Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Lich 2 final preparations

   Chapter 74: Final Preparations for the Second Family of Lich

   Thirty-three heavens, in the heaven of the demon clan, in the palace of the sky.

   "Emperor, the calamity is coming, my monster race needs to make final preparations..."

   Bai Ze stepped forward, and said with his hand to the upper left-hand Donghuang Taiyi.

Over the years, although the aura where the Emperor of Heaven is becoming more and more terrifying, it no longer fluctuates up and down, but maintains it at this level, which proves that the Emperor’s cultivation base has risen sharply, but he has not yet left the customs and does not know what he is. Did you preach?

   But no matter what, whether the Emperor of Heaven can prove that this is in addition to the overall preparations of the monster clan. The preparations for the monster clan itself must also be sufficient, so that it can cope with the impact of this calamity.

After all, the calamity is dangerous and all living beings are in the calamity. As one of the top two races in this calamity, the monster race is naturally the first to bear the brunt. If there is no strong strength to deal with it, it will be a lot of damage. .

   Therefore, no matter how much the Yaozu can improve or prepare during the last period of time, it is still an opportunity for improvement.

Taiyi heard the words and nodded slightly, "Bai Ze, this matter is left to you to prepare, the big formation is the strongest method of my monster race, this point, you must not leave, and the strength of the monster tribe ..."

   Taiichi said, he glanced at Zhou Tian Xing Chen Da Hai, and then continued, "Three thousand years later, gather your strength and gather Zhou Tian X Chen Da Da to practice the monster formation and test the power of improvement over the years..."

   "Don't worry, Donghuang, the minister will do it..." Bai Ze immediately bowed his hand.

Bai Ze is very necessary for the collective drills mentioned by Taiyi, the acceptance of the strength of the monster tribes and the control of the monster tribe over the years, plus the new moves of the monster tribe over the years. Enlightenment, it's time to practice.

   After hearing the words, Tai nodded, then looked at the demon master Kunpeng, and asked, "How has the demon master's injuries been over the years?"

   Kunpeng listened, and immediately replied, "Back to the Eastern Emperor, the minister's injury has recovered, if the war minister can contribute..."

   Kunpeng's tone was plain, without the slightest fluctuation, and he didn't know what he meant specifically.

   nodded too much, no matter whether Kun Peng really thought so or not, but at this time, he didn't want to lose Kun Peng's help. What's the matter, wait until everything stabilizes.

   And he also believes that at this time, if Kunpeng can't help, if the Wu Clan takes action, Kunpeng will definitely not be able to get any benefits. Therefore, if you want to survive, you can only be tied to the Monster Clan.

   "This is good, the demon master adjusts it, and the demon master still needs to work hard in the future..." Taiyi nodded.

   "The minister will live up to the expectations of the Eastern Emperor!" Kun Peng arched his hands.

After hearing this, he did not speak any more. After calculating in his heart, he thought for a while, and said to Bai Ze and other ten great demon gods, "Everyone, demon gods, demon masters, this time the calamity and danger are unknown, my demon clan acts as this One of the top races of the calamity is naturally the first to bear the brunt, and the monster race is more dangerous by itself..."

   "The calamity is coming, and the Wu Clan may make a move. This is also the time for my monster and the Wu Clan to decide the victory and to find the opportunity for the calamity. Therefore, the battle between the Lich Clan and the Second Clan is inevitable..."

"Under the calamity, the Lich's decisive battle will increase the level of danger by countless times. It is very likely that there will be a crisis of fall. You are all the ministers of my demon race, and we will continue to assist the demon race in the future. Go ahead, so you need to make all preparations in advance to guard against the crisis of fall..."

   "Only by doing all of this, can we let go of the battle, and then there will be a chance to come back again..."

   Taiyi looked solemn, looked at the top ten demon gods, demon master Kunpeng and others, slowly said.

   Be a good follower, in order to prevent the fall in the battle with the Lich this time, this is the last request of Taiyi to ask Bai Ze and other ten demon gods, as well as Kunpeng and others.

   As long as they take good care of these precautions, even if they fall, they still have a chance to return. In this way, the monster clan will have a more glorious moment, and by then, the monster clan can rise again.

And to prepare for the final back hand, at this point, Taiyi also told her sister-in-law that she would make all preparations if she wanted to come. As for her eldest brother, he is currently hitting the Hunyuan realm. Although I don’t know whether he will succeed or not, he wants to improve his strength. If you have less, you will be prepared for everything.

   "Follow the order of the Eastern Emperor!"

   The ten demon gods, the demon master Kunpeng, and several demon saints looked at each other, and then said with their hands.

   All these, they will do their best, but they will worry about it.

   When Tai saw this, he nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and everyone slowly backed off.

   Taiyi glanced at the Sun Temple, and then set off to leave. He also had to make the final preparations to guard against everything.


   Under the mountain, in the Pangu Temple.

   "Hou Yi, Pangu Kaitian Third Form, you still continue to participate in the exercises and strive for complete control..."

   Di Jiang withdrew his gaze from the horrible prey of evil aura and murderous intent at this time, looked at Hou Yi at the end of the Twelve Ancestor Witch, and said in a condensed voice.

   "Don't worry, brother, I will hurry up..."

   Houyi nodded when he heard the words. He is now an ancestral witch, so naturally he no longer calls Dijiang and other ancestral witches as ‘Master Zu witch’.

Although Hou Yi is a new ancestor witch, he has not had any contact with the twelve capital gods of the witch clan, but with the help of Hou Tu, he has already passed all the insights and experience of the witch clan to the back. Yi.

   Coupled with the continuous help of the Eleventh Ancestor Witches over the years, Hou Yi can already unite and evolve into a big formation. Pangu's opening moves can also master the second form completely, but the third form is not enough.

   But the other eleven ancestor witches are already able to master the third form, so Hou Yi has to seize the time to control the third form.

   As for the real body of Pangu, this is not so difficult for Hou Yi. After all, this trick is the strongest method, and it is also evolved from the real body of the ancestor witch. UU read www.uukanshu. com is not too difficult.

   Dijiang nodded, there is still not a short time before the actual eruption of the calamity, and it is enough for Hou Yi to participate in the exercise of Pangu Kaitian's third move.

   "Second brother, the next preparations for the Twelve Tribes of the Witch Clan, I leave it to you..."

  Dijiang thought for a while, looked at Ju Mang, and said.

   "Don't worry, brother!"

Jumang nodded. The Witch tribe formation not only requires the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but also the Twelve Witch Tribes. In the fight between the two tribes, the tribes of the Twelve Tribes are also needed. Therefore, to enhance their strength, necessary.

"The calamity is coming, and there will be a battle with the monster race, so this calamity will become extremely dangerous, and there may be a crisis of fall. My witch race is different from other races and creatures, so we are more Be prepared to prevent the fall..."

   "As long as we make all preparations, plus the land of the little sister's reincarnation, the Wu Clan can be regarded as worry-free..."

  Dijiang looked at the Eleventh Ancestor Witch, and said in a condensed voice.

   This is the final reminder and preparation before the calamity. Dijiang hopes that they will do all this and beware of all variables in order to preserve the future of the Wu clan. Dijiang must ensure this.

   "Don't worry, brother, we will be ready for the next move..."

   Jumang, Xuan Ming and others nodded immediately after hearing this.

   My eldest brother said it right, on this point, they will make arrangements for the back hand, so that the back road of the Wu clan will be smoother, so that the Wu clan can once again rise to glory.




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