Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Taishang opens up the inner world

   Chapter 76, Taishang Opens Up the Inner World

After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the amount of calamity is getting closer and closer to the time of eruption. The hearts of countless monks and creatures are bright. At this time, facing the terrifying evil spirit, murderous intent and calamity of the prehistoric, all that can be done is I can improve myself as much as possible.

   This period of time is the last time for sentient beings, and it is also an opportunity to improve oneself to find that gleam of vitality.

   Except for some cultivators with higher cultivation bases who are still seizing the time to improve themselves, those with low cultivation bases are in such a situation of murder and murder.

   Of course, this affects, after all, a small number of them, and some of them ended the cause and effect early. Wars broke out between the two sides, which ignited even greater and more wars.

   The fall of the monk, the blood rushing into the sky, filled the entire predicament, combined with these evil auras, murderous auras, and tribulations, and so on, but also promoted the process of the calamity, and promoted the terrifying image of the calamity.

  In this way, hundreds of thousands of years have passed away quietly.

In the prehistoric times, the monks who were affected by the calamity and the monks who began to realize their own cause and effect have been greatly improved. The monks are high and low. In addition to the monks, there are many innate races and ordinary creatures. Fight together.

   The monks who have been affected, participated in the fight, and achieved cause and effect, races and creatures are constantly increasing, and the number of fallen is also constantly improving.

   The blood began to pervade, more affecting other creatures, monks and innate races.

  Compared with other races, the Lich family is very calm at this time. Although the calamity is advancing more and more, the two races are the top races, bear the brunt of the calamity, and a decisive battle may break out.

   But before that time, the two clans will not take action at this time.

Under the Lich race, the ordinary tribes of the Human race began to have some influence, but most of these influences were affected by the monks who participated in the war, race, etc., but the disciples of the holy land were not too serious. The loss.

   In these hundreds of thousands of years, the total number of human races has lost less than 10%. However, it is not yet time for the amount of calamity to break out, so the damage is small now, that is also temporary, and the specifics still depend on the situation after the amount of robbery.

   Ordinary human tribes, the guardian of the human holy land, are also participating in the catastrophe, the situation is not too serious. And some of the Human Race disciples who directly participated have also begun to respond, with cause and effect, and some fall.

   However, the number of falling is small, and it is still in Suiren’s expectation, but it is okay.

   At this time, Suiren feels that the situation of the human race is still good, and the specific damage depends on the calculation after the amount of disaster.


   When time flies, tens of thousands of years have passed.

The situation in the precipice has become more and more serious. The monks, creatures and races participating in the fighting and fighting have already increased more and more. , More and more promote the amount of robbery.

   Although the human race was less affected, it was still damaged. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is about the same as expected, and it is not too serious.

As for the second family of Lich, there is still no movement, only the aura of killing, permeating the second family of Lich, under the outbreak of the amount of calamity, the battle of the second family of Lich is inevitable. .

   sentient beings need to find a ray of life in the calamity, need to settle the cause and effect. As one of the strongest races, the second family of Lich naturally needs to settle the cause and effect of the other party and find a ray of life.

   Scramble, the most powerful luck in the prehistoric, impact the first race, and dominate the prehistoric world.

And this calamity is an opportunity for the Lich Clan. Naturally, they will not let go of this opportunity. Therefore, this battle is inevitable. At this time, the intention of killing is condensed on the two clans. Good proof.

   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   For millions of years, Taishang has not paid attention to too many things in the prehistoric times, and he has not paid much attention to the response of the predominant sentient beings and the situation at this time.

  The area of ​​the Promise Mountain Range is already shrouded by the power of the Great Dao. Except for the creatures that should be robbered, the rest basically cannot affect this place. After all, this place is the Daochang of the Great Dao, and the calamity cannot affect him.

   Suddenly, Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the blood-red secret at this time, and the road appeared in his eyes.

   "Under the calamity, the operation of heaven and earth is also part of the rules of the whole heaven and earth..."

  Under the amount of calamity, although many things will be affected, including the laws of the great road, the rules of heaven and earth, etc., the amount of calamity is also an important point in the operation of the heaven and the earth.

   Over the years, Taishang has also been comprehending some of these trajectories, increasing his comprehension of heaven and earth, and the comprehension of'Tao'.

   "It seems that it is time to confirm my control and understanding of the world..."

   After thinking about it in his heart, he said in a condensed voice that the scarlet Qingyun became more and more vivid at this time, and the atmosphere of the vast avenue permeated.

   Taishang slowly closed his eyes, and then concentrated his mind, then sank into the position of his dantian, transforming into shape.

Here, under Taishang’s deliberate intentions, a chaotic situation has already formed, waiting for him to open up an inner world, and then confirm his own world operation and rule control, etc., in this way, it can also further deepen his understanding of the Tao. Comprehend.

Moreover, opening up the world can also make this world the world of one's own avenues. In this way, it will also be of great help to the improvement of one's own avenues, so this opening up of the inner world is for Tai Shang , There are many benefits.


   Taishang looked at the chaotic air in the chaos. With his arrival, the gray air flow continued to flow, as if chaotically, and as if it had walked out of a mysterious track.

   At this time, the air flow in the entire chaos is flowing and rolling, and the entire chaos will vibrate from time to time.

   "The chaos is on, the world is out!"

   Taishang’s eyes reveal yin and yang~www.ltnovel.com~ The Tao of Inaction is condensed on the Heavenly Spirit. With a grip in his hand, the Tao of Inaction on the Heavenly Spirit is transformed into a three-foot green front.


   Sword out!

  The long river of time and space, the past, the present and the future, there is no light in the week!

   At this moment, the entire chaotic area turned into darkness, and the quasi-sage was here, and at this time, it was impossible to snoop a point.

Suddenly, a divine light emerged from the darkness. This ray of light was the divine light that opened up the heavens and the earth, tearing apart the area that turned into boundless darkness, and illuminating the world. The fall of this divine light did not bring warmth and hope. , But horror, great horror.

   Under this divine light, it is the destruction of the chaotic area, complete destruction, but at the same time, it is the birth of heaven and earth!


   The terrifying sound of thunder followed, and then the chaotic area began to separate.

   The freshness rises, the upper is dry, the dry, the heavens!

   The turbid air sinks, and the down is Kun, the person who is Kun, the earth!

   Taishang watched at this time that the chaos had opened, evolving into the world, and the earth, water, wind and fire emerged. With a wave of his hand, the Taiji diagram suppressed, setting the ground, water, wind and fire to stabilize the universe, and the yin and yang emerged from the five elements.

   I don't know how long it has passed, and the embryonic form of heaven and earth began to slowly manifest.

Seeing this, Taishang nodded with satisfaction. Although it is not difficult for him to open the world, it is not difficult for him to open the world with great roads and evolve a world that transcends the great world. Control and comprehension.

   This time, he seems to have realized something again.




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