Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 85: Lich desperate battle (2), shocking change

   Chapter 85: The Desperate Battle of the Lich (2), Shocking Change

   Above the Lich Battlefield.

Regarding the fall of several of his brothers, and then dripping blood and laws to rebirth among the millions of mountains of the Wu Clan, Hou Tu has already known this in his heart, and those demon gods and masters of the Monster Clan may enter reincarnation or resurrect by other means. , Have not really fallen.

   Especially Tianhou Xihe, has already been reborn in the Yaozu base camp.

   It seems that they are all well prepared.

   Houtu secretly said in his heart, waved his bare hand, the book of life and death flew out, flew the Emperor Jade Seal, reincarnation strokes down, blocking the supernatural power of Emperor Jun, and then blasted down at him with a punch.

  Dijun’s current situation is not as good as before. Although the injuries on his body are not serious, it will only be worse for him if time delays, but he can't take care of these things anymore.


  Because of the fall of several ancestral witches, other ancestral witches have become more and more crazy, constantly attacking the monster race.

  Although Dijun's help was provided, the situation of the monster race was not much better at this time, and the number of fallen was rapidly increasing.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   There were several loud noises that pierced the sky, and I saw the heroic move and Bai Ze's good and evil corpses exploded and pulled Qiang Liang to fall. Although Bai Ze was not dead, he was seriously injured and fell from the void.

   Although he was lucky enough to get his life back at this time, in his current situation, he was a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and it was enough to kill him.

   If it were not for the Lingbao Mutual in his hand, he would still fall into the hands of the Wu Clan people at this time.

   On the other side, Taiyi leaned on the Chaos Clock and the powerful corpses of good and evil at this time, also beheading an ancestral witch.

   Kunpeng also killed an ancestral witch at the cost of a corpse and his own serious injury. If it weren't for this special situation, he wouldn't have paid such a price. Although he had a back hand, he didn't want to go to that point. He had been holding on at this time.


There was a sound of thunder, and immediately a cloud of mushrooms the size of billions of li appeared in the world, Ji Meng blew himself up, supporting an ancestral witch to fall, and his own method was to be reborn somewhere in the wilderness, although his strength was only Taiyi Golden Immortal, but it's pretty good.

   And the ancestor witch is also reborn in the mountains of millions, with the help of the blood and laws of the ancestor witch.

   And the fighting between the two sides continues.

   Moreover, the current fight between the two sides is a desperate battle. If you can't beat it, then you will blew up and drag you into the water. Even if you don't die, you will have to take a heavy hit. If other existences blew up, they will have to drag you into the water.

   The ancestral witches and great witches of the Witch Clan were dragged into the water after the demon clan’s predecessors and servants exploded.



   A strong light like the holy light that opened up the world flashed between the sky and the earth, and then the good and evil corpses of Taiyi blew themselves together, pulling down the two ancestral witches of Jumang and Zhujiuyin into the water.

   There are few high-level members of the two groups of Lich, the ancestor witch of the Wu clan was reborn in the mountains of millions, and the original base camp of the demon clan was reborn.

  Between the two sides, there are backhands left behind, and they will not really fall.

   "It seems that there is still no way..."

Kunpeng sighed secretly in his heart, Xuan Ming and Zhu Rong in front of him didn't give him the slightest chance, unless they blew themselves to support the two of them to fall, and they couldn't get out of it, but in this way, even if he was reborn, his strength would be greatly reduced. The way of the three corpses is going to be rebuilt.

   "Never mind, the origin of the three corpses is damaged, so it's okay to rebuild it!"

   After thinking about it in his heart, Kun Peng's gaze became fierce, and his body soared, exploding himself and the corpse, which should be supported by Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming's fall.

   "Dijiang, Houyi!"

   Tai laughed in one mouthful, and the chaotic clock in his hand rang again.


   The melodious bells rang between heaven and earth, that is, the long river of time and space was condensed at this time, and the flying sand of the Ganges river slowly condensed.

   This blow was Tai Yi's strongest blow to burn his own mana, and it was difficult to stop it only by Dijiang's spatial laws.

   The world paused, and the picture seemed to freeze at this moment. The sentient beings were horrified, but their movements remained unchanged. They were already affected by the force of time and space, and the moment was frozen.

Immediately before Tai Yi rang the Chaos Clock, Hou Yi had already shot an arrow in his hand. The cold light flashed on the arrow and locked Tai Yi. Even though the arrow was slowed down countless times, it still kept shooting away. The time and space gradually shattered, turning into a sea of ​​debris, and flooded toward Taiyi.


   On the other side, Emperor Jun and Houtu were fighting. Now that Emperor Jun has been defeated, he has been retreating under the offensive of Houtu, crushing a lot of time and space, and annihilating many areas.

The battle of    Hunyuan is not that simple.


   Dijun was blasted by Houtu, blood spilled into the void, and countless areas were smashed under his feet, until he hit a mountain peak, which was able to stabilize his figure.

   He turned his head to look, but it was Tianzhu Bu Zhoushan. At this time, he suffered the collision of Di Jun, and there were cracks in the middle of the mountain.

   Dijun was slightly startled, and he hurriedly got up, his body was disturbed, the emperor's shadow was dim, and the fire in his eyes was a little faint.

   He is just a newly promoted Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He did not lose the wind in a short time against Houtu, but now that time is gradually lengthening, his disadvantages are quickly revealed.

   But at this time, you can't retreat from defeat.

   When Houtu's fist fell, Di Jun had already shot.

   "In the desolate world, I am the emperor of heaven, suppress!"

All the power of    Emperor Ying condensed in this finger, and then fiercely pointed towards Houtu, the Emperor Jade Seal also skyrocketed and suppressed it.

   "Reincarnation means!"

   Houtu's expression became cold, and the attack in his hand resumed, welcoming the emperor's attack.


   After Houtu flew the Heavenly Emperor Yuxi, he fought with Emperor Jun again, as if he was going to completely defeat Emperor Jun's emperor's way, erase his source of the Great Dao, and completely fall him down.

   The emperor shadow behind him is a supernatural power and also represents his emperor's way. Now it is a bit disorganized. Naturally, Hou Tu did not keep his hands, and kept pressing the emperor.

  Dijun retreated all the way at this time, spreading to many areas of the predecessor, and constantly fighting in the past and future in the long river of time and space, and the number of monks who were affected by the fighting between the two became more and more.


   At the moment when the world condenses, Tai Yi has already started~www.ltnovel.com~ This movement, the Five Sages, Taishang suddenly felt uneasy, and his expression changed slightly.

   Taiichi's blow will inevitably cause a series of things.


   Numerous sun guns evolving from the purple pole and golden fire of the sun continued to shoot out, blocking the arrows shot by Hou Yi, and then directly rushed in front of Dijiang and Hou Yi.

   "Dijiang, Hou Yi, let's go together!"

   Taiyi looked fierce, shouted in his mouth, and moved his hand, the Chaos Clock disappeared in his hand.

  One billionth of an instant is enough time for a quasi-sage like Taiyi to do a lot of things.

   When Dijiang and Houyi returned to their spirits, they had already noticed the spinning of the sky and the earth, and then directly hit a place, on top of an extremely huge mountain, it was Mount Bu Zhou.

   The cracks that appeared in the place where the emperor had hit originally, at this time suffered the collision of the existence of the three tops, and the cracks grew more and more.


   In the next instant, only a strong light appeared in front of the two of them, directly traversing the long river of time and space, and came to the two of them.

  Dijiang and Houyi's expressions changed, but it was too late.


   At this moment, Tai Yi's self-destruction not only pulled down Dijiang and Houyi, but also caused a series of chain reactions.


   In the place where the mountainside of Buzhou Mountain is full of cracks, there is a sound that changes the colors of sentient beings.

   At this moment, the five sages and the three Hunyuan appeared in Buzhou Mountain one after another, looking at the nine heavens in horror.




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