Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Taoist Fuzhao call for discussion

   Chapter II Daozu Fu Zhaozhao for discussion

   Demons, in the hall of demons.

   "Brother, now that you have passed the testimony, why didn't you arrange the court affairs that day?"

   Taiichi looked at Emperor Jun with a puzzled look, and asked.

   Hearing the words, Di Jun looked at the heavenly court in the 33rd sky, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the flames were beating, as if the whole world was burned.

   "There is not much fortune between Heavenly Court and my monster race, Heavenly Court, my monster race is afraid it will be difficult to control..."

   After a long time, Di Jun said slowly, as if this matter had little to do with him.

  He can see a lot more things than Taiyi. Heavenly Court originally had a great chance with the Demon Race, but after the calamity ended, the Demon Race and Heavenly Court seemed to be disconnected from everything.

   It is not connected by fate, and connected without luck. The demons want to control the heaven, but now it is not easy.

Even if it is forcibly occupying the heavenly court, he believes that this time will not last long. Although he has preached, there are still five sages above him. The cultivation base of Hou Tu is also above him, and then there will be Taishang, and Hongjun Dao ancestor of harmony.

  The demon clan is no longer the demon clan of the past, and today's prehistoric is no longer the prehistoric of the past.

   "That day, did you let it go like this?"

   Taiichi's expression condensed, this is a good place, how can I let it go?

   Emperor Jun heard the words, and his heart pondered. After a few breaths, he raised his head and looked at the 33 Heavenly High Heavenly Court, and sighed softly, "No, I will go to the Heavenly Court to see the situation and decide..."

   To be honest, he didn't want to give up the good place of Heavenly Court, but he always felt that things about Heavenly Court were not that simple. The reason why he wanted to slow down was to see how things changed.

   If nothing changes, maybe he can try to continue to rule the heavenly court and wait for the situation in the future to talk about it.

   Taiyi heard the words and nodded, he still believed his eldest brother's words.

   After taking a look at the monster clan, Dijun moved his body and disappeared in the Pantheon Palace, heading towards the heavenly court.

   Taiyi stared at the heavenly court. After a long time, he looked back, and then walked outside the hall.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   At a certain moment, Tai Shang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like a clear sky, his spiritual thoughts were pierced, reflecting the wild world, everything was included in it, and it evolved into a flawless world.

  After a few breaths, the picture in Taishang's eyes disappeared, returning to the color of clarity, the evolution of yin and yang in his hands, and all the matters of the predecessor, all the time and space, the changes in the past two million years.

   "At this time, the tens of thousands of races are vying for flow, and the human race can seize the opportunity, but Suiren's arrangements are reasonable and timely..."

   After a long time, Tai Qiao said softly that he was quite satisfied with Suiren's arrangement. Under his leadership, the Human Race would become more and more powerful.

   As for the changes in Honghuang over the years, Taishang didn't have any big surprises, and they were almost the same as he thought.

   After thinking about it in his heart, he turned his gaze too far and fell to the 33rd sky. Seeing the figure in it, he naturally knew that Di Jun still wouldn't give up a place like Heaven so easily.

   It's just that, in the current situation, it is not a question of whether he wants it or not, but a question of whether Daozu will give him or not.

   The second family of Lich, in the last calamity, has dominated the prehistoric for more than 200 million years. One family is in charge of the sky, the other is in charge of the land, and the two clans are in the same spotlight. If all the saints were not sanctified, they would still be constrained by the Lich.

  Because of the outbreak of the last calamity, the two groups of Lich go to decline, and the last calamity is declared to be over, and the two most powerful races are in decline.

   And the iconic forces like Heavenly Court will naturally no longer let the Yaozu palm in their hands.

   Not to mention that the saints will not agree, nor will the Taoist ancestors agree.

   At the beginning of the new era, a new order is naturally needed, and the heaven and the earth are becoming more and more perfect, and the rules are becoming stronger and stronger. Naturally, it is natural for the Dao of Heaven or Hongjun Daozu to decide, but it is not for Emperor Jun to decide.

   "The curtain is over in the midst of the calamity. It is naturally impossible to take control of the heavenly court again..."

   Tai took his gaze back and said softly.


   At this moment, the void shook, and even if a talisman glowing with colorful divine light passed through the endless time and space, it appeared in front of the upper body.

   "Taozu Fuzhao, do you want to discuss this matter?"

   Tai Tai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the wild land, and said softly, the expression on his face couldn't tell the depth, and he didn't know what was brewing.

   After a few breaths, a smile appeared on Taishang's face, then he got up and disappeared in the Promise Hall with the Taoist Talisman.


   At the same time, the five saints, Nuwa, Tongtian, Yuanshi, and Western Second Sage, have all received the call of the Taoist Talisman.

   It was the first time they saw Taoist Talisman, but it was a novelty.

   They are not too good, they have seen it several times, no wonder, but the Five Sages are indeed a bit novel now.

   But after watching them for a few breaths, they had already set off for the Purple Cloud Palace.

   They also knew that the Dao Ancestor's talisman had to leave immediately without stopping in the slightest.

   The five sages leave the wilderness, in the peace hall of the reincarnation of sentient beings.

   Houtu looked at the colorful talisman in front of him, his expression in a daze.

   Although she didn't know what was going on, when she saw the thing in front of her, she naturally knew that it was the Taoist Talisman.

   "Why is Dao Zu summoning me? Is there something to discuss?"

   Houtu groaned in his heart~www.ltnovel.com~ But for the time being, she didn’t understand. Now that Fu Zhao had convened, she wanted to see it too, so she got up and went.

   Thirty-three heaven, in the heaven.

   "Is the Taoist Talisman?!"

   Although Dijun was a little surprised, he had a hint of speculation in his mind before.

   Heavenly Court is such a place, I think it will be re-determined, this time the Taoist ancestors call, maybe it is here.

   But what he didn't expect was that it was Taoist Talisman, which surprised him a bit.

   "It depends on whether this discussion is a matter of heaven..."

After    Dijun said a word, he set off to head towards Zixiao Palace under the lead of Taoist Talisman.


   In the chaotic world.

   Taishang sat on Qingxuan's back, and came to Zixiao Palace leisurely, as if he didn't care about the urgency of Taoist Talisman.

   In fact, Qingxuan's speed is not slow, as an ancient alien beast, and a quasi-sage's cultivation base, the speed is naturally not slow, plus the first to leave, it is all saints, at this time, they are all a bit slower.

   When they were approaching Zixiao Palace, the Five Sages and Hou Tu met Tai Shang.

   They were a little surprised at Tai Shang moving forward like this, but they didn't say much.

   After the seven entered the Zixiao Palace, Emperor Jun arrived here and then entered the Zixiao Palace.


   After Emperor Jun entered the Zixiao Palace, the heavy gate of the Zixiao Palace closed suddenly, and disappeared in the boundless atmosphere of chaos.





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