Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Suspension of the sky, the amount of calamity ended

   Chapter Eighty-eight

   Above the nine heavens, the five-color divine light flickers, appearing in the eyes of all living beings, like the most brilliant light between heaven and earth.

   They didn't expect that under such a horrible thing, under the hands of these few people, it would be basically completed in less than two thousand years.

   They secretly rejoiced, thanks to all the arrangements made by Taishang, this shot was quick enough to separate the water of the Tianhe River, and use the pagoda to suppress the floods, which basically solved the temporary problems of sentient beings.

   The other people, except for Nuwa, are not very helpful, but they are also a matter of merit.

   Now that Nuwa is repairing the sky, all beings are chanting the name of the empress after seeing such a scene, remembering the grace of Nuwa.

   After the human race, the Sui people have already recorded this incident for the human race. The achievements of the leader and the virgin are now all recorded, and will continue to be spread among the human race, praising the grace of the cult leader and the virgin.

   And the Nuwa at this time is still in full force to mend the sky.

   Five-element roulette coupled with the colorful **** stone, the origin of the five elements is rich to the extreme, and the innate origin of the five elements in the five-element roulette is enough to maximize the strength of this place and make up for this gap.

   Time passed quietly as sentient beings watched Nuwa replenishing the sky. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

   Above the nine heavens, thirty-six thousand five hundred gaps have been completely filled by Nuwa, the five-color light flashes, and the vast and pure breath of the five elements permeates the entire wilderness, shocking countless creatures.

Nuwa glanced at the Qiankun Ding, and saw that there was still a small group of five-color divine mud in it. Nuwa raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand, pinched it, and fell on a mountain, but it turned into a divine stone, standing there. Among the mountains.

   At this point, the damage of the Nine Heavens Water has finally been repaired. Now, there is the last step left, which is to cure the problem.

   "Brother Dao!"

   Nuwa looked at Tai Shang, Zhu lip lightly opened, she already understood what Tai Shang will do next, this is also the most important step, otherwise, in the long term, the space in the Central Continent will also be unstable.

When Tai Shang heard the words, a smile appeared on his calm face, and his body was full of blue light. A breath that even the Saint Hunyuan felt was hard to palpitations was spreading. He used his great magic power, and the four divine lights were standing separately. Above the east, south, west, and north, and then began to evolve.

   Ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, ten thousand feet, ten thousand feet, hundreds of millions of feet...

   The primordial sentient beings don’t know now. These four paths seem to be like pillars of heaven, and how big they are now, but depending on the current situation, these four pillars are the pillars of heaven and earth supporting this place.


   A magnificent line pierced through the firmament of the universe, the long river of time and space, and the sound that reached the end of the avenue echoed in the wild world, echoed in the ears of all living creatures. Some creatures with low cultivation bases were shocked and deaf for a short time.

   The words began, and the law followed, the endless rules of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth gathered in the heaven and earth, and they were blessed on the four pillars that support the sky, allowing them to completely integrate with the heaven and earth.

The integration of the rules of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth can also make these four heavenly pillars more powerful.

In terms of hardness alone, it is no longer under the innate spirit treasure at this time. After all, under such terrifying rules of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth, coupled with the refining of Taishang and his blessing of perfection beyond Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian under.

   With so many terrifying forces gathered, these four pillars are already extraordinary.


   The four handprints of Taishang entered the four heavenly pillars, and then you saw the light flashing on the four heavenly pillars, and the rhyme of Taoism flowed, and then slowly calmed down, completely integrating with the heaven and earth.

  Four sky pillars, plus the multicolored sacred stone and the five-element roulette to make up for, this damaged world is completely solved.

   Taishang waved his hand, and put away the Qiankun Ding that Nuwa handed over, and then put away the Taiji diagram, and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda that suppressed the entire Central Continent. Everything here has stabilized.

   When everyone saw this, they also put away their spiritual treasures and treasures one after another.


   At this time, there was a roar from the Nine Heavens, and then a bright golden light of merit emerged, and then fell towards the Supreme and the others.

   This merit is not small, it is half the time of Yuanshi and Tongtian Zhengdao. Such merit is indeed not small.

   Merit is divided into two, one part contains 80%, the other part contains 20%.

Among the 80% of   , Nuwa got 30%, and Taishang and Yuanshi each got 25%.

   And the remaining 20%, Houtu accounted for 10%, and the remaining 10% fell on the two sages of the West, Tongtian and Dijun.

   After the merits fell on Di Jun, a slight black energy rose up, which offset a small part of the demon's karma.

   Houtu put 10% of the merits into the Wu Clan, which also offset part of the karma cause and effect, which was much more than the Yao Clan, after all, she contributed more.

   After taking a look, he ignored too much. With a faint wave of his hand, all the remaining Tianhe water here was scattered by him and separated into the land of the four seas. Then the brilliance flowed in the hand, the avenue emerged, and with a faint wave, the power of the vast world came and blessed everything.

  In a short while, everything revived, creatures emerged, spiritual energy condensed, the earth recovered, and purple gas enveloped the central continent, benefiting some of the creatures.

   The Five Sages and the two Hunyuan saw this, and they were also helping to revive the Central Continent, but most of them had been done by too much, and they did not contribute much.

   After a while, the Taishang who had done everything looked at them with a calm expression, "In this way, the matter of patching the sky is over, the calamity has ended, and the future events have their own direction..."

   said, Taishang glanced at Hou Tu and Dijun, and said, "The matter of the Lich, you can handle it yourself!"

   Before the words fell, Tai Shang had already left the place.

   "Thank you brother!"

   Houtu arches hands towards the land of the Promise Mountain Range.

After    Nuwa smiled, she also left.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other before leaving.

   Although the second sage of the West has not gained much this time, there is a bit of merit, which is good after all~www.ltnovel.com~ Especially in the West now, it is a point to accumulate a little, and the West will eventually rise.

   As the saying goes, if you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles, if you don't accumulate small currents, you can't make a sea. What this says is roughly the same as the current situation in the West. Therefore, the Western Two Saints do not care that they have not harvested much now. As long as they continue to accumulate, the West will reach the point it wants.

   I will be closer to the realm of heaven.

   After the two sages of the West left, Di Jun also got up and left, and he went directly to the original base camp of the monster race in the prehistoric place.

   The high level of the demon clan’s backhands are all here, so he naturally wants to go. As for the Heavenly Court, because it is too close to the Nine Heavens Damaged Ground, plus the battle of the Lich, more than 80% of it has been damaged.

   Even if the heaven is to be built again, it is not this time.

   Houtu's beautiful eyes drenched slightly, after watching Di Jun leave, he moved towards the Wu Clan's millions of mountains.

The amount of calamity ended with the broken mountain, nine days of damage, and almost 30% of the remaining power of the Lich was still in her hands, as well as the situation of her own brothers and sisters. Houtu needs to go to the million mountains. .

   After the departure of Houtu, the Central Continent finally calmed down, the calamity ended, and it was made up for nine days.

   All the predecessors breathed a sigh of relief, everything has subsided.

   Thanks to the existence of Taishang, Nuwa, Yuanshi, Tongtian, etc., otherwise, I am afraid that the entire prehistoric land will suffer.

   So for a time, the power of belief in the Five Sages and the Supreme Master has improved a lot.





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