Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 5 Chapter 16: Zhenfeng Zhun mention, Kongtong seal

The latest website: Chapter 16 Zhenfeng quasi mention, Kongtong seal

Prehistoric, somewhere in the mountains.

Zhunti, who was originally standing in the void, has now been sealed to the ground by the power of the great avenue. The golden light behind his head is shining, shining in all directions, a six-zhang golden body emerges, and the power of the great avenue continues to spread, but It is still difficult to resist this great power.

Zhunti was horrified secretly in his heart. Taishang didn't know how to make a move, but his Dao control far surpassed him. Even the Dao power of his inaction can make him powerless and be sealed by him. .

"Brother Dao..."

Zhunti's expression was a bit bitter, and his words stopped, the golden light on his body was radiant to the extreme, and the Liuzhang golden body was already at the extreme.

He thought that Taishang would not attack him because of this. Although he did not directly attack him, but if he was sealed for ten thousand years, his face as a saint would really be lost.

Although I don't have much face when I go east on my own way, it is even more shameless compared to now.

"Brother Dao, I naturally dare not covet this treasure. I was born when a treasure was born. It was not for the purpose of strengthening the West. Brother Dao can see my heart to build a boxing fist for the West, so I just let it go. So, I am naturally grateful to the West. Brother Dao..."

After thinking about it in his heart, he said to Taishang that his sage's power in the mid-term is already extreme, but compared with the existence of Taishang, it is still a lot worse, and now he can no longer resist.


There was a muffled noise between the sky and the earth, and then I saw Zhunzi sitting on the earth, his expression was a little dignified, the power of this avenue was like a shackle, and he was sealed in this place, unable to move a bit.

Taishang was unmoved by Zhunti’s words, his gaze slowly swept across the land, he saw the dignified gaze of the lead, and saw the shocked gaze of Emperor Jun, Hou Tu, and Nuwa, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian knew their eldest brother's strength was terrifying. Not too surprised.

"Chun mention, you have already gained a lot from this trip to the east. In the future, you won't have to have anything to do with the east trip..."

Tai Shang slowly retracted his gaze, looked at Zhun Ti, and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Zhun said he was silent. This is considered to be breaking his way of going east in the future.

There is no chance for the spiritual creatures and monks who want to travel to the east, even if there is, it will take countless years.

Judging from the current situation, once he dared to continue eastward, these few would not keep his hands.

Taishang retracted his gaze, moved his feet, and came into the void, Qing Xuan carried Taishang on, and within a few breaths, he disappeared into the world.

Zhunti watched Tai Shang leave, and a cloud of cloud appeared on his face.

This time, I was shooting myself in the foot. I thought I could test the Lingbao. Maybe I had a chance, and I would not directly attack myself if I was too good, but it seemed that I was all wrong.

Taishang's methods have exceeded his expectations, and even his strength is above his own predictions, which led to the current situation.

Even the eastward journey in the future was cut off.

After a thousand turns of thinking in his mind, the gloomy expression on his face gradually calmed down, and he sighed slightly, "In the future, I can only figure it out slowly..."

When the voice fell, Zhun Ti slowly closed his eyes, waiting for ten thousand years to pass, and returned to the West Spirit Mountain.


Originally, when the treasure appeared in this world, the few people in the world were already paying attention to this place.

Later Zhunti appeared and said that he wanted to "choose the master of Lingbao", and later it triggered the matter of being sealed by Taishang Town. They were all shocked.

However, compared to Dijun, this person who had been suppressed by the Supreme Master was much more familiar with this matter.

As long as the endurance passed, this matter was nothing. In the face of an existence like Taishang, even a saint like Zhunti could not escape being suppressed. At that time, it was even more needless to say.

Yuanshi and Tongtian only took a glance at Zhun Ti, who has now accepted the reality, and then withdrew their gazes. Although they were a bit shocked, they also understood that the realm of their eldest brother today is far from Zhun Ti.

It was easy to use the power of the great avenue to seal the ten thousand years, so it was not too shocked, and calm was restored in an instant.

Hou Tu and Nu Wa were also aware of Taishang's terrifying strength, and now they had withdrawn their shocked expressions, and after another glance at Zhun Ti, they ignored them.

West, above Lingshan.

"With such strength, I am afraid that it is not far from that realm..."

The look on his face turned from shock to solemnity, and he said in his heart when he looked at Zhun Ti who was sealed.

"If you want to go eastward in the future, I am afraid that it will be impossible. If you want to complete the western aspirations faster, going east is still essential, but this matter can only be slowly looking for opportunities..."

After receiving a few breaths, he slowly said.

When the words fell, he withdrew his gaze, and the Buddha's light on his body was shining brightly, shining on the heavens. The disciples in the entire Western Spirit Mountain received a lot of benefits. At this time, he bowed to the location of the Eight Treasure Merit Pools.

In the next instant, bursts of magnificent Buddhist sounds came, attracting many Western disciples to listen to the sounds of the Great Dao and to comprehend their own Dao.

While in the mountains, Zhun Ti, who was sealed off, slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Lingshan surrounded by golden light, with a rare smile on his face.

If you are in the West, you will prosper!

Zhunti secretly said in his heart, then retracted his gaze, and continued to enlighten and wait.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the area.

Qingxuan graciously carried Tai Shang forward, and this time it also saw the situation of the Saint Feng Zhunti in his own master town.

Although it was horrified, it was relieved to think of the terrifying strength of its master.

That kind of terrifying power of the Great Dao, fortunately, I was far away, and all went towards the Zhunti saint. Otherwise, Qingxuan felt that he would be completely killed on the spot under the power of that Great Dao, endless time and space. In the long river of fate, they were completely obliterated by the power of the Great Dao.

The master of his own family did not directly target the saint of mention, and hit him hard, which is already pretty good.

"Master, where are you going?"

After the thoughts in Qing Xuan's heart gradually subsided, he asked.

Hearing that, a smile appeared on Taishang's indifferent face, glanced at the north, and said, "Go north, go to the human race!"

"Yes, sir!"

After knowing the direction ~www.ltnovel.com~Qing Xuan continued to move forward, but the speed was still not fast, and he moved slowly.


As time passed, more than a thousand years passed.

Qingxuan had already carried Tai Shang to the Human Race Holy Land, but they didn't go, just fell in a small mountain range near the human race holy land trillions of miles away.

Taishang enlightened on one of the peaks, and Qingxuan was ‘freedom’.

Above a certain mountain peak.

Taishang flipped his hand, a cyan light flashed, and then he saw a Lingbao with the appearance of a seal appearing in his hand.

Above the seal, there is the Kowloon Crossing New Zealand, and the jade dragon coiling around. Under the seal, there is an engraved Dadao Fulu'Kongtong'.



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