Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Haotian wins the position of Emperor of Heaven

   Chapter 6 Haotian wins the position of the Emperor of Heaven

   Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.

   "Poverty Dao has already been calculated, the boy Haotian under the seat, according to the emperor's fate, can sit in the seat of the new emperor..."

   Hongjun Daozu slowly spoke, his eyes calmly looking at Taishang everyone.

   Hearing this, except for being too high, everyone's expressions were slightly dreadful.

   Dao ancestor made a decision on the selection of the Emperor of Heaven. If this is replaced by someone else, any person with sufficient identity and strength, then they don't care.

   But who is not good at this choice, must choose Haotian?

  Who is Haotian? That's a boy. Although his strength is feasible and Daluo is consummated, he is a boy after all. In his identity, he is just a boy. How can he sit on the throne of the emperor?

   The Western Two Sages and Dijun suddenly felt that if this was set for Suiren, Guangchengzi, and Duobao, how much they could accept. This was set for Haotian, the boy under the seat, how could they accept it in their hearts?

   "Teacher, Haotian is no more than a boy, how can he sit as the Emperor of Heaven?"

  , his expression was quasi-minded, and he immediately spoke, saying that if the position of the emperor falls into Suiren's hands, it is beyond contending, so forget it.

   But it fell into Haotian's hands, what is this? It's not as good as a boy if you dare to love yourself, right?

   At this time, it was not only him, Yuanshi, Tongtian and the lead, looking at Haotian, they all felt that Haotian was not qualified. It was a boy, no matter what, he couldn't sit in such a position.

   Even if it was given to the Four Royals, it was an exception, and it was returned to the position of the Central Jade Emperor.

   Nuwa looked at Taishang, and saw that his expression was calm. She didn't seem to be surprised by the matter, as if she knew about it.

   She also wanted Sui Ren to sit in that position, but if the teacher had decided like this, the five of them had suggested that it would not be able to change this fact.

   So, nowadays, Dao Ancestor has made a final decision.

   Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, and then at his eldest brother. They didn't open any mouth. Some thoughts seemed to arise in their minds. If this is the case, then I don't have to speak anymore.

   Anyway, there is now Zhun raised his objection, so I don't need to say anything.

   "Daozu, if you talk about the emperor's personality, how can my second brother be weaker than Haotian? As for the cultivation base, he is not as good as the Taishang Dao brother. How can he sit as the emperor?"

   At this time, Dijun at the end raised his brows and asked.

   Hearing this, Dao Zu Hongjun did not answer.

   Haotian on the left under his seat, among his slightly squinted eyes, a strange color flashed past, and there was a trace of fire faintly between Zhun Ti and Di Jun's disdain.

   Why? What's wrong with being a boy? Dao ancestors always say yes, so why do you say no?

   Involuntarily, the mana in his body was running, and a strange power burst from him.


  Except for Tai Shang, all the saints Hun Yuan looked at him in surprise, but didn't speak in the past. This breath is indeed the emperor's breath.

   Emperor Jun is indeed extremely sensitive to such a breath.

   "Since the teacher has set it down, why can't the younger brother sit on the position of the emperor? Is it necessary to be under the brother's school? The teacher's words are not considered?"

   A trace of anger flashed across Haotian's face, and he said in a deep voice.

   "Haotian, what do you mean by this?"

   Zhunti said a dark cloud flashed in his eyes, and asked faintly, if this place was the Purple Cloud Palace, I am afraid that the situation would have changed color, the world had shaken, and the wrath of the saint was not something that Haotian, the great Luo Jinxian, could successfully bear.

   As for Yu Haotian already changed his name at this time, he ignored the matter of calling him senior brother.

   Taishang Sanqing, Nuwa and Houtu turned a blind eye to this matter, and allowed Zhun Ti and Di Jun to oppose it, and also watched the progress of the matter quietly.

"All right!"

   At this time, Hongjun Daozu spoke lightly, with Tianxian in his tone, which immediately calmed the mood of the two.

"Haotian sits on the throne of the emperor, it is the heavenly determination. He is in the emperor's aura, has the emperor's fate, and under the operation of the heavenly way, he has already selected the Haotian, this heavenly emperor, let Haotian sit! "

   Hongjun Daozu glanced over Taishang, Five Sages and Houtu, Dijun and others, and said lightly, his tone could not be refuted.

   Hearing this, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​Nu Wa and Houtu nodded slightly, and did not speak. The expression is too calm, without the slightest change, it seems to be acquiescence.

   Although the two sages of the West and Di Jun looked reluctant, but the Taoist ancestor arranged this way, they were reluctant, so what can they do?

   Can they still change Daozu's decision? This is obviously impossible.

   "The meaning of respecting the teacher (Taozu)!"

   Zhunti and Dijun nodded reluctantly.

   Hongjun Daozu nodded slightly, and then said lightly, "Haotian, Yaochi!"

   "The disciple is here!" The two approached, respectfully arching their hands.

   Although Yao Chi was a little shocked, why did she call herself, but Dao Ancestor spoke, she could not care about other things.

   "Heaven is running, Haotian body is in accordance with the emperor's aura, it should be in charge of the heavenly court, in charge of Zhoutian stars, Yaochi, you are the queen, assist Haotian to manage the heavenly court..."

   Hongjun Daozu said lightly, with an overwhelming tone in his tone, an irrefutable meaning.

   Yaochi's expression became more and more shocked when he heard the words. Actually, he was given such status by Dao Ancestor?

   But Dao Zu made such an arrangement, she could only follow Dao Zu's will and accept this arrangement.

   But this is also a matter of chance, she is also willing to go to the post of queen.

   "The meaning of respecting the teacher!" Haotian and Yaochi replied respectfully, still somewhat delighted in their expressions.

   Tai Tai took a look at Haotian, then his eyes fell on Yaochi. Yaochi's chances are indeed good~www.ltnovel.com~ Although Haotian has the emperor's fate and the emperor's air, Yaochi is also extraordinary.

   On Yaochi, Taishang noticed that there was a trace of the essence of pure white lotus in her body. Obviously, the original chaotic stone was Yaochi.

   Such a great opportunity, Yao Chi is not under the sky.

   Hongjun Daozu looked at them two calmly, nodding slightly.

   Immediately, with a wave of his hand, a force flicked over them, and then an energetic air rose up and enveloped the two of them. When the energetic air dissipated, the two of them had changed their appearances and became youths.

   Dao Ancestor accepted the restriction from them, and now the cultivation base has been immediately improved, and soon he has crossed the quasi-sage realm.

   Haotian is already in the early stage of the quasi-sage, and Yaochi is a bit higher than him, and he has stepped into the middle stage of the quasi-sage.

   Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other, and both saw the expression of joy from the other's face.


   Hongjun Daozu looked at what Yaochi and Haotian looked like at this time, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Immediately, he flipped over his hand, and a white jade seal appeared in his hand, and a nine dragon appeared on the jade seal, and a faint emperor's might spread.

   Under the jade seal, there are eight blatant and simple words of "Inheriting Heaven's Fortune, Everlasting Life".

   This Fang Tiandi jade seal is the handwriting of Daozu himself, not the jade seal in the hands of Emperor Jun.

  Dijun glanced at this time, this Heavenly Emperor Yuxi was not too much to give up compared to his own, and it was also a rare treasure of acquired merit.





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