Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 7: The matter of heaven has settled

  Chapter Seven The Heavenly Court Matters Are Settled

   On the high platform, Dao Ancestor handed the Heavenly Emperor Jade Seal in his hand to Haotian, and said lightly.

   "Haotian, this is the new emperor jade seal, you are the new emperor, this thing should be handed over to you..."

   The Heavenly Emperor Jade Seal is a combination of Xuanhuang Qi entrapped merits and heavenly Qi Yun. For Dao Ancestor, it is not too difficult.

   The square jade seal in Emperor Jun's hand has cracks. Although it is not difficult for Dao Ancestor to restore it, since it is a new heavenly court, it is time to condense the new jade seal as a new representative.

   Tai Tai took a look at Yu Xi, and then ignored it. Compared with the side of Emperor Jun, this Yu Xi was a bit higher, and it was considered a good merit treasure.

   "Thank you teacher!"

   Haotian looked overjoyed and hurriedly picked it up.

   Dao Ancestor nodded, and then turned it over in his hand, took out a mirror, a green hairpin and an innate spiritual root.

   With a wave of his hand, three treasures flew out, the mirror fell into Haotian's hands, while in Yaochi's hands were the green jade hairpin and the Pan Peach Tree, one of the spiritual roots of the Five Elements.

   Seeing the treasure of Daozu, the Second Sage of the West and Emperor Jun again, his expressions are a bit complicated at this time.

The land of the West is already barren. Although some innate spiritual treasures have been obtained on Fenbao Cliff before, these spiritual treasures have not been enough for them to arrange for the establishment of the Western Great Church over the years, but the West is so poor that they can't take it away. What Lingbao came out.

   At this time, they saw that Dao Ancestor's shot was the best innate spirit treasure, as well as treasures such as the top spirit root. If they said that they were not envied, it was fake.

   Lingbao may not be so envious, but Linggen is really envious.

As for Emperor Jun, the vitality of the monster race is now greatly damaged. In the process of development, he naturally needs a lot of treasures. What Haotian and Yaochi obtained at this time, he wanted very much, if it were not for the gift of Dao ancestors, he would plan Shot.

   Tai's eyes stayed on the flat peach tree for a few breaths, and then he withdrew his gaze.

   Dao ancestor had scraped a lot of treasures before, and even though a large part of it was separated, there are still stocks in his hands.

   Even if it is too high, at this time, I can't figure out how much inventory Daozu has in his hands.

   The treasures saved by Taoist ancestors are all good treasures without even thinking about it. This is too much for sure.

   Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, and Houtu also thought that these spirit treasures were good, but Dao ancestors gave Haotian and Yaochi to them, and they couldn't intervene, so they didn't say anything.

Dao Ancestor ignored all the saints and Houtu at this time. The thoughts in their hearts, Emperor Jun and others, said lightly to Haotian, Haotian, the mirror in your hand is called Haotian Mirror. In addition, there are many magical effects in the investigation of the eighteen layers of the Jiuyou Hell. You will know about it in the future, and you will be given control of it..."

   Hearing this, Haotian showed joy, and hurriedly thanked him, "Thank you teacher for the treasure..."

   After all, he reached out and took it over. Both magic weapons have many magical uses. For him, he is naturally very happy.

   Two spirit treasures like this, I don't have much, except for the Haotian sword that Dao Ancestor gave me last time before dividing the treasure.

   Now he has the position of the Emperor of Heaven, and he has got two more spiritual treasures, and his cultivation level has also been promoted. He is indeed happy at this time.

Dao Ancestor nodded slightly when he saw this, then his gaze fell on Yaochi, and said, "Yaochi, the hosta in your hand is called jasper hairpin. It is a congenital thing and can be used for self-defense. There is also a peach tree, which is the innate five elements. One of the spiritual roots, one of its magical functions, you will know it later..."

   "Thank you, teacher, for the treasure!" Yaochi leaned over and said thanks.

   After that, she reached out and took Lingbao and Linggen over, her expressions were quite joyful.

   The Second Sage of the West sighed secretly in his heart, this kind of spiritual root was given to Yaochi, it is indeed good luck!

   Seeing this, Daozu nodded slightly, and the matter of dividing the treasure was decided.

   He glanced at the Taishang crowd, and after a few breaths, he said, "The matter of the Emperor and Queen is established, and the four imperial princes in the heaven must also be established. I wonder if anyone can choose?"

   As he said, Daozu looked at Taishang, "Can someone choose the four royals? The four royals are not the position of the emperor, and there is no need for the emperor's fate!"

   Hearing that, except for Tai Shang, everyone is a little bit slanderous. If this is not a default, what is it?

   "In the holy land of the human race, the disciple Qing Ming, can be the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East!"

   Tai Shang faintly spoke, and then pushed a disciple from the human race up.

   Qingming cultivation base is already Da Luo cultivation base, it can be said that he is the number one disciple of the human holy land, his cultivation base is extraordinary.

   Dao ancestor heard the words, forgot it in his hand, nodded, "Yes!"

   When Haotian saw the words of Daozu and Taishang Dao Zun, he set one of the four imperials, and his power was immediately divided. Although he was a little unwilling, he had no choice. These four imperials, he really had no choice.

   Hongjun Daozu turned his eyes and fell on Yuan Shi.

   "My disciple Antarctica Immortal Weng is an Antarctic Emperor Changsheng!" Yuan Shi said.

   "Yes!" Dao Zu nodded, and immediately looked at Tongtian.

   "My disciple, Zhao Gongming, can be the Great Arctic Ziwei!" Tongtian replied.

   "Yes!" Dao Zu nodded.

The two sages in the west saw the four royals outside the throne of the emperor, and they went to three in just a few breaths. Although they are not comparable to the emperor, they are still in a good position. of.

   But after Daozu finished talking ~www.ltnovel.com~ his eyes slowly retracted, and he said lightly, "The West Ji Gou Emperor Chen is special, so let Haotian arrange it by himself!"

   Hearing the words, the expression of the two holy sages of the West sank.

   Is this named disciple that bad? Not even one of the Four Royals?


   Zhun raised the thought in his mind for a thousand revolutions, and as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Daozu.

   "This matter is so decided, I won't mention it again, you will return on your own, and there will be a day when the Purple Cloud Palace will reopen!"

   Before the words fell, Daozu had already lost his figure.

   glanced at Haotian with a gloomy expression, and then walked away directly.

   There are no four princes, how could he be able to see the other positions in the heavenly court? Other things, let alone talk about it!

   The leader announced a Buddha's name, and after a faint glance at Haotian, he also got up and left.

   Emperor Jun lost the Heavenly Court this time, and this time he will not stay longer and leave directly.

   Houtu smiled, this time he explained the things behind the reincarnation of sentient beings, and it was okay. As for the belonging of the heavenly court, he didn't care so much.

   arched his hands towards Taishang Sanqing and Nuwa, and left.

   "Second brother and third brother, fellow Taoist, let's go!"

   Tai got up, looked at Yuan Shi, Tong Tian and Nu Wa, and said lightly. After all, it means to leave.

   The three nodded, and then followed the upper body, and walked towards the outside of Zixiao Palace.

   The huge Zixiao Palace, now only Haotian and Yaochi are left.





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