Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 86: The sky fell, one after another shot

Chapter 86 The sky falls, one after another shot


   Majestic, Central Continent, Bu Zhoushan.


First Emperor Jun hits, then Emperor Jiang Houyi, and Taiyi self-detonates. Under such superposition of forces, the cracks originally appeared, and at this time, densely spread, a few tops existed, countless creatures The power of discoloration is emerging here.




   In the next instant, at the halfway point of Buzhou Mountain, the crack was directly broken.


   Above the nine heavens, a gap appeared.


   The sky is falling!


This scene seems to be condensed in the long river of time and space. The pictures in the eyes of the primordial beings, the creatures in the endless river of time and space, seem to be frozen at this moment, as if the gaps in the nine heavens will continue as long as the picture does not move. Not broken in general.


   The primordial sentient beings can't understand why Liang Jie has come to this point, and why the decisive battle between the two clans of Lich has come to such a situation.


The senior witches of the Lich clan are basically dead and wounded, and the ones that should be reborn have already been reborn. The remaining power, the monster clan is only more than 20%, the witch clan is better, only more than 30%, the ancestor witches are all reborn from the fall, the monster clan Taiyihe , Kunpeng and others fell and were reborn.


  On the two sides, there are only a few demon gods and great witches left. The others are all fallen, reborn, or reincarnated.




   Suddenly, Houtu and Dijun spoke at the same time.


   Now that the mountain is not broken, a huge gap has collapsed in the nine days. It is no longer time for the two clans of the Lich to fight.


   Dijun and Houtu shot at the same time, with a big hand, rolling up the clansmen of their respective tribes, and then began to deal with the next thing.


  Actually, after the death of the two high-levels of the Lich Clan, Liang Jie has gradually calmed down. It is just that the shock has come too fast, and the sky has collapsed before the time is too late to be happy for the end of the Lich.




   Half of the Zhoushan Mountain crashed down, setting off an unknown number of trillions of li of smoke and dust, covering most of the Central Continent, shaking as if the entire land was shaking.


   The dark clouds above the sky rolled, lightning and thunder, landslides and tsunamis below, water and fire, and the surrounding space became extremely unstable, and there seemed to be signs of collapse, just like a doomsday scene.


However, in the current situation, no monk pays attention to this half-fallen mountain and the terrifying scene in the prehistoric land. Instead, it is all gathered in the nine heavens, which is constantly broken and expanding. Now there are billions of trillions of miles in size. Above the gap.


  Because of the current situation, only this place is the most terrifying, the most important place. If you want to calm this matter, it is still this place.




   The voices that made the expressions of all beings changed dramatically were heard continuously, and in the next instant, those cracks suddenly shattered.


   "The sky has collapsed, and the water of the Tianhe River will flow back into the flood, and then, we must protect the flood with all our strength..."


  , with a solemn expression, said lightly in his mouth, his tone was neither sad nor happy, as if such a big thing hadn't caused the slightest wave of waves in his heart.


   Upon hearing this, the Five Sages and Hou Tu and Dijun nodded solemnly.


Although in this billionth of an instant, the water of the Tianhe River has not been poured back, but to say so, they don't need to think about how terrible things will be next, I am afraid it will not be so easy to solve Up.


   After all, the current cultivation base of the ether can allow him to say what he wants. The next thing will be the time to test them.


   "Brother Dao, I don't know what to do next?"


   Nuwa frowned her eyebrows, looked at her too, Zhu's lips lightly opened, and asked in a condensed voice.


   Hearing this, Yuanshi and Tongtian are also looking at their eldest brothers. Buzhou Mountain is the Tianzhu. Now that it has been broken, how to make a decision next.


   "If the mountains are not broken, the sky will fall. For the sake of the present, we can only support the sky and repair the sky..."


   Taishang's eyes are like a clear sky, with a clear mind, looking at the nine heavens, and faintly spoke.




Before the voice of    was over, I heard a roaring sound, as if it had come from an ancient place of nothingness, from the endless past of the long river of time and space, rolling towards the present.


   Tai Shang saw this, his expression was slightly drunk, and his figure moved, and in the next instant, he was already above the nine heavens.




   A huge waterfall comes from a black hole above the nine heavens, as if a gorgeous Milky Way is pouring down, and the water of the rolling Tianhe rushes down. The floods are immediately devastated, the lives are overwhelmed, and the floods are devastated.




   Several green lights flickered in the sky and the earth, attracting the attention of all living beings, and then saw that the Milky Way was separated by several green lights.


"Tai Chi diagram!"


   In the next instant, with a faint wave of Tai Shang's hand, a golden light flashed, and then a Tai Chi pattern of an unknown size of trillions of li was evolved, in which the yin and yang double fishes flowed and began to resist the water of Tianhe.


   And when the Milky Way Tianhe water was separated from Taishang, Yuan Shi and others had already taken action.


  Five Sages, the two Hun Yuan both have Lingbao Zhibao in their hands, and their strength has reached this level. It is not difficult to divert and block the waters of these heavenly rivers.


   But this can be regarded as a symptom and not the root cause. It is still necessary to make up the sky and support the sky to be solved.


   Tai Shang used Tai Chi to block the water of the Tianhe, while rolling with his hand, he took part of the water of the Tianhe into the Wuji world, which is also some of the innate things in the perfect Wuji world.


   Tai took a glance, because the two Lich races were at war, and there were not too many creatures on the Central Continent. Only the Human race was more seriously affected.


   But because there are holy land disciples in the human tribe, it has already retreated in the first time, but it is still under control.


   The amount of calamity coupled with the disaster of the Tianhe waters, the human race is considered to be damaged by more than 40%, but the core damage is not too serious, so such a loss is still in the prediction of the human race.


   Taishang retracted his gaze, slightly nodded, and made a handprint in his hand. In the next moment, the void of the entire Central Continent was trembling slightly, as if he could not bear the power of the great avenue in Taishang's hand.




   A magnificent line pierced through the firmament of the universe, the long river of time and space, and the sound that reached the end of the avenue echoed in the wild world, echoed in the ears of all living creatures. Some creatures with low cultivation bases were shocked and deaf for a short time.


   Even the Five Sages and the two Hunyuan are constantly echoing in their ears, and the power of the lingering avenue can't stop the sound of the avenue.


   Seven people were shocked, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not expect that Taishang's cultivation level had reached this point.




   There was a burst of brilliance to the extreme, the golden light that overwhelmed all the rays of light bloomed in the sky and the earth, the void of the entire Central Continent was constantly shaking, and a huge tower phantom that supported the sky and the earth emerged in the Central Continent.


   The sentient beings looked at this giant tower phantom, their expressions were shocked again.


Yuanshi and Tongtian glanced at their eldest brother’s Linglong pagoda. There is a prehistoric pagoda town. In a short time, there is nothing wrong with this place. The water of Tianhe was blocked by their spiritual treasures, and they were also divided into other areas, such as In the land of the four seas.


   In this way, there will be no major problems in a short time.


   But this kind of situation can last for thousands of years, but it can't last forever. After all, their spiritual treasure, they themselves, can't always be here, and it's impossible to dissolve these Tianhe waters from invading other areas of the prehistoric.


   Therefore, if you want to resolve all this, you still have to cure the root cause.


   "Brother, what's next?"


   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, then looked at Taishang and asked.


   "Mend the sky!"


   was too calm and vomited.







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