Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 3: The Heavenly Court in the Zixiao Palace (1)

  Chapter Three The Purple Cloud Palace Discussing Heaven (1)

   Zixiao Palace, in the front hall.

   Qingxuan watched his master walk towards the starry sky corridor, and then directly lay down here and closed his eyes to rest up, waiting for the master's return.

   in the starry sky promenade.

   Tai Shang walked forward slowly, glanced at the Star Corridor, which was shining brighter and brighter than before, and then retracted his gaze to move on.

Except for Taishang, the others came here for the first time after the Daozu preaching. At this time, they saw that the promenade of stars had undergone a lot of changes, and their expressions were a bit surprised, but think about the Daozu's methods, that It's nothing.

   Taishang walked in front, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Nuwa walked side by side, behind Taishang. After the three sages, there are the second sage of the West and the three sages of Houtu.

  The one who walked at the end is the Yaozu Yaohuang, the emperor is handsome.

   Although Dijun proves Dao Hunyuan, his cultivation is still at the bottom of the crowd, and he is naturally the last at this time.

   The emperor has things in mind, so he is not in the mood to watch the starry sky promenade. He follows the Supreme and the others, and walks towards the hall.


   Above the hall, below the high platform.

Eight golden futons stand side by side. Sanqing naturally sits on the leftmost three, followed by Nuwa, a closed disciple, and then two disciples who are not pro-disciples. All the magic weapons of opportunity come from the named disciples. The two sages of the West, the introduction and quasi-mentioned.

   Then, it was Hou Tu, the lord of reincarnation, and for the first time sitting on the futon, Hou Tu's mood fluctuated somewhat.

But now it’s not the time when it was the time to compete for the opportunity for the place of the Purple Qi, so Houtu is just sitting on the futon, which is a bit novel. After all, it’s the first time to sit on the futon in the Zixiao Palace. As for other things, she didn't think too much.

   As for Emperor Jun, he moved from the fifth futon seat he had once sat on to the eighth last one. But for this, Di Jun didn't care that much, because now it is clear that he is based on strength.

   Although the strength of Houtu is between the predecessors and the quasi-Tibo, but she is in the reincarnation of sentient beings, even if she is attracted, it is difficult to beat her. She sits on the seventh futon, and she is indeed qualified, and she can even rise to the position of one or two futons.

  Dijun glanced at the seat, then turned his gaze to the high platform, thinking about it a thousand times in his heart, and kept wondering about this matter.

   Seeing Yu Dijun's look, he knew what he was thinking, but these things were not determined by himself, and there was actually not much to do with him, but if it was feasible, he wouldn't mind suggesting it.

   After thinking about it, he turned his gaze and saw Haotian and Yaochi two boys coming from the inner hall.

   Haotian and Yaochi's cultivation base is not too low now, Daluo Jinxian is in the perfect state, but because they have some restrictions on them, it is not so easy to be promoted to Quasi-Saint.

   Otherwise, with the current cultivation strength of the two, they wouldn't look like such a young boy, especially Yaochi, whose chance is still above the sky.

   As the two of them are boys enchanted by the Taoist ancestor, this physical restraint is naturally the handwriting of the Taoist ancestor.

   Taishang withdrew his gaze, perhaps Dao Ancestor had planned for a long time, so he didn't stay on this matter for too long.

   Haotian and Yaochi stood on both sides of the high platform, and then toward the Taishang Sanqing, Nuwa and others bowed and saluted. Not to mention their identities, it is the strength of this saint or Hunyuan, enough for all living beings to worship.


   After Haotian got up, he yelled loudly when he looked at the superior person.


   Before the words fell, I heard the sound of a bell ringing from the main road, as if it had started from the end of the main road, spread through the long river of time and space, echoed in the hall, echoed in the ears of everyone.

   The energetic aura rises, with the essence and rich atmosphere of the avenue, countless avenue laws are intertwined vertically and horizontally, and then slowly reveals a figure, it is Daozu Hongjun, sitting on the high platform.

   "Taozu!" Tai nodded.

   "Meet the teacher!" said the Five Saints.

   "Taozu!" Houtu and Dijun are also saluting.

   Dao Zu Hongjun looked at the superior and waited, and said, "No need to be polite!"

   The words fell, and there was a force to lift up the Five Sages and Dijun Houtu Hunyuan. As for Taishang, he did not give a big gift. Now he sits upright and waits for Dao Ancestor to continue to speak.

   "Thank you, teacher (Taozu)!"

   Everyone got up and said thanks.

   "This time I have called Jier to come, there is something to discuss..."

   Hongjun Daozu glanced at everyone, then slowly said in his mouth.

   Hearing this, a flash of fire flashed in Di Jun's eyes, but he did not speak.

   The Five Sages and Hou Tu thought secretly in their hearts, but there was a bit of guesswork, but they were not sure whether it was or not.

   Houtu is puzzled. If it is really about the heavenly affairs as I guessed it, what shall I do? What does it have to do with yourself?

   After Yuan Shi was silent for a few breaths, he looked at Dao Zu Hongjun and asked, "Teacher, what about heaven?"

Hearing this, Dao Zu Hongjun nodded slightly and said slowly, "It is the matter of the heavens. Under the general situation, the demons retreat and the heavens are chaotic. Someone needs to control and stabilize the order of the heavens and the Zhoutian stars. Therefore, we need to order Li Tiandi, sit in the heaven..."

   Hearing this, Di Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that he was indeed what he had guessed.

   There was no surprise from everyone present, after all, they had guessed it in their hearts.

   There was a different light in the eyes of Jiuyin and Zhunti. Heaven! This is a good place. If you can get a hand in the West, it can be a good thing, but it's not a small one.

   In this way, for the rise of the West, it is not a small benefit for oneself to wish for God's way.

   The two sages glanced at each other, and from the other's eyes, they already saw the look, understood the other's intentions, and waited to fight for it.

   "As for the reopening of the Heavenly Court, the choice of the Emperor of Heaven, what kind of candidate you have in your heart, you can discuss by yourself..."

   At this time, Dao Zu Hongjun said again ~www.ltnovel.com~ drew the fiery color in the eyes of Xiuyin and Zhunti, wishing to line up the saints and several Hunyuan, and take the position of the emperor by himself.

   If Western disciples can sit on the throne of the emperor of heaven and control the prehistoric times, that would not be too good for Western luck.

   Although this fight will certainly not be so easy, they will try their best.

   After all, this is the place of the emperor, not anything else.

After    Hongjun Daozu said, he looked at them calmly and didn't speak any more.

   Too upright looks indifferent, his eyes are as calm as water, as if he didn't care about this matter at all, and he ignored the others.

   All Saints and Hou Tu did not speak at this time, thinking a thousand times in their hearts.

  Dijun looked at them, then looked at Hongjun Daozu, and said immediately.

   "Teacher, Heavenly Court is the pioneer of my monster race after all. I am very familiar with all the operations of Heavenly Court, the control of Heavenly Court, and the stability and order. It is better to let my second brother Taiyi take up this position..."

   "As for all Dao brothers, if you want to participate, you can also let the sects enter the heavenly court to serve. In this way, it will also benefit from each other, and everyone is happy. Isn't it great?"

Although the Yaozu retired at this time, since he came to discuss the ownership of the heavenly court this time, Dijun will naturally not let go of such an opportunity, no matter what the result is, he must fight again, and he cannot let the heavenly court be lost in vain. .

   Besides, his arrangement like this is actually taking care of Taishang and all the saints and Houtu. It depends on how they express their opinions.




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