Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 80: Lich Battle

   Chapter 80 The Lich Decisive Battle

   A divine light rose from the monster race, tearing the blood-red world and tearing apart the frozen picture in the eyes of all living beings. At this moment, it seemed to be a breakthrough.

   The sound of a bell freezes all beings, the long river of time and space, a divine light tore through the world, tearing the picture in the eyes of all beings, and returning all this to the original, the original horrible scene.

   "Time and space are one, broken!"

   When Taiyi rang the Chaos Clock, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin had already taken action.

   Two avenue laws swept out of their hands, traversed the long river of time and space, and reached the end of the avenue, and then merged together to form a new road law, and then spread in all directions, covering the long river of time and space, and the sky of the universe.

The power of time and space is naturally solved by the power of time and space. Taiyi uses the power of the chaotic clock to use the power of time and space. The power of time and space is naturally not small, but the law of time and space used by Dijiang and Zhujiuyin is compared to Taiyi. The power of time and space comes, that is the power is only high and not low.

   Two terrifying space-time forces suddenly collided!

   A little cold light appeared, and the divine light immediately flooded the world!

   The power of time and space that has condensed sentient beings concealed the wild land, and the scene in the eyes of countless creatures was once again frozen at this moment.

  The power of time and space runs through the long river of time and space, covering countless pasts and futures. Among them, countless creatures are condensed at this moment, forgetting everything that was originally, and forgetting what they are going to do.

   There is only a picture in his eyes, and a strange picture seems to emerge.

  The blood-red world, a divine light tore the world apart, the upper and lower armies, hundreds of billions of troops rushed away.


   I don't know how long it has passed. It may be a thousand years or ten thousand years. Suddenly, a sound of thunder rose from the source of the avenue and passed through the long river of time and space. All the creatures were awake, and the pictures in their eyes flashed by.

And above the wild land, the images in the eyes of countless creatures flowed again, looking at the sky above, the faces of the Lich Clan that had already rushed, all showed horror, such a terrifying power of time and space, the power of the Lich Clan. , More and more terrifying.


   In the next instant, a shock that was visible to the naked eye spread across a billion trillion li. Wherever it passed, the blood red aura collapsed, and the laws of the great avenue and the rules of heaven and earth also became chaotic.

   The high level of the two families of Lich rushed together at this time. Behind them, the clansmen of the two families of Lich rushed together one after another, fighting against each other.

   After a while, it seemed as if a rain of blood began to fall in the prehistoric land. With the falling of the stump and broken arm, the predominant land suddenly became a purgatory.

   The two families of the Lich had just rushed together, and the two families had already lost a lot of people. Coupled with the horror of the calamity and the advancement of the war, they could imagine the extent of the Lich's battle.



   Dijiang slammed down with a punch, and was blocked by Taiyi's chaotic clock, making a clear chime.

   The sound of the bell hasn't spread to other areas, it was sent to other time and space areas by Dijiang's spatial magical powers, and it didn't affect the Wu Clan.

   When Tai saw this, his expression was dim, Dijiang's strength was indeed terrifying, if he hadn't made great progress in his cultivation over the years, and the ten monster gods had basically been promoted to quasi-sages, it would be really hard to say victory or defeat in this battle.

   "Arrow opens the world!"

   At this moment, Jumang threw an arrow in his hand, and a terrifying arrow glowing with green light locked Tai One, nine heavens and ten earth, endless time and space, unable to avoid it.


   In the next instant, this arrow broke through the air, billions of trillions of miles in an instant.

   Taiyi's expression changed slightly, and the Chaos Clock in his hand immediately shot to resist Jumang's arrow.

The arrow of    Jumang contains the great road of wood and a trace of its origin. Its power cannot be underestimated. Although Taiyi blocked it, it was also shaken by thousands of miles, but there was no injury.

  Dijiang didn't have a chance to breathe at this moment, and immediately slammed down with a punch.


   Taiyi moved, the good and evil corpses shot, against Dijiang, Jumang, and Xuan Ming who attacked him, the two sides immediately fought together.

   Although the good and evil corpses can hardly resist Jumang and Xuanming, they are fine for a short time.

   Taiyi’s side was in a stalemate, and the other high-level monsters and the high-level Wu clan were also in the same situation. The two sides continued to fight each other with their own injuries.


   In a blink of an eye, the two parties of the Lich family have been fighting for more than a thousand years, but the situation is still not very good, and the number of falls continues to increase.

   Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are all reduced to the battlefield of the two races.

   The sky is raining blood, and the cracked earth is oozing with blood rain, which looks extremely terrible.

The battle between the two clans of the lich shattered many areas, and also affected many monks and creatures. In addition to the monks and great abilities who withdrew from the battle circle and retreated countless areas, now because of the war between the two clans, Basically they fell into it.

   This is also a part of the danger of measuring the calamity. If you can't find the chance, you will retreat from the war circle. Once other horrors join in and spread, it is inevitable. This itself is part of it.

   Therefore, the horror of this calamity is the true peak when the Lich clan starts to fight.


   The aftermath of the Lich War, the aftermath of the impact swept over most of the wild land. The number of hundreds of billions, as well as the terrifying power of the high-level Lich Clan, spread to countless trillions of trillions of miles. Naturally, it would not be too difficult.

   Although the Human Race did not participate, such things are still part of the calamity after all.

Although the human disciples in the ordinary tribes guarded them, they still fell a lot. There were also wars between the human holy land disciples and some of the Lich clan members. However, there were not many disciples involved, and most of them were just conservative humans. The tribe is nothing.

The second family of Lich is not because the war has affected the human race. It is not trying to trouble the human race, so it did not go to the human race specifically. Although the impact is constant, it is also worthy of being blocked by the holy land disciples~www. ltnovel.com~ Unless it is an impact that surpasses the strength of the disciples of the Holy Land, otherwise, there is not much crisis.

   After the second clan of Lich fought for thousands of years, the number of fallen was already a lot. The shattered areas spread all over the prehistoric places. Although some were serious and some were lighter, in general, it was indeed extremely terrifying.

   "Taiyi, don't fight again, let's fight!"

   Xi and the gap that was then retreated by the ancestor witch, shouted to Tai Yijiao.

   The two Lich races have fought for ten thousand years, and they have fallen more than 30%. If they continue to fight, the Yao race will not have much advantage, because in terms of number, the Wu race is still above them, so it can't continue like this.

When    heard the words, he immediately understood, the good and evil corpses returned, and the terrifying mana turned on, and the eyes were filled with brilliant firelight, and a terrifying and heinous temperature suddenly spread.

   He stretched out a hand, the brilliance flowed in his hand, he held the stars to extinguish, and then struck the Chaos Clock with all his strength.


   The strongest Taiyi burst out, this time and space power attack, the power is indeed not small.

   And at the moment Xihe spoke, all the demonic tribes and the high-level demons had already understood, and they all set off and began to make formations.

   "Time and space are one, extinction!"

   Although the power of time and space attack was terrifying, it could not stop Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin. The two of them shot with all their strength to block time and space with time and space.

   "Arrange an array!"

   The Twelve Ancestral Witch and the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tribe have already set off before the voice of Emperor Jiang has finished, and a large array of Witch Clan has been formed.




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