Land, Sui Ren nodded in satisfaction with some of the Human Race arrangements.

   "With this arrangement, Human Race can reduce a lot of impact..."

   Tai nodded, then retracted his gaze, and continued to comprehend his own way.




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