Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 78: The amount of robbery broke out

   Chapter 78

   Today’s predicament seems to have been accelerated by the long river of time and space. When time flies, it is more than a million years.

   I think the robbery is ahead of schedule, to this point, it has been millions of years.

   In today's predicament, in addition to the second clan of the Lich, those who should settle the cause and effect, have already participated, those who are looking for a ray of life, have already participated, and there are many affected creatures and monks, as well.

The Terran, taking into account the spread of the warriors and participating in the war, also participated. During the calamity, there have been losses, but now the Terran has a large base and scattered distribution, so the losses are also in Suiren’s expectation. middle.

   As long as the core is stable, everything will not be a big problem.

And over these millions of years, the entire predicament has been reduced to a battlefield, with blood rushing into the sky, some flowing into the sea of ​​blood, and some deeply cracked earth, which seems extremely terrible, the mountains and rivers are broken, the spiritual energy is disordered, and the world is suffocated. Shrouded with murderous intent, the light of blood fascinated the eyes of sentient beings.

   At this moment, it was like a doomsday scene, extremely terrifying.

However, those monks and monks who have already ended their own lives, as well as some monks who have found a ray of life, are now gradually withdrawn from the fight. Although it is not completely over, it is necessary to temporarily protect themselves. .

   Besides, at the current level of calamity, no one can guarantee when it will erupt.

  In the midst of the precipice, the second family of Lich hasn't moved yet. Obviously, they want to wait for the final opportunity. Therefore, after the amount of calamity has completely erupted, it will be even more terrifying if the Lich fights against each other.

   If I don't want to leave for a while, wait until the calamity breaks out and the liches will join the battle, I'm afraid they will become cannon fodder affected by their attacks.

Such things, for the monks who have been practicing for so long and struggling to find a little bit of vitality in the calamity, they naturally don’t want to see such things discovered. Therefore, in the current situation, they can only take their time. Looking for opportunities, slowly retreated to fight and fight.

   As for those monks who had been deeply affected by the calamity, and whose eyes were covered by the slaughter, they could no longer be taken away at this time. There was only a fight, not killing other monks or being killed by other monks.

   In the past millions of years, the fallen monks in the predicament have fallen into them two or three in ten stops. The level of horror of blood and energy is that of some quasi-sage masters, and they all feel palpitation.

I have seen three clans, Yuanshi and Tongtian of Dao Demon, Hou Tu and Nuwa, and now they are a little surprised. There are a lot of calamities and a higher cultivation base. Today’s two or three stops are not the two or three of the past. Stopped.

The remaining few, who have not seen the calamity of the past, now see such a scene, can’t help but sigh that they have reached this state and are not affected by the calamity, otherwise, under the calamity, they will be better. At what point?

   The impact of the human race is considered small, and it has been damaged by more than 30% now, and the amount of calamity is still being recommended, I am afraid it will be no small damage in the end.

   As for the others, it is even more terrifying. There are still many innate races completely buried here, disappearing into the long river of time and space.

   Such horrible scenes are constantly being staged in the wild, and the hearts of countless monks are becoming more and more disturbed.


   With the restlessness of sentient beings and the constant horror scenes unfolding, time has moved forward for more than a million years.


   On this day, the whole world shook, and the terrifying scene spread to the endless time and space area of ​​the long river of time and space in the past and the future, and all the creatures in the primordial soul could not help but feel a sense of fall.

   The amount of robbery is coming!

   All sentient beings already know in their hearts that at this time the world is shaking, suffocating, murderous, robbery, and terrifying blood qi erupts, which indicates the real coming of the amount of robbery, and the terror is also beginning to come.

At this time, many of the people whose cultivation bases were not enough to be Taiyi Jinxian appeared, and the whole world was extremely chaotic. The blood energy divided the world and confuses all beings. Many of them fell into the fight, and their blood became more and more. Of condensation.

   The current situation is that the sea of ​​blood is rotating, and it is difficult to receive so much blood and blood gas at a time. Styx is looking at the scene of the prehistoric, and it is helpless. Now, he can only protect himself first.

   I'm relatively safe, stay in the sea of ​​blood, and resist the calamity with the sea of ​​blood, and I won't have much problem.

   Styx has such an advantage, which can increase his chances of overwhelming tribulation, but other monks, great abilities, do not have such a good thing, and can only rely on themselves.

   Therefore, the number of fallen in the predicament has risen in a straight line, some have preserved their own soul and true spirit, and some have completely dissipated and fallen between the heavens and the earth.

The reincarnation of sentient beings has been a lot busy over the past millions of years. The number of fallen is too much, and it is the underworld. At this time, it will also be busy for a long time. After all, the fallen creatures are really Too much.

   If there is no reincarnation of sentient beings, the earth would not dare to imagine it. In this calamity, the number of vulva, soul, and these will be unestimable.

   After the reincarnation of sentient beings, these creatures will be regarded as having a second life, and they will return in reincarnation again. This is already unfortunate and fortunate.

   In the past few years, there have been too many fallen in the wilderness, and the underworld will be busy for a long time.

   Houtu looked worried and looked at the wild land.


   Thirty-three days, at the South Gate.

   "Emperor of the East ~www.ltnovel.com~ The calamity has broken out, the predicament has been completely chaotic, the world is dim, and now, maybe it is the opportunity of the monster clan..."

   Bai Ze looked solemn, looked at the Donghuang Taiyi beside him, and said in a condensed voice.

   Now the amount of calamity has completely erupted, and all beings are looking for a ray of life. Although there are many fallen, many have found a ray of life and withdrawn from the battlefield. If the Yaozu wants to survive this calamity, they will eventually enter the calamity.

   It is already rare for the Demon Race to be able to be driven by the amount of calamity, and still last until the amount of robbery erupts. Now that the amount of calamity has completely erupted, as the top race, it is naturally impossible for the demon race to not be robbed.

   Now many members of the monster clan have fallen into it. If they don’t fall into the catastrophe, they will only fall more and more. Only by looting can one find a chance.

   Moreover, the relationship with the Witch Clan also needs to be settled in the amount of calamity.

"Brother retreat has not been released. Now that the calamity has broken out, the Wu clan has already assembled troops and horses. I am afraid that we will fight decisively with my monster clan. We should take action and buy more time for the big brother. It came out..."

   "Otherwise, my monster clan, the situation is still not objective..."

  Emperor Taiyi looked solemn, and said in a condensed voice, looking at the chaos and the sky shrouded in tribulation at this time.

   "Bai Ze, gather soldiers and horses to fight the Witch Clan!"

   After a long time, Taichi said softly.

   "Lead the minister!"

After    Bai Ze responded, he disappeared.

   Taiyi stood at the Southern Heaven Gate, and the aura on his body continued to rise, becoming more and more terrifying.




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