Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 4: The Heavenly Court in the Zixiao Palace (2)

   Chapter 4 The Purple Cloud Palace Discussing Heaven (2)

   Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.

   Although Dijun could see that between his monster race and the heavenly court, there is no longer a connection between fortune and chance. If he wants to control the heavenly court and control the prehistoric sky, there is no much chance.

   In addition, under the outbreak of this amount of calamity, the Yaozu suffered too much damage. Even after more than two million years of recovery, the Yaozu did not recover much energy, but was able to operate normally.

   The demon clan’s aura and karmic burden, etc., will take longer to recover. Now the demon clan’s recovery is only the normal functioning of the demon clan’s vitality, and there is not much power to recover.

   Therefore, under the strength of the Yaozu, it is not easy to control it. In addition, without luck and chance, the Saints and Houtu and others will obviously not let the Yaozu control the heaven.

   Dao Ancestor made such an arrangement this time, he didn't need to think about it, he knew that Dao Ancestor would no longer let the demon clan control the heaven.

   It’s just that a place like Heaven has many benefits, which can bring endless luck and many other benefits of practice to the controller.

   How could Di Jun just give up in such a place?

   No matter what, he has to fight for it this time, and he can't miss it in vain.


   In fact, Emperor Jun’s thoughts, too, would the Five Sages and Hou Tu not know.

   Heavenly Court, which can bring a steady stream of great luck, can enhance one's own strength, and control where the prehistoric horizon lies, so naturally he will not give up willingly.

   Talking at this time, fighting for the monster clan, that is also normal.

   If they were to be replaced in the seat of Emperor Jun, they would also speak and fight for themselves.

   It's just that at this moment, Daozu has already given such a big advantage, even if Sanqing agrees, it will not agree with the introduction and quasi mention and Houtu.

  Especially the introduction and quasi-promotion, this is where the West can vigorously strive for it, how could it be allowed to fall into the hands of the Yaozu.

"Friend Dijun's words are wrong. Since the demon clan has ended amidst the calamity and retreats from the predecessor, then there will be no connection between the heavenly court and the demon clan. Moreover, the luck of the demon race and the heavenly court is already Without any connection, how can we control the heavenly court again?"

   After receiving the introduction, he gently moved the rosary in his hand, and said lightly in his mouth.

   This is an opportunity for the West. How could he return Heavenly Court to the hands of the Monster Race? Naturally, he would strongly oppose it.

   "Senior brother's remark is good, this time of calamity can be said to be caused by the lich, and fall because of the lich. The lich is now retreating from the prehistoric land, and the calamity is over. It is indeed not suitable for controlling the prehistoric heaven..."

   Zhunti showed a smile on his face and said, looking at Di Jun.

  Dijun said that it sounds nice. If Taiyi is really allowed to sit on the throne of the emperor, unless they take the action personally, otherwise, which one of the disciples under the sect is Taiyi’s opponent, and how much he goes is not at the mercy of Taiyi.

Don’t think Taiyi is only in the mid-stage of Quasi-Sage at this time. That’s because the realm he has fallen has not yet recovered, and the origin is still damaged. When he recovers, that’s the existence of Quasi-Sage’s pinnacle, plus the supreme chaos clock. Existence beyond the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, naturally extraordinary.

  Yes, Dijun’s natural arrangement seems to be quite good, but in fact, it is the demon clan taking advantage. For all the saints, naturally, the demon clan will not be allowed to intervene in today's heavenly court.

   The second sage of the West desperately wants to control such a place. Now it is reasonable to refute it first.

Hou Tu listened to Zhun mentioned, and glanced at him indifferently. In this amount of calamity, the second family of the Lich was the protagonist. That's correct. The amount of calamity did end among the lich, but he said so. , It seemed that it was all the fault of the Lich.

   If this place were not the Purple Cloud Palace, she would have to argue in general, the Witch Clan, it would be the fault of the calamity.

   Too closed his eyes to rest his mind, did not speak, as if ignoring the matter.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian glanced at each other, and they felt that the Yaozu was no longer suitable for controlling the heavenly court, but now that the quasi-tipping and guiding spokes, they stopped talking and waited quietly.

   "It's not bad what you said, since the demon clan has discharged the responsibility of the heavens and retired from the predecessor, then this time the demon clan should not intervene..."

   said, Hongjun Daozu glanced at Dijun lightly.

   Seeing this, when Di Jun just wanted to speak, he couldn't say it anymore. Dao Ancestor spoke, what is the use of his efforts?

   All the saints will not agree, Daozu will no longer agree, this matter, I am afraid it is already a certainty.

   "It seems that the matter of heaven can only be planned slowly in the future..."

  Dijun narrowed his eyes slightly, and a strange color flashed across his eyes, and he whispered in his heart, even if Xuan returned to calm, he arched his hands towards Hongjun Taoist ancestor, "Tao ancestor's words, Dijun should obey..."

After    said, Di Jun stopped talking, just sat on the side with a calm face and looked at them quietly, as if he had really accepted the result.

It doesn’t matter whether Di Jun really accepts the result or not at this time. Anyway, he shouldn’t interfere with the situation, so that he can still fight for it. If you look at it this way, he and Dongfang can have a match. Quarreled.

   There is no one under the Nuwa gate and cannot participate. As for Houtu, naturally it has nothing to do with Heavenly Court. Although I don't know why she came, Houtu is relatively innocent.

   "My disciple Maitreya is a person who gained the Tao in the West. I have calculated that he is very predestined to the position of the emperor of heaven, but he is the emperor of the heaven. You should conform to the will of heaven, and you don't have to fight for it again..."

   Zhunti said with a smile on his face, looking at All Saints and Taishang.

   saw that his junior brother had already spoken, so he didn't speak again.

   "Quick mention, if someone who has the right to talk about Taoism, I have many treasures, how does it compare with my elder brother, my second elder disciple Suiren, Xuandu, and Guangchengzi?"

   Tongtian glanced at Zhunti faintly, and said, a strong sword intent radiated, and the surrounding void was slightly twisted.

Hearing this, Zhunti squinted his eyes slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ If it is true that the cultivation base is concerned, Maitreya's cultivation base is indeed inferior to these four, especially Suiren and Xuandu. The holy realm, this kind of existence is not comparable to Maitreya.

   "Mai Lei's body is based on the fate of the Emperor of Heaven, and the matter of non-cultivation can be concluded. The position of the Emperor of Heaven is also suitable for Maitreya..." The lead opened the mouth.

"Friends of Taoism are wrong. If the cultivation level is not good, how should I control the huge heaven and the primordial world? Heavenly emperor, the cultivation base needs to be high before you can control everything and run the heaven. I am waiting for my eldest brother. Xuan Du can be the throne of this heavenly emperor..."

   Yuanshi looked at the lead, and said lightly. Although he also wanted to fight for the position of Emperor of Heaven, as he said, with Guang Chengzi's current cultivation base, it is indeed difficult to control the huge heaven.

   Besides, the reopening of the heavenly court, it is naturally difficult to maintain operation with the power of elucidation and teaching.

   If you are a disciple of the various sects, Honghuang scattered cultivation is stationed, and if you want to fully control these powers, you really need a strong cultivation strength.

   And this kind of existence is only possible under the family of his eldest brother, Xuan Du, so he started to propose it.

   As for why he didn't choose Sui Ren, he felt that Sui Ren is the ancestor of human beings, and he is not suitable for this position.

   Hearing the quote and Zhunti, although they also know the meaning of Yuanshi's words, it is impossible for them to give up the position of the emperor of heaven.

   And when they were just about to speak, Tai Shang, who had closed his eyes and calmed down, spoke indifferently.

   "Although Xuan Du is good, it is not suitable for the position of Emperor of Heaven. My disciple Sui Ren is an ancestor, and can be an Emperor of Heaven!"




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