Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Lich 2 family shot

   Chapter 79

   Thirty-three days, Yaozu Tianting, Nantian Gate.

   Bai Ze assembled the monster race very fast. After all, he was already prepared. Under the calamity, there will be a battle with the Witch race. Naturally, he will always be prepared and waiting for the opportunity.

   The amount of calamity has come, the time has come!

   Under the eruption of the amount of calamity, all living beings are in the calamity. A top-notch clan like the demon tribe is naturally the first to bear the brunt. If it does not fall into the calamity, the demon tribe will fall very seriously.

   Therefore, in the robbery, dealing with the Wu Clan and Yao Clan, this road must be taken.

   The Witches are already gathering soldiers and horses, and they are also gathering soldiers and horses. This battle is on fire.

   It didn't take long for the monster tribes to have assembled, waiting for the order of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. As for those demon tribes who had the five declines and fall of the heavens and humans, they ignored them for the time being.

   The most important thing right now is this battle.

   "The second family of the Lich has deep grievances. This calamity has completely erupted. It is the time when my monster and the witch clan are in a decisive battle. It is also the time for my witch clan to find a chance, defeat the witch clan, and take control..."

   "In this battle, my monster race is bound to go all out and work hard for my monster race's foundation for generations to come. In one battle, defeat the witch race and kill!"

   Taiyi's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of killing intent. Under the light of the fire, he seemed to burn all over the world and wipe out all the wastes. The breath on his body was terrifying, and he shouted coldly.




   In the heavenly court, all the demonic tribes roared, rushing into the sky with the intent of killing, and directly tore the blood-red sky, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming forever.

   In the heavenly court, in addition to the demon tribes who have fallen because of the calamity, there are some demon tribe people who have appeared in the five decays of heaven and man. At this time, they are all following the roar, this kind of murderous intention, flooding the demon court heavenly palace.

   In the Sun Temple, in this moment, a biting breath flashed past, without causing anyone to notice.

   Taiichi looked murderously intent, his gaze slowly swept across every demonic tribe, he waved his hand and shouted, "Go!"

   The voice pierced the firmament of the universe, echoing in the ears of all the monster races.


   All the demonic tribes roared, and then followed Taiyi, Qi Qi, toward the predominantly.

Xihe in the Heavenly Palace glanced at the Sun Divine Palace, his eyes darkened, and then set off towards the predecessor, the demon clan's great formation, the lunar star position must not be without her main formation, only she can join in to improve the biggest formation of the great formation power.

As for Jinwu Xiaoshi, she has been secretly arranged in the original base camp of the Yaozu, without attracting the attention of others. The high-level methods of the Yaozu are left there, so she is not worried about the safety of Xiaojinwu for the time being. .

   After the battle of the Lich, the calamity is subdued, everything can be stabilized.


   Under the mountain, in front of the Pangu Temple.

   "Brother, my witch clan has been assembled, and under the calamity, it's time to solve all this..."

  Jumang looked at Dijiang beside him with a solemn expression.

"Brother, this time of calamity, as one of the top clans of the Wu and Yao clan, this calamity is also a chance to find a ray of life and gain an advantage. Although it is dangerous, this step has to be taken... "

   Zhu Jiuyin looked solemn, looked at Dijiang, and said solemnly.

   "The goals of the Lich are the same, but the Lich has been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, and there has been no real winner. This amount of calamity broke out in advance, and it is also the power to decide this victor, and the world will take power in the future..."

   "The eruption of the calamity is the calamity of all living beings, and it is also the calamity of the lich. At this step, the witches have to go, and they need to go smoothly..."

  Dijiang narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold glow flashed across his face, his eyes contained murderous intent to change the color of the world, and he said in a deep voice.

   Hearing this, the Eleventh Ancestor Witch nodded heavily, agreeing with the meaning of Emperor Jiang.

  After a few breaths, Dijiang's gaze turned, looking at the vast sky, a sneer appeared on his face, "Although my Wu Clan assembled in advance, but the Monster Clan seems to be more anxious..."

   "Wizards, this battle is a battle for the Witches to set the universe!"

   "Kill the demon clan, take control of the world! This battle will be a battle of great history, sorcerers of the witch clan, kill with me!"

   Dijiang turned his eyes and fell on the twelve tribes of Wu Clan, shouting loudly, the voice penetrated the long river of time and space, and it sounded in the sea of ​​knowledge of all the Wu tribes, and it was not peaceful for a long time.




   The terrifying sound of rushing rushed up into the sky, horrified the countless existences of the predecessor, the intent of killing concealed the heavens, and changed the colors of the creatures in the endless region of time and space.


   Dijiang roared, and then immediately took the lead, rushing straight up to face the Wu Clan.


The rest of the ancestral witches and the witches of the twelve tribes roared together at this time, and the momentum of killing cleared all the evil aura, calamity, and the blood that confuses sentient beings in a radius of billions of trillions, intertwined with the killing intent. The hair became horrible.

  Witch clan from bottom to top, Monster clan from top to bottom, the terrifying aura of the two armies collided together, causing countless voids to become distorted, as if they could not bear the aura of both armies.


The endless void shattered and turned into a sea of ​​fragments, spreading toward the four directions, toward the endless sky of ancient times, with the terrifying power that is enough to bury all the Hunyuan or the saint, and sweeping toward the Lich Race Come.

  The armies of the two sides have not yet come into contact with each other, but the imposing competition between the two armies has already caused countless horrors.

The shock of horror spread to the land of trillions of miles~www.ltnovel.com~ The high-level leaders of the two armies of the Lich made a concerted effort to resist the impact, and then continued to rush away. The distance between the two sides became more and more severe. Close.


   Amidst the wilderness, except for some cultivators whose cultivation level is low, affected by the robbery and blood qi, and are still fighting, most of the other cultivators have already pulled away, and the others are also looking for opportunities to withdraw.

The amount of robbery has completely erupted to this day. Although it has only been more than two thousand years, the two Lich races have already begun to rally. Although the two sides have not yet met, the collision of momentum at this time has already affected many areas, many of them Those with a low cultivation base were affected and fell into it.

   Under such a situation, how dare those cultivators continue to fight, if they are affected by the fighting power of the Lich Clan, it would be even more pity.

   Therefore, after seeing the Lich race, the cultivators all retreated from the battle circle and did not dare to continue.

   At this moment, the eyes of countless cultivators in the prehistoric world all gathered together on the Lich Clan.

   At this moment, the second family of Lich is the protagonist of Liang Jie.

   The protagonist's shot is naturally extraordinary.


   A clear bell ringing, resounding through the desolate world, shaking the whole world.

   At this moment, the thoughts of sentient beings seem to be condensed at this moment, and the flow of time and space is also stopped.

   Looking at the sky, the Lich Clan who is about to fight against each other, the sentient beings seem to have been frozen for a long time.




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