Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 83: Emperor Jun proclaims, and Houtu takes action

   Chapter 83, Emperor Jun’s Proof

   Majestic, on the battlefield of Lich.

   In this horror to the extreme, the two powers are comparable to the power of the attack of the Hunyuan or the saint. The speed and range of the attack at this time are far beyond the expectations of countless cultivators.

   At this time, most of the prehistoric land was affected. In addition to the clansmen of the Lich family, many prehistoric monks and creatures also fell.

   Where the shock hits, everything returns to the ruins, and everything returns to nothingness.

   This blow, I don't know how much it will fall again.


   I don't know how long it has passed, but when the dust and smoke cleared, time and space subsided, and the sound of light returned to heaven and earth, it revealed the situation on the Lich battlefield.

   One blow, just one blow, took away nearly 30% of the power of the Lich II clan.

   In addition to the damage of more than 10,000 years before, the damage of the Lich Clan at this time is not less than 60%. According to the current situation, I am afraid it is more than that simple.

   Twelve capitals are in the great formation of the gods.

   Dijiang’s eyes were filled with dazzling divine light, he saw the endless space, and reached the end of the long river of time and space. The slightest spatial change of the monster clan formation could not hide the power of his space, which was close to the realm of Hunyuan.

   "The monster clan formation has cracked, it is time to decide the victory or defeat, run the formation, and start Pangu!"

   A sneer appeared on Dijiang's face, and his voice was rolling, spreading through the Wu Clan's great array, making all the Wu Clan members look terrified.

   There are cracks in the monster clan formation. It is the time when a move is determined. In this way, the witch clan can gain the upper hand and directly obliterate the monster clan.

  Di Jun hasn't appeared yet, obviously he hasn't touched the threshold yet. This is the best time to make a move. Even though Di Jun proclaimed later, but the Wu Clan killed the Yao Clan, he would make another move, and Hou Tu made a move to stop him.

   In this way, after measuring the calamity, the witches can dominate the world.

   "The evil spirit is condensed, the big formation evolves, and the real body of Pangu appears!"

  Dijiang’s central main array began to evolve into a large array, evolving the strongest moves, Pangu’s true body.


   The twelve ancestor witches roared, and then the ancestral witches appeared one after another. The ancestral witches overlapped, and the evil spirits condensed, and they began to evolve the Pangu real body.


   At the same time, in the heaven.

  Dijun has no distractions at this time, and is immersed in cultivation.

   He didn't expect that in just over 10,000 years, the Lich family had reached this point. Although Di Jun had expected it in his heart, he didn't expect the two sides to fight so fast and so tragically.

   But even if he has reached this point now, he can't help it, because now has reached a critical moment, and he won't be distracted by it.

   "Demon race luck, gather!"

  Dijun's eyes suddenly opened, the handprints formed in his hands, and he shouted loudly, and then he saw the luck of the whole demon race converging on his palace.


   Qi luck fell, blessing on Emperor Jun.


  Dijun’s aura skyrocketed, and he was about to cross that level. His expression was solemn, his handprints reappeared, and he shouted, "Monster tribe's momentum, bless my body!"


   boundlessly swept over, and then gathered on Di Jun's body, and then helped him step into that realm.

   "The general trend of air luck, all in my body, the emperor's road, break!"

   Emperor Jun shouted, the avenue evolved in his eyes, and the Emperor avenue continued to evolve and promote.


  Dijun's expression changed, and he was still a little worse at this time, unreachable.

   But in the next moment, an invisible force fell, and a lot of power was gathered again into Di Jun's body.


   the momentum swept out, covering the entire predicament.

   At this moment, everyone knows, Di Jun, he has proclaimed!

   The demons tribe are happy, demons, there is hope.

   Suddenly, in the Taiqing Palace.

   Taishang suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the 33rd sky, his eyes narrowed slightly, and no depth was visible on his calm face.

   "Hou Tu proves Dao, Emperor Jun proves Dao, this amount of calamity is not simple..."

   Tai went up and said lightly, without the slightest breath on his body, as if he was incarnate in a road.

   "Next, I am afraid it will be the time for the real confrontation..."

   After a few breaths, Tai catchy said lightly.


   At the same time, Nuwa, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Receiving and Zhunti Five Sages turned their eyes to this place one after another.

   In the underworld, Houtu's expression slightly changed, and Emperor Jun really proved that, as a result, he had to stop him, otherwise, the Wu Clan would be in danger.

   Therefore, at the moment that Emperor Jun was proving the Dao, Hou Tu had already set off and came towards the Lich Battlefield.


   Twelve capitals are in the great formation of the gods.


The evil spirit burst out loud noises, constantly reverberating between the heavens and the earth, endless terrifying evil spirits continued to converge, and then blessed on the twelve capital gods evil formation, and then the formation evolved, a figure standing in the sky is condensing. in.

   "I said, you can't get together!"

   Dijun looked cold, and said indifferently, he stretched out his hand and slapped it, turning into a giant palm covering the sky and sun, covering the world, and then directly patted down on the condensing Pangu body.

   Pangu's real body seemed to be unwilling to look at him, and when this palm fell, everything would dissipate.

  Even if Dijun was just promoted at this time, and he didn't even have a tribulation, but he has already been promoted after all. There is still a big difference between whether to cross this step or not. He is already a genuine Hunyuan at this time.

   "Emperor Jun, you dare!"

   At this moment, there was a soft drink in the heavens and the earth, swept in with boundless anger, and then saw a huge finger that traversed the ages, pointing directly on his palm.


   After a pause, the palm of the hand shattered steadily, and then exploded, turning into faint air, dissipating in the void.

   Houtu descended on the battlefield, and as soon as he shot it, it was a thunder method, directly facing Dijun.

   Although the cultivation base of Emperor Jun is not as good as Houtu, he is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after all at this time. Although he is lost, he has not shown defeat at this time.

   On the other side, Pangu's true body has been condensed and completed, and he has fought the last move against the Zhoutian God of the Monster Race.

   "Pangu opens the sky and breaks the chaos!"

  Pangu Zhen held up the Pangu axe, and then chopped it out with one axe.

   With a single stroke, everything went to chaos, the power of destruction annihilated all things that stood in the way, and with unrivaled power, it swept away towards the monster Zhou Tianxingdou array.

   "The sea of ​​stars, come!"

   Taiyi had known that there would be this scene a long time ago, and the demons also knew that there would be such a scene. Coupled with the tremendous increase in the power of this large formation, there is no longer any previous situation, and the operation is fast at this time.

   Countless star beams penetrated down, countless brilliant star light marks across the void, and everything returned to nothingness.

   Countless stars beams pierced down ~www.ltnovel.com~ The power of the aura gathered is not at all under the Pangu Axe.


   Sound waves swept across the sky, impacting and fluctuating trillions of miles.

   The axe light dissipated, and the countless star beams seemed to be endless, continuously penetrating down.

   Pangu’s real body had an angry look in his eyes, and then he held the Pangu axe and slashed forward fiercely, directly slashing down on the beam of stars that kept falling.

   At this moment, the world has lost its voice, and the week has no light.

   In the next instant, the light suddenly flooded the world, swallowing everything into it, including the big formation of the Lich family.

   At this moment, there is not too much sound, because everything is annihilated in the impact of this force.

   At this time, countless monks' expressions changed drastically, and they looked at this place with a deep look of panic.


   At the same time, a sound of thunder sounded between heaven and earth again.

   In the next moment, the light dissipated, revealing the figures of the two clans. At this time, the two large formations were broken, and both sides needed to compete.

At this moment, soldiers against soldiers and generals were fighting against each other. The sky and the ground were all Lich battlefields. Countless people fell into it. The situation was very tragic. Above the earth, it was almost stained with blood, and it was as deep as an angry dragon. The crack, with the bright red blood, looked extremely terrifying.

  Countless mountains and rivers are annihilated, there is a doomsday on the earth, and in the sky, there is also a mess.

   The tragic battle is still going on at this time.




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