Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Promise World, perfect world

   Chapter 77 The Promise World, Perfecting the World

   Taishang watched at this moment that the world was gradually taking shape and solid, and with a move in his heart, the mana flowed in his body, the avenue condensed again, and the sword of the law of inaction in his hand once again bloomed with gorgeous sword lights.


   Taishang shot again, the sword came out, the sword sounded and moved the river of time and space, as if it was ringing in the ears of the living beings in the river of endless time and space.

  The sword is out, the stars are shining, and the sea of ​​stars is evolved!

   The first sword, if it were to destroy, then this sword was created!

   Countless stars gathered on the sword body, the sword light tore through the world that was still forming at this time, and then it was printed in the sky, revealing the sea of ​​stars.

Heaven and earth come out, Zhou Tian, ​​stars come out from the sea, the scale of heaven and earth is already manifested, between heaven and earth, the original area manifests the continent, and then under the Tai Chi diagram, the yin and yang converge, the five elements evolve and begin to give birth to creatures. .

  Nuwa's Good Fortune Heaven, although it is a great world, it is not purely a great world derived from the Great Way of Good Fortune. Although she can create creatures, it is still different from Taishang at this time.

   But when she has such a state of being too high, it is not difficult to open up a great world with her own avenue.

  The Great Thousand World, Beyond the Great Thousand World!

In just tens of thousands of years, this world has evolved to a point where it surpasses the great world. Although the creatures in it are ordinary, they also perfect the world and make up for the lack of the operation of the world. Therefore, the creatures are not as good as the predecessors. Big problem.

   Tai Chi diagram still envelopes this world, continues to stabilize the wall of the world, and the path of yin and yang is constantly maintained and evolved.

   "Wuji and Taiji, this world is the world of Wuji!"

   Tai is standing in the endless void, as if he is in control of everything, with a faint voice, the voice runs through the long river of time and space, and is imprinted in the heart of every creature. The Promise World is also formally formed.

   Too stepped on the chaos, leaving traces of the ‘Tao’ step by step. Worlds evolved under his feet. He stepped on the worlds, as if he were the creator, the master of the world, and in control of everything.

   Taishang came to the Wuji world, standing in the world, watching all the evolution of the Wuji world.


The world of the Wuji world changed, and then three rays of light rose from the three talents of the Wuji world, and then three figures appeared. It was the Taoist Taiqing, the Taoist Yuqing, the Taoist Shangqing, and the center. It’s too good.

   The world is everywhere, and the road is brilliant!

   Taishang and Sanqing Taoists stand on the four sides, with the laws of the Great Dao lingering on their bodies, a very strong original aura radiates, flooding the entire world, and shocking the newly-born creatures of the Wuji Realm.

   But at the same time, the newly-born creatures in the Promise Realm have gained a lot of benefits from this original aura and the power of the Great Dao, and they are all moving towards a better place at this time.

   On the Taiji map, the Great Way of Inaction covers the entire world. Under the control of the Supreme Being, the Law of Inaction gradually condenses and gathers on the Nine Heavens, opening up a space, and then acting as the heavenly way of the Wuji Realm.

   Since it is the Infinite Realm that transcends the Great Thousand Worlds that evolved from the Dao of Inaction, the one who manages the Infinite Realm must naturally be the Dao of Inaction.

In addition to this aspect, using Wuwei Dao as a heavenly path can also make Wuwei Dao more compatible with the operation of heaven and earth, and control the operation of heaven and earth. In this respect, it can be improved and perfected. Dao's diligence.

   Therefore, the way of inaction, as the heavenly way of the Infinite Realm, is inevitable.

   "The heaven and the earth are stable, the way of heaven is out, let's do it!"

   I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be a hundred thousand years, or maybe a million years.

Taishang opened his mouth faintly, and the Taiqing imprint on the center of his eyebrows bloomed with dazzling divine light. Under the light, there was the primordial sacred light that opened the sky, which all looked dim and dull. The light was dim.

   Hearing the words, the Sanqing Taoist who was above the Sancai direction glanced at each other, and then slightly nodded.


   The avenue is roaring, and the world is shaking.

   Above the Quartet, Taishang and the Sanqing Taoists shot together, and the avenue appeared in their hands, plunged into the endless nothingness, and grabbed towards the end of the avenue.

   Tai Shang grabbed it and flicked it away. A complete rule of heaven and earth emerged between heaven and earth, perfecting the movement of the world of the Promise World. The terrifying power of the heaven and earth was dissipating, continuously blending into the heaven and the earth, and into all beings.

   This rule of heaven and earth is the Taishang’s comprehension and control of heaven and earth. At this time, he captures it and puts it in the boundless realm to improve the heaven and earth, increase his understanding of heaven and earth, and increase the understanding of "Tao".

   The Sanqing Daoists constantly waved their hands, and every time there were rules of heaven and earth that were visible to the naked eye emerged in their hands, and then merged into the heaven and earth, perfected the heaven and earth, strengthened all beings, and the power of the heaven and earth became more and more terrifying.

   "There are no rules, no cubes!"

Too catchy said lightly, the movements in his hands were not slow, and the rules of the world visible to the naked eye flew out of his hands, and then printed into the world, printed into the movement of the world~www.ltnovel.com ~Inscribed in the soul of all living beings.

   The world is improving, and the rules are fulfilling!

   After the rules of heaven and earth are completely perfected in the hands of the Taishang and Sanqing Taoists, the creatures born thereafter will be promoted innumerably. Such creatures will be extremely special.

   A line of understanding of the rules of heaven and earth and the movement of the heavens and the earth emerged in the sea of ​​knowledge, and then manifested and formed, the rules of the heavens and the earth, and the occasional law of inaction, running through the firmament of the universe and reaching the source of the heaven and earth.

   Taishang and Sanqing Taoists are not slow. With their own understanding of the world and the rules of heaven and earth, they all manifest themselves at this time, and they are printed into the Wuji world one by one, continuously improving, and perfecting the Wuji world.


  Time is like flowing water, quietly, hundreds of thousands of years have passed by.

   The long river of time and space descended on the Wuji World, and at this time it was continuously advancing. After these hundreds of thousands of years of perfection, the Wuji World had already risen to an extremely complete level.

The Taishang and Sanqing Taoists stopped their movements, and their understanding of the movement of heaven and earth and the rules of heaven and earth had already been concretized, manifested, and printed in the Wuji world, making them new to the rules of heaven and earth and the control of the great avenues. Sentiment.

   Tai Shang looked at the Sanqing Taoist, and after a slight nod, the Sanqing Taoist figure moved, and in the next instant he was sitting cross-legged on the three lotus platform, his eyes closed tightly, and he continued to practice, and he began to enlighten the road.

   Seeing this, Tai Tai nodded in satisfaction, then moved his feet to the center of the Promise World, and then directly sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend.




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