Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Haotian can be the emperor of heaven

   Chapter 5 Haotian can be the emperor of heaven

   Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.

   As soon as the voice of Taishang fell, All Saints, Houtu, Dijun and others looked at Taishang with a little surprise.

   They didn't expect that Taishang would actually push Suiren up instead of pushing Xuantu out to sit on the throne of the emperor of heaven.

As far as   sui people’s cultivation base is concerned, it is indeed sufficient. Quasi-sage cultivation base, such strength, is among the sects, and it is also a top-notch existence. Among the various religions, that is, the burning lamp, who was half a disciple of Yuan Shi, had such a realm of cultivation.

   As for other disciples, it is impossible to reach this state.

   It's just that Suiren is the ancestor of the human race. Although this identity is sufficient, he is also a great disciple. It's just that they felt that Sui Ren, the ancestor, wanted to sit on the throne of the emperor, it was not suitable.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, and did not speak.

  Since my eldest brother has arranged this way, they have no objection, so what if it is appropriate?

  燧 has this cultivation base, and his identity is sufficient. If he sits on the throne of the heavenly emperor, who would dare to oppose it in the predecessor?

Not to mention that Suiren has a teacher like Taishang, it is Suiren's own strength. The current strength of the human holy land, in the prehistoric, except for the existence of saints or Hunyuan, otherwise, it is Taiyi holding the chaos clock, which is hard to say. Better than Flintlock.

   With such strength, it is also possible to take charge of the heavenly court.

   At this point, the two sages of introduction and quasi-mentioned are naturally understood. For their level, how is it appropriate?

   If it's not appropriate, their disciples didn't push it up too hard, they were all for their own teaching.

   It’s just that if Sui Ren is allowed to go up, what about the West?

   Zhunti's heart sank. He saw that Tongtian and Yuan Shi were silent at this time, obviously tacitly acquiescing.

   Nuwa and Taishang are the vice-master and leader of the human education, and the Suiren sits on the emperor of heaven. How could they object?

   As for Hou Tu, he had previously accepted the love of being too high. He introduced Suiren to become the emperor of the heavens. She would not object to being the emperor if she wanted to come.

   In this way, even Emperor Jun would come to oppose it, and it would not be possible to win!

   It's just that if you let it out like this, Zhun said that it would not be reconciled. The position of the Heavenly Emperor is indeed a temptation. He is a sage cultivation base, and he wants to fight for his own master and his followers.

   owes the merits of heaven, he can't delay, he can only plan for this matter all the time, and can't let go of a little opportunity.

   "Although the Taoist sect Xia Suiren has a good cultivation level, it is really not suitable for the position of the emperor of the heavens. To say that the position of the emperor of the heavens is the most suitable, he should be the disciple of my sect..."

   Zhunti smiled and said, although the reason is far-fetched, but the current situation is for other reasons, which is also far-fetched.

   "The words of the younger brother are far-fetched. My palace believes that Brother Dao's argument is very reasonable, and Sui Ren can be the emperor of this heaven, the candidate for the throne of the emperor, this palace agrees with Sui Ren..."

   Nuwa glanced at Zhunqi faintly, and said faintly.

Hearing this, Zhunti and Dijun’s heart sank. This one naturally agrees. This matter is also a good thing for the human race and for them. Naturally, they will agree with it. If you change yourself, it will be the same. of.

   When Zhunti and Di Jungang were about to speak, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian said in unison, "I have no objection!"

   "I have no objection!" Houtu said lightly.

   Listening to this, I feel that this matter is going to go.

   The three saints and the two Hunyuan all agreed with this matter, and agreed that Sui Ren came to the throne of the emperor of the day. He wanted to fight again, fearing it would be impossible.

   Although Dijun doesn't want the Human Race to take charge of the Heavenly Court, what can he do if he doesn't want to be in the current situation?

   is to add to the two sages of the West, they are only three, and the other side, there are five, how can it be able to compete with them?

   "Brother Dao, I thought..."


   Zhun Tigang spoke. Hongjun Daozu interrupted his words. His voice pierced through the long river of time and space, echoing in the hall. Zhun Ti was a saint's cultivation base, and now he can't speak.

Daozu Hongjun glanced at the people, and then slowly said, "In the prehistoric universe, in the heavenly court, the emperor is the Jade Emperor. Under the emperor, there are east, south, west, and north four imperial princes to assist the emperor to replace the sky. Law enforcement, management of the emperor..."

   "Emperor Qinghua of the East is established in the east to control the three realms and all kinds, assisting the supreme emperor to control the growth of all things; in the south, the emperor Changsheng of the Antarctic governs all spirits and assists the supreme emperor to take charge of the three realms...

"On the west, emperor Gochen, ruled over ten thousand thunders, assisted the Supreme Heavenly Emperor to control the three talents of heaven, earth, and man, and dominated the military revolution of the three realms; set up the Arctic Emperor Ziwei to rule over ten thousand stars and assisted the Supreme Heavenly Emperor to control the heavens and the earth. Latitude, sun, moon, stars, stars, four o'clock climate..."

   Hongjun Daozu paused, and continued, "In the heavenly court, a Chengtian who governs all lands can be set up to imitate the emperor's land, to control the netherworld, and to control the six reincarnations and yin and yang fertility..."

   Before Daozu finished speaking, Houtu's expression changed drastically.

   Daozu, do you plan to let the saints intervene in the reincarnation of sentient beings?

   She tried her best to defend the reincarnation of sentient beings, and to resist other forces, was to prevent them from intervening. If the Dao Ancestor arranged in this way, she would strongly oppose it and it would be useless.

   Unless it is the underworld that can grow to the point of resisting the heaven, then it can ignore it.

   But now, Ming Dao is not there yet, if this is the arrangement, she can't stop it.

   Tai Shang Sanqing, Nuwa and others looked at Dao Zu with a little surprise, but they didn't expect Dao Zu to make such an arrangement.

   "Taozu..." Houtu stopped talking.

   "The back soil body is transformed into reincarnation, with great merits and benefits for all beings. This reincarnation of sentient beings, let you arrange it yourself! In the heavenly court, there is no such imperial court!"

   Daozu looked at Houtu whose expression had changed drastically at this time, and said lightly.

   Hearing this, Houtu breathed a sigh of relief. It would be nice if there is no such arrangement.

   Taishang everyone listened to this and nodded slightly. There was no objection to Daozu's arrangement.

   As for the establishment of the four imperial palaces in the heavenly court, it is considered to be decentralized, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, this is different from the Yaozu Heavenly Court of the past, it is a new division.

   But even if the power is decentralized, the Emperor of Heaven is still the most noble and the most viable one.

"Brother Dao, the position of Emperor of Heaven is not suitable for Suiren. These four imperials are feasible. How about letting Suiren be the head of the four imperials?" Zhunti said with a smile on his face, looking at Taishang, as if he had promised a great deal. The benefits are general.

   "Zhongti, I think Maitreya under your door is suitable for one of the four royals, so let him come in front of one of the four royals?" Tai Shang smiled indifferently.

   Hearing the words, Zhun mentioning and receiving the lead did not speak. Now it seems that the chance is really not great.

   "Although you are good candidates for arguing, but the position of the emperor is really not suitable, the emperor is the emperor, and he is based on the emperor's energy. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be difficult to bear this luck..."

   Hongjun Daozu watched them faintly speaking, and heard Yuan Shi, Tongtian Nuwa, Zhun Ti and Ji Ying, and Di Jun didn't know what it meant.

   There is only Tai Shang, looking at Dao Ancestor, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and a light flashes in his eyes.

   "There is a candidate for the poor Dao, who can be the emperor of heaven, control the heaven and the earth!"

   "What Dao Zu said, but Haotian?"

   Tai Shang looked at Dao Ancestor and asked faintly, with a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't have much reaction to this matter.

   The expressions of Yuan Shi and others changed as soon as the words came out.

   Haotian? Boy? In charge of the emperor, control the heaven?

   "Poverty Dao has already been calculated, the boy Haotian under the seat, according to the emperor's fate, can sit in the seat of the new emperor..."




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