Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Nuwa Patching the Sky

Chapter 87: Nuwa Replenishing the Sky


   Majestic, above the Central Continent.


   With the heaven and earth exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda suppressing the central continent, as well as the Five Saints and Houtu, the two Hunyuan of Emperor Jun assisted other Tianhe Waters and other areas. For a period of time, there will be no problems in the land.


   The most critical problem now, and the root cause, lies in the sky.


   It's just that after the Taishang finished speaking, the five sages and the two Hunyuan expressions are all awe-inspiring. They naturally understand the meaning of Taishang's words, and they also know that this is the fundamental cure.


   But the problem is, I have to make up now, but God!


   Heaven is not so easy to make up, but it contains the origin of heaven and earth, the most pure and powerful power between heaven and earth, if there is no suitable thing, it is not so easy to replace the origin of heaven and earth and make up for the gap in the sky.


   In addition, there must be something that supports the sky. If the mountain is broken, it is only necessary to find another thing that supports the sky.


   "Brother Dao, there are not many treasures that can replace the origin of heaven and earth. If you want to fit this place, it will be even more difficult to find..."


   There was a condensed color on the holy face of Nuwa, looking at the sage.


   Hearing the words, Taishang did not answer, and with a movement of his hand, he saw that in the gap above the nine heavens, there were traces of colorful light emerging, and then it condensed into a spar.


   Tai Tai took it in his hand, and then looked at the Nuwa, "Can you have this in the hands of fellow Taoists?"


   Seeing this, Nuwa's eyes lit up, because of this thing, she just had it in her hand, and there were a lot more, part of it was obtained on Fenbao Cliff, and part of it was obtained when she opened up the sky of good fortune, and when the sky of good fortune evolved.


   If this thing can really replace the origin of heaven and earth and fill the gap in the sky, then the amount in her hands is indeed sufficient.


   "Brother Dao, can this thing make up for this day?" Nuwa asked with a bright brilliance in her beautiful eyes.


   "Brother, there is a trace of the origin of the five elements in this spar. If there are enough, it can also replace the origin of heaven and earth..."


   Yuanshi is extremely sensitive to the origin of the five elements, and the five elements roulette that Taishang gave him originally contains the origin of the five elements.


   "The multi-colored sacred stone contains the essence of the five elements, and the five elements act as everything, just to fill the sky. If there are enough in the hands of the Taoists, let's start. I will help you with the Qiankun Ding..."


   Hearing the words, the too nodded and said to everyone.


   Listening to this, Nuwa nodded slightly, since it is said to be feasible, it is feasible.


   "Second brother, the colorful sacred stone can make up for this day, but once I wait to remove the Lingbao Supreme, it is not easy to make up for it. The five-element roulette is just available, but I am afraid I will return to this place in the future..."


   Tai looked up to Yuan Shi, if the five elements roulette could be added, the effect would be the best, but in this way, Yuan Shi would abandon an innate spiritual treasure.


   "It is not only to mend the sky, but also to be a spiritual treasure for all living beings!"


   Yuanshi smiled and said, although the Five Elements Roulette is an innate spirit treasure, but there are a lot of spirit treasures in his hand, and it is not heavy in his hands.


   Tai Tai nodded slightly, then flipped his hands, took out the Qiankun Ding, handed it to Nuwa, and said, "Friends of the Taoist, let's start!"


   Nuwa nodded heavily when she saw this, and after taking over the Qiankun Ding, she was ready to refine it.


   Yuanshi followed closely, planning to use the five-element roulette to resist the water of the Tianhe when removing the Lingbao Supreme Treasure, and then the colorful sacred stone made up on the five-element roulette, completely making up the day.


   But now Nuwa is refining, Yuanshi cannot help temporarily, so he continues to stabilize the space and divide the water of Tianhe.


  Tongtian, Houtu, seeing this, the second sage of the West, Emperor Jun, still continued his previous actions, continued to divide the water of the Tianhe, stabilize the predicament, and completely control the water of the Tianhe in the central continent.


  There is the Xuanhuang Pagoda to suppress this place. In fact, they, including Yuanshi, have not much to do. With their cultivation ability, it is easy.


   Too nodded slightly, that's it, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


   Although the sky is horrifying, there are actually a few of them who acted together, and there is not much threat.


   Especially under these arrangements, after Nu Wa finishes refining the colorful sacred stone, it can almost make up the sky.


   "Brother Dao, this thing that supports the sky, I don't know what to choose?"


   Houtu glanced at Nu Wa and Bu Zhou Shan who were refining, looked at Tai Shang and asked.


Although this is a series of things in the amount of calamity, after all, there is a cause and effect of the lich. Now the lich has lost a lot of luck, plus a few percent of the remaining power, I am afraid it will be a long period of time. In time, it will be dormant to cultivate.


   If this matter cannot be resolved, Hou Tu believes that the luck of the Witch clan will continue to suffer.


   That's why Houtu is so concerned. If she needs to do it herself, she can do it and make up more.


   Taishang heard the words, and his mouth moved, but even the sage's later period, Tongtian, could not see what Taishang said.


   Houtu nodded slightly, and disappeared with a movement of his back figure.


   The Three Sages and Emperor Jun looked at them, then they withdrew their gazes and continued to divide the water of the Tianhe River.


  Receiving and quasi-tipping are hoping that they can do it by themselves. After all, this is also a matter of merit. After the matter is completed, there will be merits left. Your own West is just starting now, and everything that is good can be plugged in.


   But now, apart from this little thing, there is nothing to do.


After    took a look at them, he continued to absorb the water of the Tianhe, expanding the area of ​​the Promise World.


   The Infinite Realm currently surpasses the Great Thousand World by a lot. Although you want to be promoted again, you can’t, but in terms of territory, you need to consider the integrity of the avenue and the integrity of the world.


   So Taishang expands the world's territory at this time, and uses the water of Tianhe to supplement the land of the four seas. It is only to expand the territory, and it does not improve the world.


   However, expanding the world and perfecting the world are still good for the Promise World. Otherwise, too much would not do it.


  Tongtian didn't care too much about his elder brother's actions. I think it was because his elder brother had a new plan, so he would collect the water from Tianhe.


   The Second Sage of the West and Dijun looked at them too, a little surprised, but didn't dare to ask more, and continued to divide the water of Tianhe.




   The reincarnation of sentient beings, in the underworld.


   In the capital, she stood up calmly, and then with a simple move, a true spirit fell into her hands, and she glanced at Hong Huang somewhere with some doubts.


   After a few breaths, she retracted her gaze, then drifted away, and went to the place of the samsara in person, waved her bare hand, and sent this true spirit into the samsara of sentient beings.


After    did all this, he returned to Fengdu.


   Too many creatures fell in the calamity, and many more creatures fell under the impact of the water of the Tianhe River.


   The reincarnation of sentient beings has to be busy for tens of thousands of years, and now she has no time to delay.




   Above the Central Continent.


   Houtu went back and forth, but it didn't take much time.


   "Brother Dao, I have taken the thing that supports the sky..."


   Houtu looked at Tai Shang, with a smile on her pretty face.


  Dijun and the Western Second Sage looked startled. They didn't know what Hou Tu was doing before, but what she said now, the thing that supports the sky has already been retrieved, and this time she is going to get the thing that supports the sky.


   Tai Tai nodded slightly, took the Xuangui's limbs from Houtu's hand, and then began to refine it.


   In a blink of an eye, thousands of years of time passed quietly.


   Taishang has already completed the refining, and the colorful sacred stone Nuwa refining is also completed.


   Nuwa nodded towards Taishang, and then she could start patching the sky.


   "Second brother!" Taishang looked at Yuanshi~www.ltnovel.com~ Yuanshi knew, flipped through his hands, and the five-element roulette appeared in his hands, always ready.


   Then Tai Shang, Tong Tian and the others withdrew Ling Bao, the gap above the nine heavens crazily poured the water of the Tianhe, but they were all locked on the Central Continent, and then they were led away by Tong Tian and others.


   "Five Elements Roulette, seal!"


   Yuan Shi slapped a handprint in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, the five elements reincarnation turned into an unknown number of trillions of miles in size, and then directly blocked the gap.


   Seeing this, Nuwa immediately held the Qiankun Ding and began to refine things with colorful sacred stones, and began to make up for the gap.


  Because of the resistance of the five elements roulette, Nu Wa can make up a lot faster at this time, and the gap is being made up a little bit.





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