Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Lich desperate battle (1)

   Chapter 84: The Desperate Battle of the Lich (1)

   The two groups of Lich were shattered, and there was an army of two groups of Lich, and then the two sides began to fight together, blood flowed into a river, evil energy and blood energy were intertwined, shocking countless primordial monks.

Taiyi, Xihe, Kunpeng, Baize and other ten demon gods confronted the twelve ancestral witches. As for the other demon saints, they were confronted with the great witches of the Wu clan. Although there were two great witches, Xing Tian and Chi You were terrifying. Many demon saints are not opponents, but in a short time, they will not be defeated by them.

   The terrifying impact of the two sides continued to spread, many areas were shattered, and countless creatures were affected.

   But compared to the other side, if Hou Tu and Di Jun, the two Hou Yuan Daluo Jinxian, the destruction of the Lich Clan is nothing short of a big deal.


Dijun relied on his own spirit treasure and Hunyuan Heluo Great Formation, but he temporarily blocked Houtu. After all, he had just been promoted and his realm was not considered stable. Although he now blocked Houtu, he was not her opponent. In a short time, Houtu couldn't take him.

   "Reincarnation means!"

   "Netherworld finger!"

   "A stroke of reincarnation will end life and death!"

The vast power of reincarnation surged out, spreading to the past and the future. In the eyes of all living beings, **** that broke through the heaven and the earth pointed towards Emperor Jun, and then another holy pen fell, separating the heaven and the earth, a divine light Coming towards Emperor Jun.

   Under the divine light, the heaven and the earth are separated, life and death are separated, if you can't catch it, it is considered life and death.

   This divine light contains the way of reincarnation, and it is not so easy to accept the death of sentient beings.

   "Sun Jin Wheel!"

   "The Jade Seal of the Emperor of Heaven!"

   "Diying, suppress!"

   The Hunyuan Heluo Formation evolved from the Hetu Luoshu blessed Emperor Jun himself and greeted the Houtu deity, and then the Lingbao and supernatural powers played out to meet Houtu’s attack.

   The two sides attacked and collided, a little cold light emerged, and the divine light immediately flooded the world!

   The void resembles a broken ocean, and it is flooded in all directions at this time, and everything returns to the ruins, repeating the image of chaos.

   Lingbao flew upside down, his supernatural powers shattered and dissipated, and waves of visible shocks spread to an unknown number of trillions of miles. In addition to some members of the Lich family, there are also some creatures that could not evade, have fallen into it.


  Dijun was shaken away by the back soil for trillions of miles, and there were some fluctuations in his expression.

   Although he proves Dao Hunyuan, he is still at a disadvantage when he goes to Houtu. The realm is unstable, and he has not passed the catastrophe. After all, he fell into the wind.

   "This matter, you shouldn't preach!"

   Houtu's expression was indifferent, and he spoke faintly, with a terrifying force of reincarnation in his tone, as if he could tell the life and death of all beings in one word.

   In front of such an existence who controls the reincarnation of sentient beings and cuts off the death of sentient beings, a word can bury sentient beings.

   "But I have already proved that today, your witch clan will not be the winner!"

Dijun said in a cold voice, the hundreds of thousands of feet behind the emperor shadow waved his big hand, the emperor's majesty is vast and coercive forever, shocking the heavens, the souls in countless time and space regions have the intention of surrendering, as if kneeling toward the emperor shadow, Kneelers live long!

   "Under the calamity, the lich has no winner!"

  Hou Tuliu erected her eyebrows, and said coldly, in the void behind her, the power of reincarnation began to evolve the reincarnation of sentient beings.

   Hearing the words, Emperor Jun didn't speak, because the words made by Houtu were reasonable.

   Today's second family of Lich has fallen too much, but now it is impossible to separate. Under the calamity, the calamity cannot be ended without a result.

  Although the two sides have fought for only 20,000 years, the current situation is that it will take less than 10,000 years, and the two sides will be destroyed.

   Therefore, only at this time, the result can be determined, or the amount of calamity will come to an end.

   Otherwise, the Lich Clan would not be better off.

   "The final result is the winner!"

   After a few breaths of silence, Dijun said coldly.

With a big wave of his hand, the emperor's shadow behind him bloomed with thousands of rays, and the light of the sun, moon and stars was covered under the divine light. In the dark eyes, two golden lights penetrated the sky of the universe, and one finger pointed towards the back earth. .


   Like the sound from the end of the avenue, Huihong's voice resounded in heaven and earth.

   Before the words fell, I saw the Emperor Yuxi coming to suppress Houtu!

When Hou Tu saw this, his expression remained unchanged. A jade finger like white jade pointed towards the emperor's jade seal. Behind her, in the reincarnation of sentient beings, all the images of sentient beings looked at the emperor's shadow coldly and pointed toward him. , All the power gathered on the fingertips of Houtu.


A sound of golden brotherhood echoed between the heavens and the earth, and then saw the emperor jade seal flying back upside down. Dijun's chest was stuffy, and on the emperor jade seal, a deep mark and a small crack appeared on the earth. The power of this finger is really terrifying.

   How do you say this, it is also a treasure of acquired merit, one finger is damaged, such a power is really terrifying.

   Houtu didn't give Di Jun much time to be shocked. Lian stepped on and came to the top of Di Jun. The Spring and Autumn Reincarnation Pen in his hand was in the void, writing the word'death' stroke by stroke.

   A stroke of life and death!

  Dijun's expression changed. The dead word contained the power of the reincarnation of sentient beings, among which countless images of sentient beings roared at him, dragging him down to the nether hell.

  Dijun hurriedly resisted, Hou Tu came to his body, and the two sides fought again, but Hou Tu was completely suppressed.


   On the battlefield between the two sides of the lich, the two races are fighting stalemate, countless stumps and broken arms, five internal organs and brain juice, splashing everywhere, blood flowing in rivers, mana and magic weapons, swords and swords, constantly harvesting each other's lives.

   Those spells prohibit explosions, blooming in the void with murderous beauty, harvesting the lives of both sides, and also telling the fierceness and cruelty of the battle

   "I played with you..."

   In vain, Fei Tan roared, her figure swelled, a light flashed, and the entire huge body exploded, pulling her opponent, and the witches of the Wu clan died.

   "Witch clan, take life..." Jiu Ying also roared in his mouth, pounced on the witch clan's great witch, and blew his opponent down.

   After having two people ~www.ltnovel.com~ some demon generals and demon gods followed suit one after another, and blew their opponents to death.

   Several self-destructions all ended, and it was the ancestor Wu Jizi of the Wu clan who was also dragged down.

   "Eighth brother, mynah..."

   Ancestral Witch Jizi fell, and other Ancestral Witches roared again and again, attacking their opponents frantically.

   For a while, Xihe and Kunpeng were struggling to support them. If it weren't for the help of the good and evil corpses, they would have fallen into the hands of the ancestor witches a long time ago.


   Tian Wu Zuwu roared, fisted and flew Xihe, blood spilled into the sky, and severely injured her with a fist.

   And the ancestor witch of Shebi Zubei also took the opportunity to suppress Xihe's good and evil corpses at this time.

   "God, take care..."

   Xihe looked at Dijun with soft eyes and a heart-warming smile on the corner of his mouth. In front of this smile, the world was eclipsed, and under the poignant smile, there was determination and killing.

   "Witch, die for me!"

  Xi and his originally soft eyes suddenly became extremely cold and resentful, the resentment of killing his son suddenly rushed into his heart, and the whole person rushed to Tian Wu.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Two huge noises sounded, Xi He blew down the sky and Wu Tong died, while the good and evil corpses blew down Shebi and died together.

   Dijun's expression became cold, and the emperor behind him exploded with a more terrifying power, and the Emperor's jade seal turned into a one hundred thousand meters in size, and fell towards Houtu.


  Dijun gave a cold cry, Lingbao and supernatural powers were all shot towards Houtu.




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